Su-27 lower br to 12.7 in ARB

not really? depends on the phantom. some could get 9L and stay 12.0

R-24Rs are incredible missiles until u actually use it and u get only 2 of them. and r60ms are useless.
sounds so unfair to me

Its really fine at 13.0, if anythinng it should move to 13.0 in sim.

I’d only talk about FGR.2 and F-4J(UK) as there are in game hidden presets of 9L for them but never was added for audience because when they were 11.3 it could be a bit broken to see them against flareless jets.

But nowdays they can face either 13.0 or 11.0 which shouldn’t cause issues because 9L are still easily flarable they aren’t as good as they were since nerfs, and they aren’t and IRCCM missile to make them stupidly broken.

They would be simply similiar equivalent to R-60Ms

really m8 ?

They are always guaranteed 2 kills if u use them right.

And R-60M aren’t useless if u actually shoot them rear aspect especially against un-aware Base bombers, or even F-14s since they engines after bruner is so hot missiles don’t usually give a mind about if he drops flare or not.

Yes they aren’t phenomenal if enemy is using flares so it’s an other missile that’s not IRCCM on this BRs.

Also u don’t take in mind that Both those MiGs accelerate really fast, and version of MLD have actually decent RWR as well workable radar, because ones in ML are just serviceable, they aren’t great but u are able to work with it since u have missiles that will do most of the work anyways.

Idk I don’t have issues in flaring both of those missiles, just drop few flares turn off after burners and don’t fly cold to them.

F-15A performance at 12.7? NO!
Get good.

aim9ls are so much better than r60ms. they have better seeker, good range , good flare Flame resistant than r60m.

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Haha, no

And R-60’s aren’t the best missiles it carries, so you can’t base your whole argument about it.

yep idk about mig23ml but mig23mld can carry r73

Probably not, and you can’t use the R-73 to it’s potential without “Schkval” HMS and a PD radar, let alone below aspect IRST.

wdym its a IR missile.

I mean range yes, but higher the range the easier it gets defeated by flares.

I’d shot off R-60Ms under 1.5 km making them very hard to dodge and because they are 30G missiles unlike AIM-9G on British Phantoms that can pull max of 18G, The R-60Ms can actually pull out to enemy and not simply not being able to reach.

That’s why I said 9L it’s similiar to R-60Ms I didn’t neccessary used that it’s worse, but similar they both are 30G, they have their strenghts and weaknesses such a 9L doesn’t get “Jump-Start” from rail like R-60Ms but trades the range for it etc.

After all it’s still IR missile and if u are know what u do u can avoid them completely Or in the opposite make them deadly.
Positioning yourself it’s just a key with both of those missiles.

Imma call it a day, since there’s not much else what either me or u can say about it.

Off-boresight locking abilities for one, which is hard to in low altitude fights (bad radar) and IRST which is below nose.

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I agree, UK jets are in need of this, but not say, F-4S. I’d also like to see the FG.1 drop to 11.7 and not receive 9Ls so that there is a difference between FG.1 and FGR.2

That’s what I would like to see also since FG.1 didn’t carried 9L only FGR.2 and F-4J UK.

I never ever tought that somebody ever would think that F-4S in it’s state would need Aim-9L like those British fellas needs.

F-4S it’s overall good plane since everything on it it’s decent or good.

While on British ones not quiet straight forward especially F-4J since it’s straight downgrade from FGR.2, even worse RWR alongside Engines.

Both have R-24 and all aspect R-60M/R-60MK

Aim9G is a rear aspect only missile with a delay in tracking time off the rail they do not pull anywhere near the G the R-60 does.

Aim9L are still very easy to flare having no IRCCM but would allow Phantoms to have a missile that can be used all aspect or higher off boresite

how many times do i have to tell aim9ls are so much better than r60ms and nothing will change untill they fix this BR issues.