Su-27 lower br to 12.7 in ARB

As someone who loves the Su-27, it feels dumb that it can get uptiered to the Eurofighter and Rafale, which are both aircraft that out-class the flanker by a large margin, and the current BR makes it nearly impossible to get kills to progress from the worse missiles to the long-range 27ET and ER missiles. Having the aircraft at 12.7 or raising the top br to decompress 13,0 could counter the issues of facing aircraft that outclass the flanker in nearly every way (the su-33 can be bundled in with this problem as it too lacks fox-3).

Edit: After further reading, I have come to the conclusion that the max BR needs to be raised to 15.0 so the 13br bracket can be decompressed.

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So you can seal club my f5ECU with python 3 and aim9p at 11.3 with 30CMs lol?

Edit: I just realized I used GRB BR, you’re already one of the ones seal clubbing me xD

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Sadly this is the case with mane 12.7 aircraft and some 13.0, but lowering them evn just 0.3 or 0.4 in BR would make them super powerhouses, even in slight down-tiers.


They need to decompress BRs by raising it so 13.0s that suffer don’t have to, or even Gaijoobles just revising the BRs and moving some jets and props around could fix it


Indeed, lofting max BR to 15.0 should be a good start i think

12.3 puts it at the same BR range as the F-4S and Tornado F.3…

Even with a crap Radar the Su-27 massively outclasses thedes airframes. With its flight performance and payload


F4F ICE should be down too then

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no… lol. you have 10 missile points, 6 of the best SARHs in the game and 4 of the best IR missiles… you do not need a br reduction you need to learn how to play in an uptier


Sure, you get the best SARH missiles, but you can’t get to them because you get dumpstered by ARH and 14.0

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And reside at the same BR as the Mig-29A, with 1/4 of the effectice missile payload and less flares, a worse radar, no IRCCM…
Are you alright?

Radar still way better than F-4S

The f4 ICE should be moved to 12.7 along with the mig 29’s if the su 27 is going to 12.7 lmao

Fox 3 slingers should not be lower than 13.0.

Decompress up, not down.


And what about the F14’s? their at 12.7 with fox 3’s.

Then move F16A (9L only) to 12.3 to make it more fair :P (surely a downtier wont just be a curb stomp right?)

Phoenixes and Falkors may be Fox 3s technically, but they do not have the impact that modern Fox 3s have.

Blame gaijin, they’re terrible BR system is to be blamed.

I know, im just telling an example, and only if the su 27 is being moved down, I believe its at a good br as it is right now.

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This is one of typical the Russia suffer thread as always.
SU-27 at 12.7 because of their suffering lol

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