Su-25's rudder is a detriment. Was it like this in real life?

it screws up your stall shots, it makes your plane nose around frantically making it impossible to aim, it makes defensive flying an absolute chore and makes you bleed insane amount of speed while throwing off your trajectory. Is it this bad in real life?

Make a bug report and GayJin will make this a top priority to correct, in order to ensure Russia stays strong…

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How are you using it?

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I’m assuming you use pointer aim controls. The instructor is kind of shit at operating more than a few planes in a way that is ideal for combat. The BTD-1 constantly sways instead of leveing out after any rolling, just as another example.

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well the su25 has a yaw compensator that prevents rolling over when using the rudder. It sits on top of it and moves to the opposite direction, which really throws your aim because it makes your plane nose upwards and to the opposite side making stall shots really hard to perform.