Su-17M4, Su-22M4 in the German and Russian Tech Trees

cross compatibility is the word

Sources is the other word

You have to prove its cross compatible

its a Kh-25 for gods sake.
theyre all built on the same platform

No sources = never going to happen

well ur a tough nut arent ya

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btw anyone have this book?

Reported this a couple months ago

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2 secondary sources

quite enough as proof wouldnt you say hehe

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yep, saw ur report. got with dontkev and added to his list

And another for the Kh-25MR

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i wonder how the Vyuga pod’s functionality will be modelled… both in 3rd person and cockpit view

I don’t know much about how it works

AFAIK, the cockpit gets a lil instrument panel thingy with a few lights and button (replaces TV screen) and the pilot aims and fires based on that

R-13M missiles for the Su-17/22




Kh-59L/T AGM for Su-17/22


extra source

EDIT: Kh-59L was not put into service even by russians


Other source that could be useful are

A 101/1/129.- Flugzeug Su-22M4, Gefechtseinsatz

A 101/1/128.- Flugzeug Su-22M4, Steuertechnik und Navigation

I have no idea what is in them though, as they are in the German state archive and I cannot access it. There is also no pdf of them online, as far as I could find. One would have to go there in person.

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while reading the sources, i found the fabled Su-22M5.

An upgraded version of the Su-22M4 which, by my understanding, was never undertaken. but there actually WAS 1 prototype!
and here is the cockpit for it!



I have only seen one report about countermeasures for the Su-17m4. Does anyone have any more information about additional countermeasures for the Su-17m4? (I use Google Translate.)


great find! this is the first im hearing of it which is a surprise to me

ill definitely try this report again because who says no to more countermeasures right?

Collection of Su-17/22M4 pics with extra countermeasures




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From the pictures you sent, I see that the Su-17M4 wing slat can be deployed without opening the flap
, but in game it is not possible yet. I think it would be good if you send more reports about wing slat.
If I’m wrong, I apologize.