Su-17M4, Su-22M4 in the German and Russian Tech Trees


The Fitter’s Guided Weapons Arsenal

Disclaimer: this is not a suggestion, I’m simply asking for help making these bug reports since missing weapons don’t get suggested, they get reported instead

I don’t know about you guys but its been a while since I’ve really seen the Su-17/22M4 really being put to use in GRB. I believe that

  1. Its a hidden gem BUT
  2. Has a high skill cap AND
  3. Does not have its maximum Combat capability

What do I mean exactly?
Read on…

The Su-17/22M4 is the latest in the line of the Fitter family. Serving as the most modern variant of the 17/22s, it is also the top CAS aircraft for the 11.0 Battle rating. For the nations that use this aircraft and the nations that use it but don’t have it added yet in game,

  • Poland
  • Vietnam
  • Yemen
  • Afghanistan
  • Bulgaria
  • Czechoslovakia
  • Ukraine

…It is in their interest to see this aircraft use the weaponry it was capable of using.
Once again, i am making it clear it is the M4 variant i am talking about.

Summary of changes

Pylon: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------12----3----4---------5----6----7----8

Screenshot (176)
Screenshot (177)

  • Addition of 1 x KAB-500L Laser Guided bombs on pylons 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
  • Addition of 1 x KAB-500Kr TV Guided bombs on pylons 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
  • Addition of 1 x Kh-59L Laser Guided AGM on pylons 4 and 5
  • Addition of 1 x Kh-59T TV Guided AGM on pylons 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Addition of 1 x Kh-29TE TV Guided AGM on pylons 4 and 5 (same as 29T but longer range(same size and dimensions))
  • Addition of 1 x KH-25MT TV Guided AGM on pylons 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
  • Addition of 1 x Kh-25ML on pylons 3 and 6
  • Addition of 1 x R-60/M/MK on pylons 1 and 8
  • Addition of 1 x R-13M/M1 on pylons 1, 3, 6, 8
  • Addition of 1 x S-5K rocket pods on pylons 4 and 5
  • Addition of 1 x BetAB-500ShP rocket boosted concrete piercing bomb on pylons 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
  • Addition of 4 x ASO-2V countermeasure dispensers on the lower tail side giving us 128 more countermeasures for a total of 396

All these weapons have been or could be carried by the Su-17/22M4 as you will see by the sources attached and if more information is needed, you shall find it in the comments as well.

Compatible Pylons

I have reason to believe not only that the Kab-500L/Kr and Kh-25 could be carried on the outermost wing pylons but also the under fuselage pylons (where Kh-29T can be carried) as well as the innermost wing pylons.

My reasoning: these pylons are also wired for guided weapons and A-G missiles.

Picture sources/extracts from books


Encyclopaedia of modern military aircraft

The Encyclopaedia of modern warplanes



^At 1:03 the rocket boosted bomb is seen meaning it was in GDR inventory


Yes please… Germany really needs something at that br for cas… no targetting pod laser missiles does not cut it either… kh 29te missiles are necessary as at 11.0 you face tor m1, tunguska, osa akm, strela 10m1/2…

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Tor M1 and HQ-17 and waaaaay undertiered for any semblence of balance tbh, this is something that needs to change

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I have the su-17m4 and 13km is enough for me, the su-25t also has kh-29t

theres also an IR guided Kh-25MT-II which could be carried

but it was even moreso a prototype than the Kh-25MT(TV guided) so idk if gaijin would be willing to add it

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when there are aircraft with 6 IR guided mavericks at 11.0 including laser guided bombs…

it makes one want more of a battlefield presence

You should make this into a bug report

yes i want help on this since its a lot of weaponry thats missing

That’s not great reasoning

mb i forgot to mention: the manufacturer (Sukhoi) state that they can be used on the aircraft

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one of the most useful things is in fact NOT the extra TV or laser guided missiles… but the rocket boosted bombs.

I already use the 29T as a TGP to set my SPI for CCRP drops and a rocket boosted bomb would reach those points sooner giving enemies less time to react

(useful bcz gaijin is more likely to be convinced to adding them(they can also be added to the Mig-23BN (as shown in the video)))

You need hard evidence it can carry 6, not just assuming based on wiring of other guided weapons. At best you could assume maybe maximum 2x KAB-500Kr’s, same pylons as the Kh-29T’s. But even then, hard evidence needed.

And no KAB-500L’s, because they’d only be able to be used with “Buddy-Lasing”, which isn’t an ingame mechanic.

They’re not rocket boosted like you’re thinking off, like the AASM 250’s. They have a drag parachute that aligns them towards the ground as they slowly descend. When they’re falling vertically, the rocket booster activates, accelerating them into the ground at high speed.

thats how its usually done yk
only pylons with the wiring to accept and send information for guided weaponry can take other guided weaponry

Su-17/22M4 have inbuilt laser designator and the yemenis and polish? used them on their Su-17/22m4s to guide the Kab-500L

i know what they are, if you see how they act in the video, ykw ill link it here 4 u

youll see how they ignite the booster mere seconds after deployment

Wiring for one guided weapon doesn’t necessarily mean wiring for every guided weapon.

Which can’t gimbal enough to self-designate for laser guided bombs. At best, could only be used for buddy lasing other planes dropping KAB-500L’s.

  • The pylons that take the Kh-29T can take the 29TE (obv) and the Kab-500Kr (obv)
  • The pylons that take the Kh-29T can also take the Kh-25ML (as seen in game and i have the aircraft manual that proves it)
  • The pylons that take the Kh-25ML hence are also wired for the other Kh-25MT and MTP

also one pylon is still missing its Kh-25s (pylons 3 and 6)

thats a limitation i am well aware of and well prepared to work around. we will need to dive to maintain painting the target but thats still better than an unguided bomb

Only the hull pylons, not the wing pylons. The wing ones are wired only for the Kh-25ML’s.

You still need to prove that.

even if thats the case, there are other changes that are listed that would still make it a much better strike aircraft than it is now.

The Su-17/22 was the top of the line Attacker for the Soviets and their WP allies. With the most modern technology for its time. its just sad it doesnt get the same status in WT

Not a source.