Stop. Removing. Sniper. Positions. From. Long. Range. Maps

Map Abandoned factories
Tanks I play Challenger 2E
Tanks i up against T-80BVM
yeah, i have NO chance against them.
but if map like
Big Fulda
or big maginot line
yeah, i have my chance against them


Id absolutely ADORE the chance for me and friends to play our Black Prince’s in the way that thing was designed to be used, Assaulting Towns, and villages, using its immense armor to just shrug off enemy fire and push into important positions.

HELL imagine using A heavy tank push like that to root out a Squadron of Tank Destoryers providing overwatch for a town, previously knocking out a armored push.

KINDA like The Movie Fury, that assault on the hedge line full of Pak-40s, But with Heavy tanks and Something like Jagdpanthers or Jagdpanzer IVs.

This also would help give a place for some of the Recon tanks that Gajin don’t want to add due to them not having a place. Like the Luchs.


Give us the Luchs.

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Yes please! I’d love to have something like this available in WT.

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No sniping allowed.
Barrel touching is a must.


Yeah you could have a mechanic like setting up a spawnpoint or lets say you have to capture a nearby trainstation which then lets you spawn the otherwise too slow really heavy stuff that would struggle with the extreme distances on such maps. you would need proper tools for commanders to call out pushes of sneaky enemies like marking enemy positions in treelines where they try to ambush your replenish routes and you would have to find those positions with counterrecon. that gamemode could be so much more tactical than armored call of duty that we have now

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maginot line and big maginot line is now the full CQC map thanks to the last update the middle part terran changed and easy to reach the spawn camping houses key point between the small hills… basically as i see the mappers and/or roadmap writer work hard to destroy the old map concepts and create more can**r and worst map design than before… basically i give up to play with top tier tanks because two type of game exist: try to survive in the middle of the field where no cover or CQC maps… boring and harmfull…


the thing is in gajins team are smart people when it comes to coding models/balistics/graphics/physics but they aboslutly lack imagination how create an enviroment/setting where all this models have thier role. The stupidity is easy to illustrate: in a competetion place 1 sumo together with 1 judoka in a locked toiled and expect each time a different outcome despite the fact its clear who will win all the time. Insteat changing the location of the fight they keep creating more sumos and judokas…


damn i already want to buy more sumos…oh wait did u just snail me with ur imagination?

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every map needs 2 or three power positions where you need to rush in a capable tank abusling those with short reload and wipe half the enemy team. if your team doesnt do that or at least pressures those positions you might as well just leave 2 minutes in trying to go for a differen approach. it is what it is

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Their concepts artists show that they are more than capable of creating beautiful war inspired settings, but when it comes to map design they are the most creatively bankrupt people. Both Attica and North Holland are extremely safe in their design, just imagine if Battlefield 1 maps were all pristine towns and landscapes. This is War Thunder not a Fisher Price game. Maps should be gritty, war torn and most importantly, well designed.


Or they are just too lazy. Look at Flanders man. That man is SO Lazy in its design, One side is just trenches, the other is flat terrain with no cover.

And don’t even get me started on the fuckery that is the Armored train and such, they copy and pasted the thing over from Enlisted, but they couldn’t even do THAT right.


What we are trying to say is that it is not possible for the game not to have sniper locations, or to be small maps because not all vehicles are proximity, I play Italian, and top tier most are centauro, vbc, dart, freccia, kfir and AAs, how am I going to engage like this? and the main tanks do not have reactive armor. So yes, there has to be a big map, a small map, with sniper locations. Just as it is in my favor it will be against too.


Well in way early times of tanks CBT game had AI tanks and emplacments like AT guns.

But then community cried about it that people do not focus on objectives but kill AI. Plus game was way slower due to suspension being very bouncy on all tanks. This was also a complain for people because game was “too slow”.

Gajin just removed everything and we ended up in state we are now.


Oh, didn’t know this dumpster fire was still ongoing.

We need 1kmx1km postage stamp maps with no flanking routes so only heavy tanks can do well :)

Oh please, Heavy Tank’s are the worst off due to the changes, Alot of them are made for engagements at range, Especially post War Allied stuff.

In that era the Mediums were meant to be the close up Knife fighters, while the Heavy tanks took pot shots from long range with uber powerful guns.

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Also Why TF do we still not have this little thing? All they need to do is give it the Late war HVAP with around 60mm of penetration, and it would be a evil little machine.


Some of them even had Smoke grenade’s and such to give it a bit of a edge.

We already have the SLF IC, which is basically just a early Luch’s prototype hull, with a 50mm on it.

It fully depends on the heavy tank.

The T26E5, Jumbo, Kv-1s and the Churchills are not good at long range, meanwhile the T34, Tiger II H, and a few others are much better at longer ranges.

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If people come to WT and want to play Duplo, well then they should play Duplo instead.

It seems Gaijin doesn’t have a vision for this game or lost it. It caters just statistics. That’s why we have this map design nowadays. The people who are behind these design processes don’t play the game on top tier i guess.
And the moderators here who play the game aren’t the developers btw. They probably wish but the endword comes from the Gaijin HQ.

The only logical step would be: The higher the BR the bigger the map because the combat distance gets bigger the higher BR you have. Give people all opportunities to play many playstyles on the maps (Sniping,Brawling,Flanking).
And of course the Meta will shift to long range combat engagements in the long term because tanks do that IRL as well. Everything else is just unrealistic Tank Disneyland.

People nowadays still sitting at the edge of the map and still snipe even if its almost impossible. Made the gameplay even more annoying for the player who snipes and even more annoying for the player who got shot.

And again smart people still sit on the edge of the map. It changed NOTHING. The only thing it changed the people got annoyed so in the end it was a really bad design decision. I stopped playing for like 10 Month because of this. Just saying.

I don’t want to play Abandoned Factory, Alaska or small Ardennen with T-90M, Abrams or Leopard2.


Lol 64vs64 verhicles is not like “Hell Let Loose” were 90% are infantry fighting. I see the battle end in 2 min because the map size and long waiting time to join a battle.

Custom battle is possible 64vs64 because you don’t spend tickets to spawn but in ARB/GRB need tickets to spawn.