Stop. Removing. Sniper. Positions. From. Long. Range. Maps

rarely saw this happen. Once B was obtained it was pretty much game over. Especially if you were on the side (southern?) with the (mostly) intact buildings. Allowed that team to snipe any enemy making a go for B. They had 3 corners to hide behind.

No, just depend the team. This map was not perfect but still much better than most of the stupid urban maps added in the las 5 years. At the least people fight for obtain B (the middle of the map) for win the battle and not like trash maps like american desert, cargo, alaska, sun vity, abandoned town etc etc where is just a 5 minutes of CQC and spawn camping.


I like the maps that do have a cap you need to fight for.

But this particular map, IMO favors one side over the other as described above. Guestimating from battles there, the “south” side wins 7 out of 10 times when teams are relatively equal.

Sorry, but thats not true.

Have to agree to disagree then…

I miss going up there…

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Wasn’t half the fun of the game finding such places?


Yes, i really really miss all of that, was hella fun doing so


I love that spot in my Rooikat, Was so much fun.

It wasn’t even THAT overpowered, Anyone who was a decent shot could root you out of there pretty easily, But well… Have you seen the quality of gunnery from German and Russian main’s under like 10.0? Those guys can’t hit a broadside of a Maus at 100m.


tanks are not supposed to go head first into engagement but to shoot while staying at a distance, for example german and italian tanks after ww2 were designed to be “defensive” aka to stay put in a sniping spot and shoot the enemies (for example leopards) (that’s why they also didn’t have stabilizers until the '80s)
only soviet tanks are for the doctrine of “hurrah!!!”
NATO tanks are for the doctrine of “hulldown sniping”

removing sniping spots that allow for spawncamping min 1? very good
removing all sniping spots ? not good

we need bigger maps with better elevations and design.

All things said, i still love the game and i want to see it prosper more than is prospering now, also because is the game i played the most, with almost 5k hours. That’s also why i, and people like me, are sometimes very ““angry”” when changes that can harm the fun of the game are implemented


I want more rural maps than urban maps. Give me a medium-sized rural map over any medium/large city map.


i suggested a US East coast Map based around the City of Roanoke, Virginia a WHILE ago.

Or maybe one based around Pittsburg, During WW2 so you have all kinds of random intermediate production tank’s and stuff that are half built. since that was the headquarters of Baldwin Locomotive works, Who built ALOT of Sherman’s and stuff, they even designed the M6 heavy.

on the Roanoke map, Its a Railroad town, it has a MASSIVE railyard and such, But also is in the mountains of Virginia, It is quite rual, and in the 40s and 50s wasn’t that built up, so it would make a great Rural City combo map.

Yeah those famous battles in mainland USA …

we have a massive rail yard battle already.

How about some battle zones that were actually battle zones like Arnhem. Imagine trying to push yourself over that bridge

Im tired of battles set in places that never saw a days fighting It will be Disneyland next I am sure the kids on here will love that.

How about Normandy where we land on the beaches?
or Baghdad for top tier? Places that were battle zones and make them relevant to the tier that is playing them.


I would love a map that has a large bridge as a feature, large enough for tanks to fight it out with each other trying to get across, as opposed to the dinky doo bridges we have now that barely fit 1 tank abreast.


i normally dont like cqc fighting with tanks but a baghdad map set during the battle of bahgdad would be both historical and awesome to see

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Ah yes, Those famous battles in 50’s Alaska, and In the 1950s American desert, and with King Tigers and Pershing’s in the Pacific.

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Insert BattleTanx: Global Assault - Tower Bridge mission.

Any map based on actual terrain would probably be better than most of the maps we have right now.

Maps also need a remote probability of a tank battle occurring there. On many maps, tanks wouldn’t even get near the objective without heavy infantry support.

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Yes, less of those please : )

Think u get sniping bonus after 1km range… in game technics… but most maps even high tier struggle to have even that distance from spawn to spawn if i color story abit. Not far fetched. Its kinda sad… Specially very small maps are usually so sad.