Please do not accuse me of that. I am not asking for any map changes, I just want good map changes to be done.
I have seen more people cry about map changes (that aren’t even that bad) than people cry about maps being too large, or being flanked. Look in the mirror.
Sorry then but that was my first impression.
Good map changes im up for them just not like that not removing/cuting/red zoning places instead of accualy working on how to change them this all changes is half assed way to just do something for the sake of doing without any thinking about how it will impact gameplay/battle flow/one side advantage/etc - reworks is what is needed and game balance as a whole.
Long range combat i actually like a challenge of it, and flanking is so much fun if you goal is not just to drive the side of map to enemy spawn
Spawn camping is a issue and always will be since maps are just to small. Also the spawn protection we have now mechanic is worthless.
Blockquote If whole team sat there than its easy win for other side.
Except no. That’s how good those spots were. The entire team didn’t go there because it was bad, they went there because it was a busted spot.
Blockquote If some players sat there without doing anything useful they should let them sit there if they wont. Its their loss.
If people sit there and do nothing, it should make no difference if the spot is there or not. If they aren’t helping the team, removing it benefits the team by making people be useful.
Blockquote Point is those spots could be used to gain advantage in main target of the game which is terrain control. Without terrain control one team cannot capture and keep cap point(s) long enough to win. And since average WT players have tactical/situational awareness of dead cat they removed those spots.
Point is, those spots offered too much terrain control. If one side has an advantage over the entire game over one spot, it needs to be changed. I mean, if WT players have poor tactics and awareness, they’re actively working for a smarter player base by shaking things up. If the old tactic doesn’t work, make a new one.
I know it sucks, and sometimes they change maps in bad ways, but I believe these were good changes. Obviously some people disagree, and that’s okay. I do still think though, there’s some more maps that need to be changed, some that lack terrain and some that still have too much.
I think you are taking a comment too seriously, especially one that isn’t even wrong. Sniping is incredibly boring with how it is currently done in WT.
Saying that WT isn’t a sniping game is just a fact, it isn’t built around sniping, and sniping isn’t done well either.
I removed the comment BC I read some of your other responses. Frankly surprised to find a reply. I came back to check and to remove the comment BC after a night of sleep I felt it was too harsh and hyper critical and over reactive. I will endeavor to be more reasonable. A life long challenge for me personally. Thanks for the reply.
tf is a sniping spot. its nothing but tanks brawling in close-quarter combat. Bring them back what a silly thing to say. But fr I do think they should change it back or at least maps that for no reason have enemy spawn in the most perfect spot to snipe your spawn from their spawn when you cant even see them.
Saying it is not is bullshit.
It is whatever the player wants it to be and Anton the creator of the game even said so.
I did not agree with the hate and pack mentality the Moderator received for expressing an opinion but I hate to see the freedom removed from the game and the tactical choices that went with it.Nobody on here should determine how others play.
It was never strong to begin with it, out of my 1000 hours into this game, I have not once died to someone sitting on that hill. In fact, I’ve taken out more people trying to use that awful spot. You have no cover and you skyline so bad that anyone can see you instantly.
I still feel like we need better maps that reflect the BR you are playing, that is just basic game design, and Gaijin failing to meet those expectations just adds insult to injury, same with the butchering of maps that nobody asked for and seems to be accountable for.
It’s weird to me that they add the air maps, and instead of using the huge air maps and putting in playable areas for say ground RB like they used to, they make another map which are usually close to existing ground maps
They kinda do that with the BR limit system, but even then, there are some really questionable choices. For example, any of the super large maps are only for 9.7+, which bars many tanks from seeing them, despite those tanks being capable of long range fighting.
Other maps that have BR issues:
American desert-is a 5.0+ map, should be only available below 6.7
Test site 2271 is quite bad beyond 8.0
Seversk also shouldn’t be available above 8.0
Japan should be cut off below high tiers
Volokolamsk should be available 3.7+ instead of 3.7-6.7
Breslau should have a Br range of 5.0+ not 6.7+. It’s a WWII style map you only get playing cold war tanks.
I can’t speak for top tier, but the map rotation around 7.7-8.3 is just awful.
Agreed, top tier map rotation is complete rubbish and that alone made stop playing ground.
I love some small maps like American Desert and Rhine, they feel pretty balanced and engaging, but that is as far as it goes. The rest of the rotation is one of the most calamitous, destitute, horrendous experience in online gaming I have been subject to.
Stupid map like these should exist only in AB not RB that stand for “realistic battle” at this point no map are suitable for any tier range
where do you get these idea from that people even like it?
rarely saw this happen. Once B was obtained it was pretty much game over. Especially if you were on the side (southern?) with the (mostly) intact buildings. Allowed that team to snipe any enemy making a go for B. They had 3 corners to hide behind.