Stop blaming USA top tier win rates on player skill

oh no thats just the highest ive seen, not the lowest

you think these people care? 3bm 60 is at 10.0 3bm42 is at what 9.7? B.R rating

Bro does not want to count team and covers his kill stats with khalid lmfao strategy

And M322 exists at 9.7, so what ?


Small frontal engagement maps and penetration relationships can prove Abrams is bad immediately, for there aren’t that much advantage to be obtained by its mobility and turret traverse *count traverse damage a super disadvantage on survivability, though many players would ignore combat logic and go for stats

The abrams isnt as fast as people say it is, it start up slow as hell
the M1 is fast but everything after it is just average medium tank speed

T-90A’s only advantage is sights + 3BM60.
T-72M2 has TAPNA, not 3BM46, plus you almost never see it, similarly to the UM2.
The 3 above mentioned tanks have a plethora of disadvantages, and are not comparable to the M1A1.

As for 3BM42 penning the right turret cheek, if you’re not facing them, and they shoot you, you’re already supposed to be dead, they only messed up and shot the cheek instead of the turret ring. They also rarely kill you through the cheek.


Mhm. M829A1 at 10.3. M322 at 9.7. M900 at 10.3. KE-W at 10.0.


Angle a pike nose; easy penetration.

Unangle a tiger; easy penetration.

And so on.

It’s like complaining about being shot and killed from the side.

so what ur saying that USSR main when face the m1a1 are not good enough to know the weakspot of a weak tank, got it
TAPNA can still pen the A1
M829A1 at 10.3 on a sad af chasis, M900 at 10.3 on a tank that has 30mm thick armor, as for M322 i have no comment because i dont play israel
but 2s25m also weak no? Nah 3bm60 better than m900, faster reload, better manuverability, lower profile

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The M1A1 is not weak. This is purely a skill issue.

Yes, TAPNA can pen the M1A1. So can M829A1 vs T-90A, T-72M2, and T-80UM2. Not to mention the other disadvantages of said tanks.

3BM60 on a tank with 30mm of armor.



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faster, better 30mm armor 3bm60

i dont recall M829 can frontally pen those(and of course there is weakspot) but recall to what i said the M1A1 is basically a giant weakspot like how 3bm42 can frontally pen and turret face pen the M1A1, not to mentions that it face uptier more than a down tier and i dont think it has gen 2 thermal hmmm

9/10 arguement lead to this quote, why im i even suprise

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3bm 42 should neer be able to penetrate the turret of the m1a1 since it cant penetrate the m1ip


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already have a bug report on that but its been quite a while

WASTING YOUR time with bug reports, they dont care about the u.s tech tree for tanks. they haven’t even fixed the M735 yet.

what else can we do other than trying to complain up to fix it
its been 7 months since the one i said
4 years for the merks
and bunch of abrams thats going to be 2 yrs old now

kd of 1

While this is true, you have a plethora of advantages over them. Their only advantage is armor profile, keep that in mind.


Just do what everyone else does, give them a bad review on steam and down vote them. Once gaijin said " they dont believe the Abrams had D.U hulle armor or that M8293 could penetrate russian ERA " i stopped taking them seriously as well as the obvious russian tanks that don’t explode when you hit the ammo carousels, and how russian tanks / spaas are always at lower BRs than everyone elses tanks.

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