Hot take incoming, keep your panties in a bunch
Guys for the love of god stop auto responding to questions about USA win rates with “It’s just the horrible Click-Bait and AIM players”! First of all this is not a valid argument to the question as this response is a Hasty Generalization of AIM and Click-Bait players, and second if this was true why have Russian win rates not plummeted with the release of the T-80UE1? Now do I believe that some of it is player skill yes, yes I do. But there is no doubt another reason USA win rates are low and that my friends is the Abrams itself.
The reason why it’s also an issue with the Abrams itself is that I will see players absolutely dog on people with the Leclerc, Merkavas, and the T series but they get smashed into the ground when playing the Abrams. This is not a normal thing to happen. Now do I know what that reason is? No, but I’m sure as hell gonna try and find out.
Before I end this I want to say, please be nice to one another in the comments and not to take this too seriously cause in reality it’s just a bunch of pixels on a screen.
It’s that simple. Whenever I doubt my abilities or the abilities of my teammates, I simply jump into my T55AM-1 (BR 8.7), enjoy the (of course non-existent) Russian bias and the miraculously much better teammates. Afterwards you feel much better again.
You can only have a similar experience with the Germans with a full 12.7 lineup (and of course with the luck of not being matched with the Americans).
So the Abrams is bad then?
You have a 38% WR in the M1A1 Aim… is this some subliminal “Abrums bad” post by anychance?
(ignore the khalid cos it decided to open up when i screenshotted)
And a 47% WR in the Clickbait.
I’m lost.
From a Leopard player’s perspective, Abrams is definitely my favorite opponent. I’m not counting Ariette.
Is that really that bad for top tier US though?
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That fact the guy got statchecked to respond to the thread is just typical.
Winrate is more to do with the team than individual skill anyway.
I aiming to criticise OP at all, I was just confused if he was complaining about the tank or the players who use it
I think its a decent WR, but it does depend on your team
Well, I don’t think Abrams issues are completely due to team. But I’d be lying if I said teams had nothing to do with it.
47% is pretty damn good for top tier US imo
I do believe Click-Bait is the most popular 11.7 premium as it’s the best 11.7 tank in the game. It’s basically like SEP but with gen1 thermals that’s a single BR step below for some reason.
Premium T-80 and 2A4 aren’t great and can’t hold a candle to their 12.0 counterparts, making players choose other premiums like 10.7 2A4 or T-80UD/2S38.
Also, 12.0 US MBTs don’t really offer anything new or special, so people that can switch to playing other nations probably did just that. This certainly made a lot of veterans to switch from US, causing average skill level to drop down.
That being said, M1s definitely aren’t 30% WR worthy tanks and player skill definitely plays a role in that.
Some of those made me actually laugh out loud.
The response will go away when it stops holding true.
Oh boy, gotta love it when your first refutation of it is “b-but it’s X fallacy!” without any reason as to why.
T-72AV TURMS-T, enough said.
I dont think they are nearly as popular.
US suffers from it popularity. They sold the abrams which is the most well-known, popular mbt in the world. It got flooded by everyone because of that.
Same issue that the late war german tanks have.
Honestly, someone should make a plugin for the forums that puts one up to fill out at the top, where you can fill it all out, submit it before the thread gets going, and if you can call bingo and have it verified you should get a point.
The players are absolutely the problem! There are FAR MORE clickbait and AIM players in top tier than any other tanks combined! And when American teams have an actual lineup of M1A2 players that know how to use the platform they can obliterate the enemy team.
stop blaming USA brother 50% of my team ODL 7 minutes in, and thats the highest ive seen
ngl this is funny as hell but i wouldn’t say im an America main, more of a Japan main (btw not taking offense to this just wanted to say)
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