As far as I can remember, the T-72AV TURMS-T has always had dysmal stats.
Lmao it did? It was able to be front penned by anything not shooting HEAT, and is all around terrible. The only good thing is the thermals
Watch out, he may use his last “flag” to flag your correct info. They’ve been doing that to posts I’ve corrected because they’re mad we have a point.
Fact of the matter is the USA team is the problem, not the tanks.
I would consider myself an average player, maybe slightly above average.
My win rates with the Abrams are abysmal.
My win rates with the Leopard 2s are great.
If I and others can perform averagely and still see such a difference in win rates, the issue cannot be the players.
It definitely can be a player issue, especially considering how WRs are mostly a team issue.
As a player that the German TT and grinding America with premiums the teams are not that bad anymore, maybe a year ago it was abysmal but i really don’t see why America mains complain now.
With the m1128 and a10+a Heli in my lineup i have a 62% win rate, and with the m1a1 AIM + F16A as CAS i still have a positive kd and 49% win rate (not even spaded yet).
Sure the teams are hot dog most of the time, but the vehicles are still good.
‘‘I took a bucket and scooped some water from the ocean, I ended up with one fish in my bucket and I must therefore conclude that there’s only one species of fish in the entire ocean.’’
Sample sizes of 1 always make for compelling arguments. /s
So how large of a sample do you think you actually need to begin to produce an accurate dataset?
It is the players tho, or else how do you explain the “fact” (in my experience America ain’t bad) that teams with worse vehicles than America at top tier perform better, not to mention the CAS America has access to.
America has trash SPAA and it’s harder to get into CAS both because the Abrams is inferior to the Leopards and the SP cost for American CAS is higher than for other nations.
I play all nations btw and I have seen an equal level of incompetence across the board.
The SPAA i can see, but how much more expensive is CAS?
I never noticed, always 2 kills and maybe an assist and i got a full CAS load on the F16.
Also most times when US is grouped with USSR it’s hard to win even when playing as Germany, as in they make a good combo.
I think the main issue is still people leaving early and not playing to win (new player behavior), even with just the M1A1 AIM and a plane at top tier (so 3 spawns if I’m lucky, no aa/support) i still got ~50% WR, I’m sure if i had a full lineup it would be even higher.
Typically I need to get 1-2 more kills or cap a point to get into the F-15E than I do the Eurofighter. Albeit these are recent releases and low win rates have plagued the US for a long time. I blame win rates more on the fact that the Abrams is paper and that the ADATS is only marginally better than the FlaRak Pz 1.
the entire player base if you can
Well yeah, the EF gets no FnF weapons, that’s precisely the reason it’s cheap, laser guided weapons are always cheaper, in fact the brimstones add just 30 SP cost on top of a CAP loadout, that’s how shit gaijin considers them to be.
The Abrams is as paper as the Leo 2a5 and 2a6, and the ADATS while bad is nowhere near Roland 3 levels lmao.
Atleast ADATS can Anti DAT Shit(if use correctly)
It does have FNF weapons. The LJDAMS do not need to be guided by laser.
This is some cope though holy shit.
LJDAMS without laser guidance is about as fire and forget as the GBU-39s.
While yes if you put it like that they do have FnF that’s not what everyone considers FnF, fire and forget means the munition is able to guide itself to it’s target by using it’s own sensor (TV/IR/MMW), so while yes a LJDAM can guide itself to GPS coordinates it can’t track targets.
I would say that the only “guided” weapon that is better than the jdam is the kh38