Stop blaming USA top tier win rates on player skill

The abrams have some problem itself as I already listed
But the amount of premium andys who play 3 matches at 1.0 br and decided to buy clickbait, kvt, wolfpack or f-4s are crazy high. They think that abrams are superior and unstoppable and they hop into the game and die instantly
But they wouldnt learn because they are level 3-30 players

how about this… Lets stop talking about win rates as its not an accurate representation of how any point of the game is going. The information doesnt come from gaijin and is just sourced from some of the replays.


Skills matter
No one play Italy but skilled players
US are like hordes of newbies and noobs who thinks their tank are invincible
Literally compare a noobs premium on german tech tree who play the 2A4M CAN vs a clickbait, the CAN wins all the time


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I think the issue is people taking the game way too seriously and worrying so much about what other people do.

Because some people want to win but their team is dog
even dog can get a kill but these premium mf cant


again, taking the game too serious

how is trying to win and complain about something taking the game too serious
are you one of the premium andys too?


you are complaining that you cant win and you are obviously very upset over it. You tie your ego to winning video games. If you not having fun play something else, being upset as much as you are about how other people play is very sad.


but fair enough ig

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Let’s assume people play the game for fun. Is it fun being one of 3 people actually putting up a fight while everyone else is just there to hand the enemies sp to spawn in cas? I don’t think so. I just stopped playing US top tier with the introduction of the clickbait. Not worth my time and not fun having to carry each and every match (and also impossible, I’m no god at the game)

I guess every half-decent player that has other nations in top tier just did the same. Saves your sanity. → Further increases the problem. But i guess 90% of people that remain playing it just remain in top tier US, rush cap, maybe get the rp, die and off to next match it is. One day You will have researched the tree doing that. What for you will never know.

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What was this post? it have 14 likes, so why is it hidden?

Yeah, but turms is actually bad


I mean if you want to play top tier with anactual team and you’re unfortunate to have picked US as your first nation unfortunately nowadays that’s what you have to do. Top tier US is a singleplayer horror adventure

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No ? it take time to play game and no one want their time and effort wasted on a meaningless lost. It is the most basic thing come to gaming and my man taking it as “people taking it too seriously”. My brother in christ , time is the only thing that you can’t buy for a reason

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Russia seems to be the new USA as of late.

Both have bad players, but USA has more new players.

The clickbait and aim aren’t bad by any means, but simply put, they need to be played correctly.

Tbh the whole 6.3 — 7.7 gap kinda it awful. There may a good tank or two… but that about it.

Yeah, occasionally you will get matched with experienced us players that push fast into positions and then use their good reload and mobility to get to the sides of frontally better armored vehicles. If you’re sitting back on city maps letting the enemy team take 80% of the map for free you’re doing it wrong. Letting the enemy (In T-series tanks) push into you frontally combined with not even contesting map control never produces good results. As expected.

But when you do get people that know how to play it-man you can stomp the enemy team before they even reach the middle of the map. (Similar with the fuji players- at least in my experience a lot of them actually do play around the weakness of having no armor and dont overextend like madmen or at least they take one or two with them. In the end they still only have one respawn max, no aa and no cas, but they dont die for free en masse)