Stop blaming USA top tier win rates on player skill

stop blaming USA brother 50% of my team ODL 7 minutes in, and thats the highest ive seen

ngl this is funny as hell but i wouldn’t say im an America main, more of a Japan main (btw not taking offense to this just wanted to say)

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Can someone break down what win rates are about? Why is it mentioned so much? Is it even important?

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i see the confusion of my post, but to clarify I’m more complaining on how people simply (from what I’ve seen) refuse to acknowledge the other factors to USAs low win rate and only acknowledge the individual player skill.

Idk if you think it was wrong for people to statcheck but I don’t personally mind and was expecting it for a post like this.

Ok, what do you think these factors are?

god I hate quoting myself, but I said in the original post that I don’t know. But I can say that the damage model is worse than most other top tier tanks (and I absolutely hate saying this because it’s a easy rebuttal against)

As in it is modelled incorrectly? “Damage model” can refer to lots of things

What I mainly mean is the turret ring is not modeled correctly, be that the turret ring is far too tall then what it is in real life. Also, the vertical drive constantly getting destroyed no matter where you get hit. But I do not think that the internal layout of components is wrong, just that in comparative it’s worse than other MBTs.

Stop citing player skill [win rates] when talking about top tier USA then.

If all you’re going to do is cite player skill [winrate], then you can’t demand others stop when you’re doing it yourself.

Win rate IS player skill, player skill IS win rate. Citing win rate is citing player skill.


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It’s not so much wrong to do it, but it’s wrong to do it at the outset, and just blatantly to shut down the discussion.

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Let’s be honest - most US players hold W, murder the first wave to cap, rush spawn and then get taken out while the enemy player is under spawn protection. The US players then get pushed back all the way to friendly spawn and ends in a match loss.

US was the first tree that I unlocked followed by GB and GER. I was shocked to find out that people that play top tier on GB and GER actually worked as a team.

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I used to hate the Abrams, but I’ma be real with you. It kinda rocks.

Recent fixes and changes have made the Abrams a pretty decent vehicle. While it’s no Leopard, it isn’t in hot water like the Merkava, Ariete, Leclerc, or Challenger. If you play the Abrams defensively with cover and only peak your turret while hiding your turret ring when engaging from hull-down areas, you can have massive success.

Also, the A-10C rocks.

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I’m on the fence with this one. You can be the most skilled player around but if your team has already left back to the hanger after dying once - it’s out of your control, you can influence the outcome, but at the end of the day 9 times out of 10 - your team is essential. However, if we call it a skill to not be a one-death piece of work with no line-up, then you’re 100% correct. That’s a skill I would care most about.


I disagree on this part.

Premium T80UE-1 can challenge 12.0 without too much issue, it has Gen2 thermals, Great armor and same gun handling as BVM minus gun elevation speed.

If Ariete and Challenger 2 can hold itself against 12.0’s im sure T80UE-1 can easily do the same.


That gun elevation speed is aggravating and will get you killed. K5 is good but your UFP will still be vulnerable to some rounds, so Relikt is a much better thing to have, especially with those bags on the side.

It also comes with 3BM46 only which isn’t ideal.

It can hold it’s own there but I do genuinely think it’s far less of a good buy than T-80UD at 10.3.
In my opinion it’s the 3rd best premium you can buy for USSR.


Here’s some profiles from four US premium players I had on my team:

Russian winrates roughly around 9.7 - 10.7 have been negative for years and years now.
TURMS-T, 2S38, BMP-2M and T-80UD specifically have truly awful winrates.

Click-Bait went on sale recently, T-80U-E1 and Leo 2A4M CAN did not as they are newer additions.

It is not.

M1A2 SEP is superior to the majority of MBT’s that other nations get, yet the statistics of the M1A2 fall well below those inferior vehicles.


Because if italian with that bad of a line up can archive above 50% winrate for years then the average American main must be able to some what match it right ? After all , USSR with the biggest playerbase still manage to get above 50%. And if the guy claiming it is not about player skill , then at least he have to had decent stats in other nation but he doesn’t


Just make f15e f16c at 13.0 ground, no more m1a1aim or clickbait at the top tier.