Stop blaming USA top tier win rates on player skill


A lot of people say a lot of things, you and me included, doesn’t mean it’s all true.

Sure he could be lying, or the people calling him out are salty that they lost an argument. I don’t agree with every point he makes (same is true the other way around probably), and if someone makes a good argument with decent proof that he is lying about X subject I would be inclined to accept that as a fact, but so far I really haven’t seen such arguments with solid proof.

Are you well?

Yes, as is the entire forum.
Back when matchmaker was Warsaw vs not Warsaw it made sense to grind Soviets as a necessity, but today you can grind any tech tree and queue up with your friends with that tech tree.

No wonder you suck at the game because you think the T80BVM/T90M good because it can go straight and people making the worst shot known to mankind result in the shell not penetrating. You don’t know how to play beside holding W, no wonder US WR is bad

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It could be even worse since the type 10 can reload faster than 3.2 seconds
Meanwhile the Type 10 has numerous armor holes coupled with a pretty terrible LFP
(insert funny picture of Bt-5 being able to pen LFP of Type 10 from 500 meters away)

The crashout over a forum thread


You are not entire forum


47% winrate right now.
Used to be in the mid/low 30%, so I honestly have no clue how you think the winrates have not changed.


Everything that isn’t a Leo 2A7V & Strv 122 struggles against the Leo 2A7V & Strv 122.

Yet somehow, those MBT’s such as Leclerc’s, Merkava’s, Ariete’s, Challenger 2’s, Challenger 3’s, Type 10’s, T-80BVM’s, T-90M’s, ZTZ-99A’s, VT4’s, Leo 2A6’s, etc. manage to do relatively fine -stats wise.

T-90M gets curbstomped by M1A2 (SEP)'s.
The T-90M is a downgrade from the T-80BVM, and it’s arguable whether the T-80BVM is even on-par with a M1A2 SEP, nevermind the fact that it’s significantly worse than the Leo 2 Terminators right now.

So I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that the T-90M is in any way a threat like the Leo 2’s are.

Perhaps a 6 year old?
Perhaps a 80 year old?

Regardless, these are not uncommon sights when checking stat cards of Click-Bait players.


@Hudler Glad you agree with me that I’m an individual.

What does that mean, why you posted this

I’ll go ahead and say that WR isn’t going to be indicative of how good a vehicle is over-all, all it tells you is the quality of teams you’re playing with in a given BR range.

Looking at hard stats, the Abrams is a very solid MBT, super strong turret protection, relatively good breech protection, the 5s reload that’s becoming the new standard, the best dart in the game (Yes, it has less pen than DM53 out of an L/55, but it has more pen than other rounds fired out of the same gun), it’s among the fastest MBTs in the game, it also belongs to a lineup is absolutely stacked with high MBT count, lights, and stellar jet CAS.

The US wr is performing poorly even when compared to objectively inferior top tier ground nations like GB, and China, so I really only have the teams themselves to blame.

One side note, Russia as of the time of this post has the 2nd lowest winrate, and I don’t think it’s any coincidence they also have numerous top-tier range premiums with very high battle counts.


I don’t disagree with your point overall, but I would like to see proof for this claim.

The Abrams top speed is pretty much average in both forward and reverse (with the exception of the BVM for the reverse). HP/Ton is also average with the Ariete AMV, ZTZ99A, Leclercs and Type 10 all beating it.

Just curious where you based this claim on.

Slight correction, the Abrams is (most likely) the 2nd fastest MBT in the game, losing out to the Type 10’s top speed by 2km/h, I’m seeing multiple numbers on the Leclercs and the Type 99s, so I won’t comment on those ones.

Still, regardless of the slight innacuracies, Abrams is relatively fast at 68km/h, Ariete is capped at 65km/h


Just because gaijin doesn’t accept sources doesn’t make them gospel, so don’t hide behind that.

? what?

Its not the most poorly modelled mbt in game. But what specific issues are you referring to here?

Which is weird that the winrates of nations with these tanks with either serious flaws in one aspect (mostly frontal armor which so many people claim is a problem for the abrams) still do better than us top tier. If the frontal armor of the abrams is such a big problem and the main reason the whole us lineup is doing bad, then how tf are nations with tanks with 0 frontal armor (France, japan and israel) and nations with overall much worse tanks (GB) doing better?

Yes you will get oneshot in the leclerc through the turrret face, the gunner sights and whatnot, while having no 50 cal on the turret, no commander thermals except for the Leclerc SXXI and one of the worst rounds for top tier mbts. Also no proxy heat fs. It literally has no advantages over the abrams despite gun depression over the engine block and autoloader (yes yes you keep your reload if you’re lucky enough to only lose one crew when penned while the abrums doesnt. well most of the time you’re dead if you get penned, which u will. through the turret front. the abrams wont.)

So how do people do better in those objectively worse tanks than in the abrams. If the abrams is sooooo bad???

Is it maybe because theres a lot of newer players playing a max two spawn tank that they have no experience with in the top tier environment without any lineup???As in skill and experience of your team overall do play a role. You can play like a god winning half of the map yourself, that wont save you when 90% of your team crumbles and the enemy team uses this sp to simply cas you

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It’s not weird, it’s called sample size —or the lack of a big one— + standard deviation. A nation like France still doesn’t have a premium tank to jump into top tier, therefore the amount of players playing its top tier is narrower than any nation, even Italy. Add that ground France is known for being mid at best (at least on tanks, not mentioning CAS at all) and it’ll only atract vets with little to nothing else to grind even without a proper premium, looking for something else, hence the decent stats overall. War Thunder is plagued with stat boosted vehicles and nations on some BRs exclusively because of players making use of them, the German Me 262 C-2b is one of the standing flagships of that phenomenon.

That it would be fairly rare for the minor nations to make up a significant portion of any particular team in a match making situation, so to some degree aren’t required to be able to fulfill all potential roles and as such can readily expect to be able to offload roles to other team members that have a better suited lineup, which is not so with the US especially if you are expecting non MBT support or actually useful SAM systems.

The stand out factors, (mobility and reload rate) of the M1s in comparison to their counterparts are secondary characteristics offset by sub par ammunition and poor ballistic performance leading the average player to perform poorly since they can easily outrun their support / teammates, miss a weak spot or get a bad RNG roll that eats the shot.

Also the fact that there are significant errors with the module layout (e.g. #1, #2, #3) really doesn’t help survivability since the majority of all penetrations will effectively disable the gun in some way.

It’s a reaffirmation that I believe everyone on the forum is well.
To say otherwise would be a gaslight. As would questioning people’s mental faculties.