Fair enough, they are a pest but i typically have a 9M queued the second i hear that kamov buzz, my main gripe with the pantsir is the inconsistency with the proxy fusing, i’ve kinetically evaded a lot of missiles only for them to explode behind me, severing critical functions like rudder or elevators.
That may be just desync, im not sure you can dodge them in a less agile aircraft like an f15, maybe even in an f16, especially at long ranges, the pantsir missiles seemingly get a maneuver boost at 10+ km so i feel like you need to be M1.2+ to actually dodge at range.
You’re joking, right?
The teams are what 16 v 16?
Say 8 of your team is terrible, 0 kills, 0 assists, 0 caps. But they respawn twice.
Say another 6 are good players, and either go even or are slightly positive.
Lastly you have 2 great players. They average high kd’s but once they die they leave the match. So it’s 50/50 if they’ll do good or not.
Since your first 8 team mates did nothing, couldn’t hold a flank, or take the cap, suddenly that flank falls, and the game is pretty much over as the enemy team (mainly Germany) will spawn camp.
It is 100% the team. Most people play USA, and Sweden typically gets paired with them. Sweden has good players and can possibly carry the match.
I have 7 nations at top tier as well and I can and will still call it cope. I can get a lot more shit done with the ADATS than with the FlaRakPz.
The issue is not the Top tier US players (with lineups and CAS), it is the fact that a large majority of US players within the 11.3-12.3 BR bracket are playing premium vehicles, with small or no lineup and a bad crew, as a result they may just drive straight into dying, then leave (ODL), or even worse, they actively make your job harder (speaking as a semi-decent player, to other semi-decent and good players here),
The amount of times where I have had a really strong push from clickbait players, securing an objective or flank and allowing for better players to position and start winning the map, only to check the mini-map and see that the clickbaits have all driven towards the enemy spawn and are in the process of being picked off without killing the second wave, as a result any security from the sides or objectives vanish and you (and a couple of other players) are practically left to fend for yourself.
That is the issue with US win rates currently.
Calling ADATS to be just marginally better than 10.3 Flak is pure cope, indeed.
One of the more egregious claim I’ve seen, even US mains refrain from saying such nonsense.
That is truly a take of all time, even the crappy strike drones can dodge Roland 2s lol, not to mention the MIM-146 is now a 40G+ smokeless missile
I for one can’t wait until the sale comes around so i can buy the clickbait and rdf/lt with my hard earned event vehicle money, im used to stomp fests from when Germany was bad and i feel like America will only get better from here on out (team wise).
good luck lol, one of the worse nations to invest in for ground anyways, but your money your choice ig
whos gonna tell him
We can , when he makes a post about how bad the abrams are.
(theyre not actually bad)
It’s just terrible, have he said Osa it would’ve been much better, as that’s the best SAM for longer ranges until you reach 11.0 / 11.3.
PRIMEX TECHNOLOGIES is where the information came from. they are the company that made the round.
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How can you tell its not listed as a source…
As far as the turret ring is concerned that is why I worded it the way I did.
The same reason you cant understand that the guy got ALL THE INFORMATION FROM THE PRIMEX WEBSITE. I dont know what part of this you don’t understand. Did you even bother reading any of the words ??? Or do you really think some random czech guy really just randomly got the information out of thin air? Primex Technologies made the Round, they were then brought out by GDLS.
Its not listed as one of the sources. Searching the terms of the post doesn’t get any hits on the primex website. If you still have the link do post it, even if its now defunct one could try web archive.
i remember a lot of post complaining about it years ago, it was considered op at that moment, if im not wrong it was at 9.7, even i remember i had some problems agaisnt it like hitting the ammo carrousel and it not exploding or hitting ammo directly and not exploding, and things like that, i think it was also considered a russian bias vehicle? i dont remember since it was time ago. but yeah from what i remember and saw it was considered op at that time.
now it is a regular mbt