Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets

I wonder if the people clamoring for this change even understand that it would make MBTs barely more survivable than light tanks

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No one is asking for the Abrams to be invincible. We are only asking for major bugs to be fixed. Which is no different from the 2A7 players in the forum who regularly ask for its armor to be fixed. Do you ascribe their asking for the Leopard 2A7s armor to be fixed, despite it already being the best in the game, to a skill issue? I doubt it.


Oh no, it didn’t happen again did it…

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Difference is, almost every dev blog, especially ground ones, have american mains whining about the Abrams.

I bought the clickbait. I played it. It’s decent. What isn’t decent are the teams. One second I’m holding a line with 3-4 teammates, next second I’m fending off hoards of T-series tanks by myself like I’m Noble 1 at the fall of Reach.

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I’ve already written about the exact same thing, they simply lack tactical coordination and intelligence on a level required to operate a top tier tank, those skills which are learned at lower BRs but ofc, skipping them in a clickbait or AIM will lead to mass losses and horrendous K/Ds,

And I speak from experience, the Leopard 2PL was my first dip for top tier (I was roughly 9.0 when i got it) and as a result I did terribly, then I went back and played mid-high tier and learned those skills befpre going back to top tier, and doing much better


why not make simplified turret baskets with less detail and then introduce final models in later updates?

I’m not denying any of that. The Abram’s isn’t a terrible tank. It’s actually above average in my opinion. The problem is that the two nations that rival the USA in terms of player numbers have even better options. Add in the Clickbait spam that has been an absolute disaster for US teams and playing the USA has long been a dreadful experience. We USA players have been getting hammered for almost two years now. So, is it any wonder that USA mains are desperately grasping for any and every fix they can that they think could possibly help their teams be competitive again? I’m sure Russian and German mains would be doing the same thing if they were in our shoes.


The upgrades you mention do not seem to be correct. If you have a source please provide it.

Auto cannons would have trouble penning the fuel tank areas from the side yes, but that’s already in game, it takes multiple hits to attempt to pierce it to get the driver.

Auto cannons can still penetrate the upper half of the turret ring… it’s EXPOSED

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When it is consistent on a certain tank, in this case the M1 abrams, then yes, it is a problem, and not getting gaijined. In fact, if your shoot to the left or right of the driver, there are pretty big areas, that allow no damage to occur.

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I’m glad you shared this, If you look frontally at the abrams, you can see the lower portion below where you marked the X, is exposed, then the components under that are safe.

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There’s some times when it’s better to keep your personal biases to yourself.
This is the case.

We will have to agree to disagree on that. The fit between turret and hull looks pretty tight to me. And, with the way Gaijin has implemented volumetric, the turret ring looks plenty proof to any autocannon fire.


It’s not a personal bias lol. I can recreate it easily.

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Fine by me, having seen them up close first hand, I agree to disagree.


Nein the A2 have slightly different DU than HA/HC, A2 is basically DU gen 1.5 when compare to HA/HC DU gen 1
and SEP+ is gen 2+
A2 is basically stop gap solution until the next gen arrive

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Somehow the abrams X will come out before the T-14 Armata, even though there’s a 7 year gap, between the release dates of them

@quartas121 I sense it in the force…

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you mean the vote which later got rigged by bot votes?

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The Abrams and all Western tanks for that matter underperform in the current maps and game modes they are forced to fight in, if top tier map size allowed for actual tank tactics the Abrams would always come out on top, its low winrate is a consequence of the CQC maps It’s forced to fight in, combined with its size and massive frontal weak spots which makes for disastrous win rates.

Everything else you pointed out it’s true, it needs a serious remodelling to fix the many issues it faces.


I mean, even hull down at certain angles you can somehow pen the roof… from the front.