Stop blaming USA top tier win rates on player skill

Just because gaijin doesn’t accept sources doesn’t make them gospel, so don’t hide behind that.

? what?

Its not the most poorly modelled mbt in game. But what specific issues are you referring to here?

Which is weird that the winrates of nations with these tanks with either serious flaws in one aspect (mostly frontal armor which so many people claim is a problem for the abrams) still do better than us top tier. If the frontal armor of the abrams is such a big problem and the main reason the whole us lineup is doing bad, then how tf are nations with tanks with 0 frontal armor (France, japan and israel) and nations with overall much worse tanks (GB) doing better?

Yes you will get oneshot in the leclerc through the turrret face, the gunner sights and whatnot, while having no 50 cal on the turret, no commander thermals except for the Leclerc SXXI and one of the worst rounds for top tier mbts. Also no proxy heat fs. It literally has no advantages over the abrams despite gun depression over the engine block and autoloader (yes yes you keep your reload if you’re lucky enough to only lose one crew when penned while the abrums doesnt. well most of the time you’re dead if you get penned, which u will. through the turret front. the abrams wont.)

So how do people do better in those objectively worse tanks than in the abrams. If the abrams is sooooo bad???

Is it maybe because theres a lot of newer players playing a max two spawn tank that they have no experience with in the top tier environment without any lineup???As in skill and experience of your team overall do play a role. You can play like a god winning half of the map yourself, that wont save you when 90% of your team crumbles and the enemy team uses this sp to simply cas you

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It’s not weird, it’s called sample size —or the lack of a big one— + standard deviation. A nation like France still doesn’t have a premium tank to jump into top tier, therefore the amount of players playing its top tier is narrower than any nation, even Italy. Add that ground France is known for being mid at best (at least on tanks, not mentioning CAS at all) and it’ll only atract vets with little to nothing else to grind even without a proper premium, looking for something else, hence the decent stats overall. War Thunder is plagued with stat boosted vehicles and nations on some BRs exclusively because of players making use of them, the German Me 262 C-2b is one of the standing flagships of that phenomenon.

That it would be fairly rare for the minor nations to make up a significant portion of any particular team in a match making situation, so to some degree aren’t required to be able to fulfill all potential roles and as such can readily expect to be able to offload roles to other team members that have a better suited lineup, which is not so with the US especially if you are expecting non MBT support or actually useful SAM systems.

The stand out factors, (mobility and reload rate) of the M1s in comparison to their counterparts are secondary characteristics offset by sub par ammunition and poor ballistic performance leading the average player to perform poorly since they can easily outrun their support / teammates, miss a weak spot or get a bad RNG roll that eats the shot.

Also the fact that there are significant errors with the module layout (e.g. #1, #2, #3) really doesn’t help survivability since the majority of all penetrations will effectively disable the gun in some way.

It’s a reaffirmation that I believe everyone on the forum is well.
To say otherwise would be a gaslight. As would questioning people’s mental faculties.

Exactly, so in general you’re saying France has more experienced or skilled players than main nations like US. Which i also think and is plausible since i’d guess not a lot of players would pick france or japan as their first or second nation to grind to top tier. Neither did I.

So the overall “skill” or experience of people playing these nations is higher. Magic snail statistics then show (oh wonder oh wonder) that people do very well in those vehicles that are actually worse than some of the main nation ones.

And people still cry that apparently those very good main nation vehicles still suffer and its not a problem of the experience (or premium one death leavers) of said nations.
I’m tired man

And here we go, the biggest gaslighter of this forum is bringing up gaslighting when nobody was even talking about it. That is a very nice projection

“Everyone gaslights me.” - Hudler.
Thanks for proving you don’t know English.
Accusing others of gaslighting is the #1 troll tactic on the forum, and is exclusively used to derail topics.

That’s the key term: In general, it’s not a rule of thumb, there can obviously exist average players enjoying their leclercs in good fashion, and it would be as fair as vets grinding their 7th nation.

That proves that vets tend to lean on challenging vehicles, though no vet dares to touch an M1A2 other than come to the forums and whine on allegedly how good it is. Not to mention how minor nations (besides Israel) tends to be sided together either with or against at least 2 major nations, so it becomes easier to make a relatively common winrate across them.

It can definately exist a blend of experience and gameplay issues, they’re by not means opposite or incompatible. Thinking of the big picture as a problem of either of one and not even a chance of being both it’s probably taking a narrow view.

While i agree that ofc you will always get matched with at least one major nation and don’t need to fulfill all roles, how does having a top tier sam without radar help japan for example in having good stats (K/D) or winrate in top tier? because they get matched with us, germany or russia?

How is one of the best firepower (considering pen coupled with reload) secondary and how do they have poor ballistic performance? last i checked those darts were flying pretty well.

No alvis. I did not said that.
Stop gaslighting again.

Thanks for proving again you hate war thunder community

This topic is stupid. Nobody is going to come to an agreement here. There’s no “General Discussion” here. At best, this will develop into an argumentative and annoying thread where everyone has no self-awareness or original ideas.


I agree. Though for me at least the poor performance of US top tier teams is the main problem and the reason i see no point in playing top tier US again if i can play 6 other nations in top tier. I dont like to be one of 3 actual players match after match. The big problem is not the abrams (Though obviously if it is modelled incorrectly in some aspects like turret ring or turret positioned to high from the hull which would help people struggling with it theres absolutely no reason to not change that)

Introducing stuff that the tank simply doesnt have or cant do or give it ammo that lets it lolpen everything shouldnt be the solution to unexperienced players struggle with a tank that is not the easiest to play

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt but I do harbor suspicions that this is just another thread for mono-US mains to claim that they suffer.

I agree, this topic —in general, not post-specific— is a worded representation of a tire dump, so far i haven’t seen a proper improvement on the argumentation either against or in favor. Some self criticism should be made, as it’s the same debate all the time lol.

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You have no right to point out anyone being this disingenuous, as you’re skipping flat facts with interpretation.

Is there anything I stated in that claim that is untrue?

Yes. Even if it’s gun-dependant, DM53 is the best performing round in the game.

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