Stock SARH/ARH on top tier planes

Yeah? Ok? Like exactly what we’re asking for here?

We had FOX-1s for years too. Not an excuse.

Notching without chaff is not going to end well. Going cold without chaff is literally suicide. Try actually playing this BR please.

I’m just telling you that is way more realistic to expect stock SARH than stock ARH, even considering that planes like Harriers doesn’t have any type of SARH. Expecting the new feature as stock is just a lost cause, up at least some near future 4th gen aircrafts.

Lower your expectations, my particular impression is that we’ll get stock SARH soon enough, and a few stock ARH for rank IX planes, but that’s it.

They were the game dictating feature (and the reason people didn’t flown over 2000m) for more than a year, but now with Fox-3s, their role was relegated to WVR ambush missiles.

Having a couple of SARH along some stock IR is a decent enough kit for spading a plane, understanding that your role with said kit is being a support and an ambusher becomes a must.

Though so many people claimed that becoming a support (AKA the F-15A playstyle at older 12.7 games) is easy game, then y’all should feel like home i guess.

Still, getting chaff unlocked with no kills at all and a defeat with premium time is still only 11-13 games with 3 or 4 minutes per game. Double the amount of games without premium since top tier chaff is 11k RP across the board at 13.0BR except Italy, France and Sweden it’s 9k RP and the F16C in US is also 9k.

Again, in my post above outlining the F15C MSIP II modification path line, it still would only take a couple days at a couple hours at a time to get to SARH missiles on a stock top tier jet with absolutely nothing but flying for 3-4mins.

So yeah, the grind will suck at first. But if that’s the main issue, and grinding isn’t your style, than you’re only wanting more from a stock jet to pad stats right from the get go to unlock only handling modifications, doesn’t matter how you try to skew it from here on out, that would be factual. SARH and ARH are the main points on these jets. Not bombing payloads because we all know that not going to win you games.

I can get behind chaffs coming stock on Rank 8 jets, but not a bigger payload at stock.

I’m not going to humor the idea that the game is fine because you can grind out your very 1st mod in 12 games that is literally required to play at the BR.

Or we want the first HOURS of a jet’s gameplay to be SEMI ENJOYABLE. Stop showing you ass.

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That’s quite abusive, and not a healthy game loop

Even if statpadding is something that i would care to some degree, is there anything at all that justifies a rough start on a plane that already costs over 400k of rp? The answer considering your points so far is no.

This is almost common sense. The game design was terribly flawed whenever planes didn’t had stock flares at all, giving stock chaff should be the last nail in the coffin to that particularly terrible game design choice.

@Italy_Suffers You’re starting to sound childish now wanting end game fulfillment right away or else you’ll stomp your feet and throw a hissy fit because you have little to no patience.

If you want to play air combat and be fed everything right away, go play ace combat and enjoy your leisure gameplay, I don’t know what else to tell you after giving you a full break down that it isn’t that terrible as everyone has made it seem. The I need it now mentality is pathetic.

@Pyro_Addict i agree, Assault air arcade is a horrible loop but still a viable one if you dislike grinding out in ARB because you can’t cope with being bottom of the barrel in top tier. The option is still there. And that 400k RP to unlock a 13.0 Jet can be done in a R7 premium or Assault or grinding out your top tier jet in whatever mode you choose. lol. That would suck also but again, there’s options. No one is going to be happy until they have what they want and can start getting kills, and as I broken down above it isn’t that terrible if you break the numbers down yourself at your rate of gameplay. And the cost of unlocking higher tier jets in the future is only going to go up even further, so until then grind out that stock jet, you’ve got plenty of time until late 4th gens are release.

You sound like a shill and nothing more. We’re literally just talking about at the bare minimum adding two AIM-7s to the stock loadout in addition to the current two IR missiles.

Now you’re going to sit on a high horse and act superior because you are more willing to put up with being a slave to the game and grinding for 13 games in your own words to unlock the FIRST MOD that is REQUIRED for top tier gameplay lmao

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Well, top SARH is pretty better, than nothing.

I somehow playing on Su-27/YaK-141/MiG-29SMT, using supreme acceleration of R-27ER in fights.

And been close to 27SM, i know that i will still use the R-27, even if i will have R-77.
Like i use R-27ET on 29SMT for sneaky strikes.

Maybe, later Gaijin will add R-27EA (Fox-3), or even R-27EP (ARGM).
That will be cool.

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@Italy_Suffers yes, yes I will sit on my high horse and stick out the grind since every game since the beginning of video games has had a grind of some sort. By your attitude I take it you’ve not been around long enough to realize that no matter how moderate or extreme said grind is. I’d hate to know how you feel about FromSoftware video games or Pokémon. lol.

Because in the grand scheme of things, it won’t change. Ever. The stock grind is fine as is, minus the chaff/flair should be stock on R8 jets.

@Sanchouzz i carry 2 R27ER and 4 R-77s on my Mig-29SMT. It’s the best set up for that jet in my opinion. That’s how I got my SU27SM unlocked.

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mfer acting like he’s unique playing dark souls or fucking pokemon

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Cool manipulative point, yet invalid since you can’t even grind 13.0 jets in Assault air arcade.
There must be a bump in stock ordnance from 12.7 onwards. a couple of stock SARH is the middle ground, and a good call. Therefore, the most logical way Gaijin could help the spading of planes.

@Italy_Suffers I never stated if I played them or not, just pondered how you feel about two different types of games that differ of War Thunder that have an extreme grind to them. But you should remove your face from your rear end before it’s devoured too far to be removed. As kindly as I can put it for you.

@Pyro_Addict That was more of another way to unlock your 13.0 jet as you had complained about the 400k RP of unlocking 13.0. I know you can’t use them in Assault arcade because of the ARH’s. Assault is already on easy mode in any BR above 7. Adding stock SARHs just to be able to spade it quicker is exactly why they shouldn’t. Without them you can already knock out a jet in a weekend if you have nothing else to do, spread that time out and it can be done in a week, and again loops around to you just want to pad your stats quicker without going into the negative too far. Doesn’t matter how anyone puts it. You want kills over not dying. And you want them quicker than what’s already offered with minimal effort put into end game.

And to deter any logic beyond that, just use GE if you just want to play the game and enjoy a spaded jet if that’s all you’re looking for and not padding your stats or a grind. The option is there, and one I advise not doing since there’s going to be a huge lapse of time between these jets and the next set being adding.

You’d be getting a lot worse treatment if this wasn’t on the official forum. You’re just being arrogant with no substance.


@Italy_Suffers Well, I’m sorry your coping mechanism isn’t being lubed to your standard. Doesn’t change the fact that the stock grind isn’t that bad at top tier Air. And those complaining about only having IRs just want positive results asap from their gameplay with minimal effort.

I didn’t checked his stats prior to your comment and all i can say is LOL, lmao.
He’s asking a skill that he in fact doesn’t have. Now i can see why he doesn’t care about making the grind slightly bearable.

In a spaded plane. With it’s full potential, on a reasonably balanced environment.

Well, that’s your problem, and not most people’s to be precise. Once i spade an aircraft i generally keep playing it regardless of having everything unlocked.

Mister, I’ll be both honest and polite with you for the last time. Your statcard and overall performance is not the best. You shouldn’t be pointing out anyone that outperforms your K/Ds or your average team relative position as statpadders because you’re simply not in a position to claim that in the first place.

I want to have a single ace up the sleeve in a environment where everyone acknowledge that WVRs and engagements with BFMs are a waste of time, having a SARH in a medium to short range guarantees a kill, and getting on that range is a challenge already, so it is definately fair to ask for a couple of those missiles as stock.

This entire nonsense proves this egoistic belief of yours that everyone that’s slightly better player than you is just a statpadder, which is false FYI.

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Facilitating stockgrind in any way is the same as taking away people’s ability to learn new tactics and use of missiles present on the aircraft.
Besides stockgrind being optional because you can pay if you don’t want to grind.

Now tell that to the Tornado F.3 Late experience. Or any of the new Harriers.
This argument is just wrong whenever you address any top tier plane that’s slightly out of the meta.