State of Type 93

Realistically irl Japanese AA defense had a datalink-like system. As there meant to work conjoined with one another. This isn’t something really any other country has done and I doubt Gaijin would add it any time soon.

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Also on a side note, I did check just now and the Type 91 missile on the Type 93 vehicle received the same buff.

Data-link allows type93 track and shoot multiple targets at once, everything else can be done by vehicle itself, it just nerfed to ground by gaijin

Datalink allows different platforms to function together. This functionality isn’t in the game though.

Depends entirely on how the auto mode decides what mode to use. If it either by default tries IR or EO, if it defaults to using IR when possible, the missile might get flared off whilst forcing EO would’ve prevented that. Vice versa, if it defaults to EO, if the target flies low to the ground, then the lock may be lost which could’ve been prevented by forcing IR.

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Do you believe the missile will flip between EO and IR when set to auto during flight or will the auto system simply pick one and stick to it do you think?

They say that the mode chosen will not change during flight

If that’s the case why not change vikhrs to be like that with the proxy

They may not turn on background interference for type91, otherwise it’s worth bug report since type91 use IR and visual seekers at the same time

They do have it set to have both an EO and IR function like the Type 81 and Strela will be receiving.

Not just that but both Type 91 and SAM-1C actually use both at the same time as long as they are in range to track the respective band.

The only thing that should be selected is the initial lock and which bands are tracked will always be both unless one is out of range. But if it get’s in range the missile will pick up tracking of the other band as well.

Edit: Sadly not in game, Gaijin has them only use the one the initial lock is done with as of now. But on the dev server it has quite good IRCCM for IR and no ground clutter for TV, so maybe that simulates this function.


The EO function at least works at targetting Heli’s at 4-5km and beyond, even on winter maps where IR ranges are usually nerfed to suicidal ranges so at least there’s that. IR does get spoofed by about a half dozen flares of normal size, and probably one or two pops of large-caliber but I wasn’t able to test.

My question would more so be whether or not the EO channel will get jammed by the Russian IR Dazzlers on the heli’s or if they’ll partially get spoofed by the IRCM Pods of the Russian Su-25T/Su-39.

Realistically I don’t think that should be an issue being as it’s looking in the visible light spectrum and not the IR band at all so there shouldn’t be any interference but I don’t know. I also don’t know if even minor cloud cover behind a target will make a missile lose it’s track even if the plane itself is flying in a straight line.

One of the big changes I do hope to see however is that they improve the flight pathing/Autopilot of the Type-81C missile before it’s released being as it will overlead a target by a significant margin and only correct it when closing in close to a target in most cases. Think of how the Type 91 missile tracked a target in the old days before they reworked it’s auto-pilot


In a custom battle, a f16 player was able to consistently avoid my missiles and kill me, by flying low to the ground and sometimes going under the airfield. What interested me, was that he could fly straight at me at tree top level, and my missiles didnt proxy even though it was well within the radius.

Currently on the dev it doesn’t really suffer from any interference like ground, clouds or countermeasures (even the Su-39 ones). Only helicopters I didn’t test.

I feel like this might be simulating the dual tracking the missiles do in reality, but the description in the devblog makes me worry it will be changed to function like the Strela.

From what I’ve seen it doesn’t. Flares, IRCM or DIRCM don’t affect the EO lock.

Shame the Dev Server has now been closed which leaves us unable to do further testing.

I was able to do some testing against helicopters on a winter map to further see what would happen with the new mode switching and so on, and what we found was somewhat interesting.

With an IR lock set on the Arctic Map, I was only able to lock the Japanese Apache at a range of ~1.4km or so with the Type 91 missile.

With the EO lock set on the Arctic map, I was able to grab a lock at a range of at least 5km against the same target even when the helicopter was just barely poking above the ground with no mountainous terrain BEHIND the target.

Against aircraft on the same map, I was able to acquire an IR lock against the J-35/J-37 at a range of ~4.5km while they were on afterburner, while with an EO lock I was able to get a lock range of ~7km or under similar conditions.

I did not test how weather affected EO performance however being as I didn’t have the time for it, so I was not able to see how EO was affected due to background cloud obstructions, rain/snow storms, and so on. I’m cautiously optimistic it’ll at least bring the Type 91 missile up to being on par or a bit ahead of the FIM-92’s in game which feel to get better locks on the same targets at longer ranges but, we’ll have to see.

EDIT: I would also like to state the Tan-SAM’s Type 81C missile was able to similarly get a ~7.5km EO lock against the same areal target and a similar +5km EO lock on a heli without ground background barely poking above the ground surface itself. EO in both cases was able to ignore flares entirely where IR was spoofed by flares when dropped in high numbers.

I would also like to state I’ve heard rumors from Dataminers that the Type 81 ARH model is in the game files but not currently being used. I have no way to verify if the claim is true myself, however if it is, that will mean when/if the TanSAM system receives the missile, engagement ranges will be increased, the vehicle should receive a vehicle-to-missile Datalink to steer the missile to an IR Tracked target before the missile goes pitbull, and the problem with flares and IR/EO lock ranges of course will be avoided and substituted for radar notching, burn through, etc.

The proxy on the Type 81 only activates if the missile is 25m above the ground, this may be why your proxy was not triggering.

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Should still remain superior to the Strela, which should have great issues with cloud cover and ground clutter with it’s sensor because it’s style of photocontrast seeking is just 1960s tech compared to the modern imaging infrared on the Type 93 and Type 81. Same deal the Strela’s seeker is well known to be spoofed by passive dazzlers in Iraq and Afghanistan during the GWOT and Iraq war, however that does not seem to be the case currently as it just ignores all countermeasures.

But yeah given this is war thunder I would not be surprised sadly if they are put on the same level as the russian tech from years prior because thats how gaijin functions.

Not to mention there’s a video of a Strela missile getting spoofed by flares from a Ka-52.

there’s new datamine that add background factor for the Type 91 SAM and Type 81 SAM


Background factor edited

don’t know how this will affect though, probably not complete since it was such a miniscule of number.
they probably add another factor that add to that number. but i don’t really know.

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Curious that the Strela did not get such a value.