State of Type 93

I may be wrong, but I think the Strela already had it on dev, it was just missing from the Type 81 and Type 93.

If someone can get confirmation on that, that would be good to know.

From what I know they added ground interference for type93 on latest dev, which seems to be wrong

“By improving the background suppression performance of the guidance system’s image processing, it has become possible to separate low-altitude targets that could not be detected from the background terrain (complex background) and to capture and track them.”

エ)結 果 b

b 誘導装置の画像処理における背景抑圧性能を向上させることにより、それまで捕捉できなかった低空目標を、背景となる地形(複雑背景)と区分し、捕捉・追随することが可能となった。

Also interesting part
“Special notes
The uncooled infrared image sensor technology of the sighting device was utilized in the interception operation section of the Type 11 short-range surface-to-air guided missile”


Also I think I will remove most of things I wrote about it when patch comes out. With new optical system its basically new vehicle so I will rewrite it later when I get a feeling I understand how good(or “good”) it is

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This is likely talking about the Type 91B since “a” talks about infrared imaging and “c” talks about a reduced smoke motor. Hope isn’t lost though since the Type 93 has access to the Type 91B/SAM-2B

But IIR shouldn’t really be affected by ground interference, you 100% sure it is about 91B?
To me it looks like reports of separate tests for each system of missiles.

I checked, Strela has it too.

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So far, loving this new update. Finally took down a heli 5.50km!!! FINALLY BRO!! I WANNA CRY!

Type93 on live right now have separated IR and optical contrast which is wrong. In any possible source IR and optical are mentioned as combined so it must not have ground interference.

If they reject removing interference we can try asking them to change targeting into spike system because of this:
“SAM-3 can fire guided missiles after locking onto the target on the ground.”(which also confirmation that ground is not a problem for type91)
Wouldn’t be really useful but still fun and better then what they usually do with type93

the standard mode is automatoc so it chooses the best one for you, comvined propably still is a technical issue , be happy the mode came at all

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Yea, but at least it can now do it’s job properly which is what I cared for the most. As long as I can shoot down a heli farther than a dumb 2km range…im happy bro!

I disagree. I feel like it preffers IR even if it is out of range which leads to missile suicides sometimes
Still not adjusted properly

then just press 1 button, ohhh nooo

And see missile falling into ground because of ground interference that should not exist for this missile

it’s kinda sucks with how you need a perfectly clear sky, and not to mention you can’t lock if there’s a ground in the background, like a freaking MOUNTAIN in northside of Test Site and Seversk. even a little object 1meter on the line of sight of you and the heli makes it not able to lock.

Issue is the button doesn’t exist in reality. The real missile always uses optical with passive IR to make up for its shortcomings. Both track at the same time, no modes needed.

Even if IR is the first to see the target flares are useless as soon as the optical system sees it. And if optical is first to see the target ground interference shouldn’t be an issue anymore when the missile enters IR range.

A suitable implementation without actually having both tracking (if this is really a gameplay limitation) is to simply disable interference the way it was on the dev server.

there u have your problem, we play a game with limitations

And there is a solution, simply don’t have the interference. It was like this on the dev server and suitably represented the missiles performance. A missile that is supposed to be able to lock targets literally on the ground should not have issues with a few trees in the background.

This has already been bug reported, but sadly since the interference was only added after the dev server test it could not be done as a dev server report.


interference doesnt have anything to do with the 2 modes being active at the same time

It does, kind of. As long as IR is active interference is irrelevant. Same as flares are irrelevant if optical is active.

The only way to make the missile lose track would be to have interference and countermeasures.

In case using both at the same time is truely impossible due to the games code, the missile is closer to reality without interference than it is with. As stated in the report, the missile can lock on to targets on the ground, something that would not be possible with interference like this.

The missile can currently choose which half of it’s full potential it uses, which is simply not realistic in any way. Removing interference from optical mode to simulate passive IR, but making it the only tracking option of the missile would be much closer to the way the real missile works.