Starstreak on the AH Mk.1 Apache should cost Spawn points or be nerfed

Why should a guided munition which outranges rooftop machine guns increase in cost?

Because you should not be able to first spawn as CAS with weaponry which can outrange rooftop machine guns.

Or, just saying, we don’t suggest to nerf a missile that is basically unplayable already. Yes it is anoying that we can first spawn it but if we couldn’t then we wouldn’t have an air to air capability every other heli can. Either take away first spawn of helis completely or do nothing. No one should be missile rushing with a heli in the first minutes of the match period.


That is a fair point

Then all Air to air missiles on helis need a SP cost increase then. If britain isnt allowed to spawn in with AAMs, no nation should be allowed to


Okay? I don’t know why you should be able to take air to air missiles first spawn anyway.

Better wording would be any nation not able to bring aam should mean no one gets them.

Sure, there’s not really justification for helicopters being able to first spawn with anti air missiles anyway as it just encourages spawn camping.

The kamov helicopters do.

I don’t know to what weapon / helicopter you’re referring to.

It’s unbalanced for an aircraft or helicopter to be able to first spawn with weaponry which outranges rooftop machine guns I have reiterated this multiple times now.

You have sort of just shot your own argument in the foot there but just my most lukewarm take early in the morning for me.


Let’s put the Starstreak on full blast but not TY-90 which basically is a no fly zone.

And those things, you can see them lower than 11.3…
In fact, you can see them at 10.0
No we are not gonna accept nerfing Starstreak anymore, it’s dead as is because they refuse to fix it for anti air. It can just about kill helis, fast jets? forget it.

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Demand nerf for the thing that already bad lol nice job Russian mains and it already got nerf speed and handling before, and the Russian demand nerf even more? lol i was like go ahead take it out of AH-MK1 but give it Brimstone in return

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couldnt have brimstone, that’d be too much for them to cope with.

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First spawn helis being removed completely will solve this situation more effectively

i agree

Counter point: rocket rushing is fun.

Yeah, except for everyone on the receiving end

C’est la vie

There are three Kamovs in the game, and it should have been obvious which two I was talking about.

Counter point: Farming tankies with my helicopter and watching them cry on the forums is even more fun.

Such is fair.

Yes this would likely help if I knew what a Kamov is and wasn’t too lazy to google it .

It’s irrelevant as I don’t think any helicopter should be able to outrange rooftop machine guns if they first spawn.