Starstreak on the AH Mk.1 Apache should cost Spawn points or be nerfed

Fair enough when the EFTs rival comes you want to know how it flies

And that, whilst im sure the US and USSR will get artificially buffed aircraft to keep up with the Euro deltas, it will still likely be a battle between EFT and Rafale

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F22 comes and is just op

Yeah… Even in situations where it should be easily targettable, it just wont be. Even with PIRATE

It is not balanced for a helicopter to spawn in with weaponry which outranges rooftop machine guns at the start of the match.

its the same missile that are top tier SPAA uses
it not a ATGM like the ADATS and can only destroy lightly armoured vehicles which is the only guided missile that is that weak due to only meant to fight air target
You don’t think it balanced i don’t think the pantsir is balanced its not a ATGM its the only air to air it has it ain’t getting an increase or nerf

First spawning CAS capable of engaging tanks outside of rooftop machine gun range is not balanced. No other CAS in the game is capable of doing this.

it can barley kill any tanks
on the t80u it needs to hit the gunners optic is the cheap spaa version op as it can do the same
you would have to hit the optic dead on to overpressure
It has air to air starstreak which is not an ATGM with a warhead saying it can kill light tanks so it should be nerfed to crap or made even more useless as it already is not would should be done

The disparity remains regardless of efficacy.

so its a broken missles but because it kill lightly armoured targets is should cost sp and the appache should have no cheap A2A like its a missile that phases and your demanding it should be nerfed as it can kill you spaa

I don’t think the missile needs to be nerfed, I think the spawn point cost needs to be increased so CAS isn’t able to first spawn with weaponry which outranges roof top machine guns.

it not cas though the hellfire is
it for air targets doesn’t matter it can kill spaa and light vehicles
you want it too have a higer spawn cost then every othere heil as its a2a is unique

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You want to abuse the starstreak, I understand.

It is not balanced and its spawn point cost should be increased.

one i only have the stormer which has the same missile
two i want it buffed (fixed)
its balanced as its a missile for air targets not along range ATGM launcher its the same missiles on our spaa which isn’t a anti tank launcher sorry we made a anti air laser guideed
it would be the same if it was a laser guided sidewinder

Having access to a weapon which outranges rooftop machine guns as CAS as a first spawn is not balanced. No other vehicle has this ability.

ka52 with the hud it can use its rockets to fire from further from guns
And another point if your dying to tank mgs then your doing something wrong
They best thing to kill a heil is a spaa or some ifv which it is the onlt thing that it a2a missile can kill

Rockets have travel time and can’t be course corrected mid air. Yes if you’re stationary CCIP rockets will kill you. This isn’t imbalanced compared to a tracking projectile which will kill you while you’re moving.

which can only consistently kill ifv and spaa which most can kill the heil

Yes CAS is countered by SPAA.

Helicopters need to use terrain to evade enemy SPAA. With guided munitions you can do this as you can be far enough away to make use of cover.

Being able to first spawn with weapons which outrange rooftop machine guns is unbalanced.

it not using a ATGM its a air focused missiles that can kill light target why should it cost higher as its laser guided