Starstreak on the AH Mk.1 Apache should cost Spawn points or be nerfed

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Cope harder, you guys are blatantly defending this op thing. I have provided all the data necessary to prove that this thing is not being used for its intended purpose. It is a guided munition. Thats all im gonna say, watch me get the starstreak get nerfed in half a year

Best tank in UK: Russian
Best Heli: American
Best Jet: Swedish

Truly a blessed nation

Tank heavily broken the gajin don’t fix
Modified from the Americans
and we are waiting for the EFT
Cope you can’t deal with one of the worst A2A and G2A missiles


T-34 can 1 shot the Challenger 2 BN in protection analysis. Therefore it must be moved to 11.7.

Also what?

Best Heli is the Ka-50/52
Best Plane is the Su-27
The best Tank is the T-80BVM or T-90M (and yes the only good tank in the top half of the British TT in the Indian tank.)

Our Tanks are broken to point of being unplayable
We’ve gotten our first usable jet in 4 years
our helis are meh (not bad but could be better)
Our SPAA is broken and unusable currently. Starstreaks dont work vs air targets. At all, unless you get lucky


oh no they can kill light tanks
if you could lock a light tank with a sidewinder it would die alot of stuff can kill them

Yeah, I think its time for the Pantsir to loose its Gun as its unfair it can kill light tanks

But you cant, unlike starstreak they are not Precision guided, you can’t fire them on ground vehicles.

And that why Brits are way ahead of Russia in term of average players skills i kinda like new Challenger 3 too bad that it not getting DM73

Still need to get it

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Starstreak it fired from SPAA i hasn’t got a spawn point increase

Yeah, unfortunately we tend to be better than the average player and so do well in even underperforming vehicles thus to gaijin and their “stats” they are perfectly fine. Probably why they’ve ignored the Chally 2 for as long as they have, it wasnt until they added a Premium that they took notice at how it wasnt selling at all.

I’m no where near the Chally 3, It looks interesting, though I think the BN is still probably the better MBT. One day I might, but I cant bring myself to grind out the CR2s at the moment, not until the CR2s at least get some fixes


Dude are you really going to pretend that Russian helicopters don’t get the best rockets on their helicopters? They have the most robust damage model, and with the ballistic computer they don’t have to get closer than a few km to get kills on anything, including heavy tanks.

I can see you rarely play against russia at 11.0 grb, where the ka-50 is an absolute monster at the start of the match with rockets, and also with the vikhrs if it spawns in later.

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and our 7.62mm MGs do very little against those rushes either. Despite the fact we could have 12.7mm HMGs but they refuse to add them

/E had it but well it long time I didn’t play Britsh (busy building french line up)have a plan to go back to get Challenger 3 and Grippen after i get Strv122b+ and Swedish Grippen

Yeah, it does, and the OES has the same remote weapon system as the TES with a 50 cal. They could all be equipped with a 12.7mm HMG or even a 40mm Grenade launcher. The reason they have a 7.62mm is a balancing decision. One that makes no sense to me.

I can barely tolerate ground these days. Only really play it to play the Apache. Gripen is nice, but would have prefered the Sea Harrier I think. Challengers will never be competitive because they wont ever actually fix them.

Im thinking about grinding the france air tree at some point. With the event vehicle coming, I might work on getting that

You a different tree

Rafale would be fun to fly if/when it ever gets added.

im too British to touch the French tree

Hehe, yeah, those damn frenchies, causing us issues for past 800 years… Though its kinda why I think it would be funny to play them