Starstreak on the AH Mk.1 Apache should cost Spawn points or be nerfed

Yet it also can silent Russian and Chinese heli first spawn too depend on how people use but it still air to air missile

with a 1/10000 shot to the optics of some tanks
It a air to air missile
a aim9 can kill bmp but you ain’t calling that an ATGM

You can’t directly fire at a ground target with the AİM-9 and target a pinpoint location

but starstreak is air to air like do you not get that

Can you not understand that I frequently see it kill Adats and Pantsir and tanks on my team when I play USA and USSR?

First spawning ATGMs is not balanced and should not be allowed. It doesn’t matter if the warhead is only capable of detonating light tanks, it’s not how the game is balanced.

CAS is meant to be a secondary wave after you’ve had first engagement. The only reason rocket helicopters fall out of this category is because they have to be within machine gun range to target accurately.

yeah those isn’t armoured any of its weapons will kill it

it just rods its not a ATGM

And? So you just don’t want it to have unique traits that have advantages over Russia or something?

Yeah it’s the same functionality of an ATGM.

Not any weapon will kill with precision guidance from 6Km

what its laser guided it has no HEAT warhead or anything it designed to fight air targets

Bro are your neurons sleeping or something? UK does this to literally every nation , you talk about Russia Russia Russia like crazy , yet if this was a USSR weapon you’d be punching the wall crying for a Nerf , curb your russian bias

its missile that barley can do air to air

And i see no one crying about it except Russian main like you for example also you are the one crying anything that had advantages over your beloved USSR from MiG-29G to starstreak


You are nothing but a troll

starstreak can’t even kill a mig29 without it being brain dead

Yeah troll with experience like 7 nation in the game not just US and Russia

That not what i mean i know it can’t i mean he ever complain about MiG-29G that have a little more powerful engine than SMT

Lets see how many vehicles you have for each nation hmmmmm