Stalinium armor?

Yep…just this^^

I don’t have the patience and time to look for the replays, but i have enemies surviving odd shots all the time…as everyone that plays the game…my “proof” is everyone experience…if someone decides to focus only on some events i can’t do nothing about it…

Play the tanks you complain about and then come and tell me they are “stalinium”…T34s are very frail (compared to some German and US vehicles) and IS vehicles are not so strong as you make them (at least the 1 and 2)…and have lots of other issues (cumbersome and gun depression). They can fight but are not “too strong”…not even close.

If i had to choose a single tank for each BR…i might choose t34/43 and Zis5…and i recall an T80 from long ago that was also very good…other than that i would choose something from other nation on most BRs…hence my skepticism about “stalinium”.

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Nice reading comprehension. They were being sarcastic.

I got to top tier UK air and ground, then started grinding Russia when I started to realise how blatant the RussianBias™ is. Now I’ve got top tier air and ground in Russia too (and the US for comparison). So far it’s only reinforced my belief in it. Most of the people I see denying RussianBias on the forum, are conveniently people who mostly/exclusively play Russia.

I got it from the “commas” and the LOL. Nevertheless it is still true IMHO…just because someone doesn’t like/agree it isn’t automatically false…so i quoted it.

I don’t have hopes of convincing the believers in “Stalinium” that they are wrong. If you play all nations, checked all the stats and still believe it, there is no proof i can give that you will agree.
I play all main nations and i dont do better on Russian vehicles…so i dont fit your profile. BTW i am a “Westerner”, not employed bi Gaijin and a fan of German armor, so i also don’t fit other common profiles.

MY POINT…each players can play all nations and decide by himself…IMHO it is completely clear once you play some games that “it happens to every nation” and i am ONLY highlighting this for those players that come here with open mindset. Opinion is still free, so to each his own.

That’s the beauty of opinions, everyone is entitled to them, and you don’t have to blindly follow what other people tell you to on the WT forums.

You’re a community helper, so you’ve done something to get into their “good books”. I’m sure preaching the doctrine they would like us all to follow has nothing to do with it.

yes this qoute works both ways. its pretty hard to change opinion to “stalinium” “russian bias” believers or non believers. As i said before, for me the fact that the vast majority of complainings are about russian tanks on media and forums means something…
Are all of the complainings correct ? ofcourse not .
Are there people that complaining who have other reasons for doing that (empathy , political…) ? ofcourse yes.
Is this happening to other nations too? ofcourse yes , but all of these above should affect equally all nations and thus the complainings should be more balanced at least for the " big 3" (russia, usa, germany) but this is not happening.

ive played russia , germany, uk and sweden of the 4 if any is overpowered its germany, the uk is practically useless as without explosive rounds, only having ballistic cap rounds, you have to put a minimum of three shots in to stand a chance of killing anything, IF it penetrates. at least with sweden you get the option of explosive rounds after youve been a lamb to the slaughter for the first 50 games.
russia is a frustrating branch, get your track shot off whilke driving over a brick and thats you done, you cant aim low enough to hit anything unless you can repair your tank before being killed.
germany appears to have the best of all worlds, high pen capability, explosive rounds, negative angle of fire, half decent armour, except the tiger which is a joke, you wouldnt think that with it being probably the most feared tank of ww2, famous for being unstoppable…

of the whole game i find the chinese/japanese tanks to be op armour wise, trying to pen the ho ho or the he he or the oh hi is nigh on impossible.
the italian range appears to have op rounds, whatever the ‘grenata’ is, if its coming your way your dead whatever, not bad considering italy never won a war.
same with the french range of tanks

of them all the most easily destroyed tanks are the ones im driving, unless someone else is driving them, at which point they are unstoppable.

if any bias exists id say its a me bias, probably because im ftp and dont pay to play, therefore i get penned when it should bounce, and mine bounce when they should have penned.

I agree with some things you said but for me the question remains answered … " why the vast majority of the complainings are for russian bias on media and forums?"

maybe is simply a case of they heard russian bias somewhere and are repeating it.

i hear it, but i dont believe it, simply because ive played the russian line.

against a GOOD player who knows where to aim, where to shoot, they are no better than any other good range of tanks.

i would argue there is more of an american bias, the T1E6, the M4a3e2, they are ridiculously armoured and nigh on impossible to kill front on

Oversimplified answer… i think that you dont repeat something that you dont agree or makes you having serious thoughts about it .

I know i should not complaining this time about my IS-2…lol

and just after that survived again…

and again…

No penetration!

11 years Beta



The explosion point is different than the penetration point even in the server replay, but in both cases (upper or lower) there should be a damage …

upper point

lower point

Why don’t you create a topic asking for players to show their best stalinum videos ? I wish I had kept mine.I sort of main Russia but even I have to laugh sometimes at the T34 : )

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There are plenty of that videos on youtube by other players, with the vast majority concerning russian tanks but very little things have changed…just some battle ratings changes from time to time…


On the other hand when russian tanks shoot you…despite that the shell hits ground and changes totally direction , my tank magically is one shot kill…
All screenshots are from the server replay.

Other camera of the shell ricochet to the ground (server replay again)

server replay link

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Games have bugs you know…

It isn’t, best tank of the war was the Sherman or Tiger.

In terms of what

Survivability, Armour and Quality of the manufactory. In real life T-34 where bad welded, many manufactory fails, etc.