Stalinium armor?

The difference in tanks is also based on terrain.
Some tanks are made for a particular terrain where the other tank may not be able to win. Its like a bear vs crocodile - former would win if the battlefield was mountainous and latter would win if the battlefield was water.
German and American tanks have been to many places around the world in WW2 and so some of their tanks (like tiger and sherman respectively) are good on many terrains.
Its only the tanks who are affected by terrain for air and water are equal everywhere on the planet (temperature and current direction are the only difference)
Thus, this “russian bias” is either due to dominating terrain or just a skill issue of many people. When people die to russian tanks they just say this but it isnt true
I have played russian tanks but i also keep dying to tanks of other nations. Thus this whole concept of stalinium armour is just a joke.

About the youtuber analysis :
First of all, i agree with your comment about data accuracy ,

and ll make some comments too:

  1. I am not a GRB player but if we assume that this analysis could apply to GAB too, its strange for me that germany , russia and usa have the lowest average win ratios.
    Average win ratio high to low (if my calculations are correct) :
    France 0,582 , Sweden 0,561 , GB 0,548 , Japan 0,548 , Israel 0,539 , Italy 0,538 , China 0,535 , Usa 0,502 , Russia 0,492, Germany 0,486.
  2. It is even stranger for me that especially at BRs 4.0 - 5.0 were t-34s, zis-5, kv-85, su-185 dominate, Russia has the lowest average win ratio of all nations and similar situation at BRs 5.3-6.7 with the t-34 85s , IS1,2.
  3. Same thing at Brs 2.3 -3,7 were panzers iii -iv, marders, dicker maxes, dominate, germany has the lowest average win ratio of all nations and similar situation at BRs 5.7 -7.0 with tigers i,ii panthers, jags.
  4. It is also strange to me that Usa has the lowest win ratios of tanks at BRs 11.3 - 12.3 but i have not played that high BRs much and especially not usa tanks to have a clear point of view.
  5. I dont think that if we would had asked several WT playes which country has the best win ratio by their experience that the answer would be france , i guess it would be a derby between russia and germany, especially on low to medium BRs.

i am presenting the insidents (footprints) for someone who needs them to be convienced or become just sceptical that there is a problem, in case he hasnt already seen the problem (bear).

Dispite that we disagree in general i dont see an abyss between these quotes :)

people also die from japanese or italian tanks for example but they dont say that…

Because there is no japanese or italian bias… plus i would appreaciate dying to tanks of those nations if they were on a lower br because their start is a bit hard

It is a combination of being a popular nation, abrams being popular, and a good amount of premium abrams. A lot of less experienced players flood US top tier and bring it down. I personally find the abrams pretty good so I do not believe it to be an issue with the tanks themselves.

Turret ring is also a decent shot for the later versions of the t34. I wouldnt aim for the hull with anything under an american 76 or german 75.

While true, the HEAT vs HE advice is good. The only advantage you would get with the HE is a lower chance of bouncing. The HEAT should over pressure things just fine.

So if people as you say die by russians tanks and complaining for bias but also die by italians , japanese , british tanks and they are not , that means that they see something abnormal …am i right?

Do u say japanese, italian or british bias when u die to those tanks?
I suppose no but then u do say russian bias and then started this thread

I dont think you understand what im saying…i ll try to explain it again .
Players lose their tanks by all nations but the vast majority of complaining (on YouTube , forums) is about russian tanks, so in my opinion there are 2 possibly answers for that :

  1. Players see something abnormal with russians tanks and complain( Ofcourse some of them might be unexperienced and mistaken but again i think the majority is not)
  2. They have empathy for various reasons.

Alright let me explain:
This is but a game. There are limits to what a computer can render and no limits to what can happen irl. Thus, several factors determine what will happen to the shell in game because it is harder to implement physics in a virtual world.

I believe this is the case…my “proof” is more my personal experience, as i play several nations (US, Germany, Russia, Britain, Italy…the others less or zero)…i dont feel stronger with Russian tanks…and i played them as much as most other nations.
T34 does get more ricochets…as said above…but tank was designed for that…and most russian tanks are not that tough to kill…just because T34 and Zis5 are good, it is hard to claim Russian bias…
And BTW…i dont know if the effect is “realistic” or not…also like i said above…ricochet is less annoying than optics module absorbing high power shots…and this last effect is present on all nations.

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I think that these quotes are in conflict to each other …either as you say this “russian bias” is a matter of tank performance due to terrain and players skill issue or because of software mistake issue.
In addition, software mistake issue should affect all nations equally but as i said the majority of compalinings about russian tanks might show that this is not happening.

There is no russian bias 🙏
Believe what you want

No comments… :))

What did i say about this being a GAME NOT REALITY

what a coincidence an IS-2 again…!!! :))

As you can see on the last 2 screenshots of both incidents i show what according to gaijin (and not reality) should have happened…but no hope…lol!
I know its “bad luck” or “skill issue” or “volumetrics” or “it happens to every nation” everything but NOT stalinium LOL!

If you cant beat them, join them

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all i see in your second example is a situation where the round is in a collision course with the wall, but doesnt collide with the wall, as 1/5 of the round looks like its going to impact the wall, upon where it ought to be deflected.
i would question this rounds ability to actually hit the target rather than its ability to knock out the target

Got that right off the Russian MOD site did ya?


I ll try to explain it…but i dont think it is possible to convince you … The size of the shell that you see on the second screenshot is not the actual size of the shell , the closest is to the camera the biggest it shows and as it is going away it would be shown smaller, thats why it doesnt impact to the wall. By your logic, the shell should have the size of the is-2 cupola because as you can see on the same screenshot it nearly covers it, by its size…lol
Is that all you have to say about the incident?
" When someone is pointing to you the moon dont look his finger…look the moon…"