Stalinium armor?


lol i love squire

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Exactly…and IMHO the average is similar on most nations anyway…i personally have more issues versus other nation. We all have odd examples…but ON AVERAGE i dont really see a huge difference.
Today i hit an M109 3 times in the turret with an 85mm gun…it didn’t die. I am not sure why…i may have hit the barrel or some module 3 times, but facts are that i hit the turret 3 times with a good gun and it survived…no ricochet, no miss.

It helps a lot that i play almost all nations (i dont like china and sweden, but only because it “feels” unhistorical…nothing about balance)…so i dont really see a “bias” nation. Just some better tanks…

I always play together with experienced clan friends war thunder and believe me its not only my opinion that something is going wrong with russian tanks , ofcourse odd cases have all nations as i have said before but with russian tanks is pretty common. This time im trying to upgrade modifications on british zt3a2 and so far the only odd cases are against russian tanks that took 1000mm penetration missile blows that scratched only the paint, yes there were other nation tanks too that survived the missile blows but heavily damaged.

every tank out there has titanium rivets and bounces shots when they shouldnt.
hell i shot a german AT just yesterday, the one after the waffentrager, cant recal its name.
im in a waffentrager, the enemy has max what? 40mm armour, flat sides everywhere, even at the most opportune angles it has at best 100mm effective armour.
i shot it with a waffentrager 3 times before i got a kill, and a waffentrager has something around 150mm penetration.

it happens across the board, its just that you have prefference for certain lines, so when you face off against russian tanks it just seems like its just them.

but the secret with russian tanks is aiming, if you know where the weak spots are and you actually AIM, instead of just wildly firing in its direction, you will kill it 9/10.

its just that they are full of angled plate, so the weak spots require a bit of skill and patience to hit, unlike the german tiger with its horizontal flat plate front and center

but then you are the same guy arguing in another post that bombers are too fragile, and that 1000lb bombs are just fiiiine in a ground battle arcade game

it just seems to me that you are pouting that your 1000mm pen rockets dont rofl-splatt everything as you would like.

it takes a bit of skill.

you need to develop it, it will also help you in your bomber predicament.

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i want a tank covered in modules.
they seem so much better than antiballistic plate.
you can hit a module with anything and the damn thing will still survive

Last night, my 292’s apfsds hit a leo a1 in the side and only made his turret ring yellow. The very next shot was a side shot on an abrams which took out his verticle drive and no other damage.

Loll !!! please can you attach here this quote of mine that you say ? …because i have never written such a thing … either you confuse me with another guy or its just your imagination…lol!!

Hitting the back of the turret of a T-54 1949 3 times with 1000mm penetration missiles were the armor is 60mm to 200mm in max angle (and with no titanium rivets there !! lol!!!) and scratching only the paint …is matter of skills LOL!!! …Another interesting opinion… i guess in the video that i have attached above the player with the racketpanzer that fired 2 missiles to T-1954 1949 (What a coincidence!) and scratched the paint too has the same skill issues with me…lol!

And finally some information from war thunder wiki about zt3a2 missiles (that as it seems doesnt apply against russian tanks many times…)


  • Is able to use tandem missiles, which penetrate ERA at almost any angle of attack and also have a chance of penetrating the [IPM1]'s turret frontally if the user controls them well
  • Missiles can cause overpressure damage through more armour than normal HEAT ATGM, meaning it’s possible to destroy tanks by hitting their cupolas, even if they try to avoid fighting you

I said it many times …it happens with all nations tanks the key point is the frequency it happens to every nation tanks and how extreme is the ocassion.
It would be better to see some screenshots of the incidents because sometimes when you see the replay and then simulate the shots parameters in armor analysis of the tank you have a safer opinion about it. That is what im doing to be more accurate and persuasive.

I’m having eyebrow raising moments all over not just against Russia. I see many sure shots bouncing. I play mostly WW2 and Early Cold war and can only put it down to some dud ammo using imagination and bad programming in reality but not 80s style soviet propaganda .

I think the whole thing is just American Reds under the bed attitude towards Russians. The modern equivalent is Chinese cheats and I shudder to think what kind of hatred we would have to endure if the Iraqis ever got a line up.

I see. I dont notice a large difference between nations for gaijin moments. Maybe a bit more on certain vehicles like the tiger 1, t-34, or m6

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Just had the Tiger one bouncing USA 90mm all over. Had some odd ones with the T34 but it was designed to deflect shots and is legendary for it.

As far as concerns me im not a ‘‘Russianphobic’’ if you mean that, actually on airplanes i had made a similar topic on the old forum about german planes performance in war thunder . I expesss my thoughts according to what i see in the game and always bring data to the table.

T-34 was indeed a good tank but the best advantage that had versus germans tanks in wwii was its mass production and not performance , see the data that i have posted before in this topic.

I don’t think its as strong as that just an American conditioning style upbringing of Soviet distrust. “Its Russian so it must be state based and must be corrupt.”

Its odd how the WT player based chosen enemies are historically Americas enemies. “Russian bias” ,“Germany suffers”, “Chinese Cheats”. Muslim/Arabic nations dont even get to feature lol.

Its not Gaijin who come up with this as far as I can see, it is the player base and not just on here but across social media in general. Easy to see it for what it is. Its just lazy cheap politics.

I dont see any real proof of it on here other than poor programming in places.

Russian Bias is presumed its not real.


Did you try to reverse the conversation and bite ppl to fight with you , you know it’s a game right or you trying to apply for the job in Gaijin?

This is how Gaijin calculate damage in GF:

Under 6: No dmg (ricochet, whatever)

7-9: Yellow module dmg

10-11: Yellow module dmg with one random crew member (usualy machine gunner or loader)

12-15: Red module dmg, machine gunner dead and another random crew member

16+ one shot kill

Less speed means more power and vice versa
Theres your answer

Against such tanks HE is best, so carry with you some HE or related shells

Let us not forget that it is a game and not reality
Things such as air friction are not taken into consideration
Not to forget there is this literal meme:
Never ask:
A man his salary
A woman her age
Gaijin where the shell went