Spawn camping illegal?

Logon the game the other day and received a message that I got reported over 10 times lol reasons being abuse and passive behaviour, I was playing only two vehicles which is mostly Fox and Falcon and occasionally ZA-35, I would drive into enemy spawn and try to sit in there to see how long I live, then occasionally drive fox and sit behind enemy spawn then mark them and kill them driving out of spawn. So this is something reportable when CAS can simply fly in there and drop bombs into the spawn bowl?


You get warned for mass reports, but never banned without a GM reviewing it and deciding to take action. By the sounds of it. You made people mad and you did nothing wrong. Take it as a badge of honor but dont worry about it. Its far mroe likely the people who mass reported you will get in trouble as abusing the report system is against the ToS


I wanted to see who did that and report them back for abusing the report system lol

Just means you got report bombed. It’s a sign that you’ve done something right and annoyed the right people. I’ve shared this before on here, but it’s always worth a repost:


Strange that my 279 has never received this and I’ve never seen this in 5000 hours, suddenly only one day of going all out with Falcon and Fox I received this for the very first time, I also saw foul language in the report when I hadn’t even sent a single message the entire day lol

I’d say players who abused the report system gets a temporary ban or pay fines in lions, when people are held accountable for things they’ve done, they will finally take it more seriously instead of using the system as a form of trolling.

Yeah, so basically you deserve to be reported

Happened during a naval battle hence the ship in the background. Naval squads can be some of the saltiest people in the game, despite their main enemies being bots - but anyhow. I was told the last time I posted that picture that mods/GM, or whoever checks out the reports, do take note of who is doing false-reporting and they can and do act on it. Whether they actually do, who knows.

Oi, Falcon and ZA-35 and the rest of Britain 8.3 are what makes this game great.

I’ll do some XM800T and see if get report tonight.

Use it as second spawn, taking around 30 seconds going from your spawn to behind enemy spawn in Poland lol if you didn’t get killed on your way.

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Yup, I usually reserve first spawn for Falcon or ZT3A2 depending on map.

That won’t really help us, on the contrary. Instead of one report we’d have two, so more resources needed for the same non-issue.

No worries: we catch report spammers all the time on our own.


It’s just some people getting salty you interrupted their lemming train and actually drove off from their 10 degree FOV.

No worries :D

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The actual game is a mess,they spend too much time on stupid things like the auction and forget there is even a game to be played among it all. If you get to the enemy spawn then good luck to you.Part of the game is defending your area and watching out for enemies that encroach to sever the supply line.That is warfare, stopping the in rush of enemy vehicles at source.
Gaijin should make sure that spawn points have sufficient cover, create a base of operation and make it look like one.Give us a chance to at least get off the run way so to speak.

How many objects on the map can a tank actually hide behind and fire from? not many ,they are always too high to see over from the gunners view. Again we blame the players for things that are the game makers fault.Spawn points are a mess even after 13 years.Whose fault is that?

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I wish they’d like tell you exactly what you did instead of being super vague. “Passive behaviour” like when tf did that happen or “Hate speech” that never happened lol.

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Yea youre making people cope because youre playing rat vehicles well

While a bit scummy from a honourable player point of view. Its not against the game rules and you are playing completely legitimately.

Its a competitive game, ethics mean nothing anyway.

The reports just mean you made people mad and they report spammed you. Ive had it happen to me after playing an absolute bonkers good game before. Its honestly more funny than anything, you wont get banned.

In my opinion Spawncamping is an act of bad sportmansconduct, no matter how it’s done. And I really wish gaijin would do something about it. But I would prefer a better spawnprotection to make spawncamping less rewarding instead of giving players penalties.

Spawn camping as far as I know is not rule breaking. As said above by Schindi, report spammers are dealt with :)

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