Spawn Camping Bans

I am not trying to be mean but if you want to address these stuff , head over to these post:
The state of WT map design - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
Stop. Removing. Sniper. Positions. From. Long. Range. Maps - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
The State Of Maps And The Core Game Play - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
Do our community really favors small maps? - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
There should be more, cause this is a part of the bigger problem , mainly map and gameplay influence on the player. You should be able to fine your answer here or join the convo instead of making a thread about it. Cause the spawn camping thing is not leaving and there will be no ban , the solution should be found on other aspect of the gamemode

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How to make people quit War Thunder faster


Which one would you’d rather have them remove, spawn camping or teamkilling?

Preventing the enemy team from getting to the bases to defend them sounds like an incredibly effective tactic to enable your team to cap. Especailly in a gamemode with finite spawns, you might even be able to reduce the number of players you are facing.

The better question should be. If your team controls all the cap points, why are you letting the other team get to your spawn point?

Map design is one thing, but even if you have a perfect, flawless map that’s designed to discourage spawn camping at every turn, you’re still going to have that one guy flanking the side of the map just to shoot you the moment you step out of spawn.


I don’t think banishment is the answer to spawn camping; it’s not as simple as it seems.

I personally dislike spawn camping and avoid the behavior; but sometimes Its the only move to make in a game other than sitting and waiting.

Not everyone in your team is going to wait for the enemy so they will advance and find something to shoot at and others will usually follow suit. This is due to the enemy not moving around the map.

I have had a few games where the enemy team stormed the spawn right off the bat which usually causes most of my team to quit, and this ruins the match. This behavior is unsportsmanlike as was already mentioned, but isn’t against the rules.

On the contrary, I have had teams attempt to camp the spawn and get crushed, or I have gotten multiple kills right at the end of the game making a bunk match into one with a decent payout; even if it’s still a loss.

A method should be developed to discourage this as much as possible; but I’m not sure what should be done.

Maybe better defensive positions at spawn would be enough. Maybe we need more spawns to provide more options to counter the attack. Or we could go more extreme and players at spawn are invincible with the exchange of being unable to fire. Perhaps you should be invisible until you exit spawn instead? Automatic artillery fire when you enter the other teams spawn?

You don’t need to make a perfect map all you need to do is make it far harder to do. To decentivize it.
Right now all of the maps don’t bother putting the effort to do so. The few meager attempts were a tiny hill that doesn’t even protect tanks of any size at all. You make the hill taller then it’s a different story.


Me playing 6.7 Sweden: sees there’s multiple people spawn camping
Bkan: Allow me to introduce myself… BONK

Yes, spawn camping is a problem, but it’s a problem with every shooter-esc game out there. there is no final solution, it will always be a problem and thus you can’t be banning people for it. The question is whether or not you encourage it/embrace it, or try and minimize it. currently Gaijoobles seems to somewhat acknowledge it and occasionally fix the unforeseen problematic spots

Damn good idea, we will be able to see all challengers sitting in a basin trying to climb out. The spawn will be a zoo of british tanks

Still, having wider spawn locations would help avoid aforementioned spawncampers until the game is actually completely lost.

I reckon more than just spawn camping could be mitigated if the entire team didnt spawn in a 1-2 small little areas. Would also help mitigate CAS a bit as well, as SPAA wouldnt be in predictable locations.

But its a universal issue in ALL gamemodes.

in air you have both teams spawning on a single runway creating narrow battles

In Naval you have teams spawning so close together that you have to spend the first few minutes avoiding ramming into teammates. Let alone the volley of fire from the enemy team often within sight.

For Ground and Naval, just making the entire edge of the map one big spawn point, where you either spawned randomly or could choose a section to spawn in would go a long way to fixing issues. Air just needs more than 1 AF to spawn

Mate, I didn’t say you had to make it impossible to climb over, or I’m stating that spawn camping is only an issue cause the maps allow you to do it and don’t stop you at all.

You got some maps where there’s a railway bridge area, that could be good to be anti-spawn camping is blocked off with a couple of tank traps for no reason.

On worse maps such as the forest map. It became a nightmare to spawn camp because we would drive behind a massive hill and use it to engage folks from the far left flank in ambushes. Which is almost isn’t possible anymore.

Another reason why Gaijin shrank the maps and placed borders to the sides is that people kept complaining about spawn camping both short and long-range however they did that. So many maps are just not playable. Cause —cause.

A map made with a Hill that can Look into a Spawn from one side of the map to the other is a dev problem they Refuse to fix as that makes them admit they can’t make good maps.


That why we need actions against this problem. Spawncamping is omnipresent in almost every match and is ruining the game experience. I think we as the playerbase need to adress this problem in order to stop this. I think Gaijin have no interest in displeasing their customers by ignoring problems with their product.

Sure, but it will never come with banning players that aren’t breaking rules. It would come, theoretically, with map changes.


What part of the TOS have they broken to get bans?


Spawn camp disgusting, ungentlemanly behavior…but allowed and thanks to mappers it allowed by map concept in upgraded maps.
You can decide use and not allow enemy team to leave spawn it or leave battle to do not feed OP immortal or RAT tanks, but spawn camp never banned and not got punishment for it

As i see, this topic divides the community more than you might think.

Wider maps = more spawncamping

Spawn camping is not a rule breaking behaviour.