holy hell, that battle log is beautiful. He destroyed 5 little sh-t SPAAs and a little sh-t MBT.
I don’t think you can complain about this while playing CAS.
That’s such a silly take… let’s enable the COUNTER to aircraft to be SPAWNKILLED by them
4-6km is well within a 2S6’s range
It really isnt against a moving target thats running away at low alt, i have the 2s6 i know how poor its actual effective range is most of the time i wish i spawned my strela instead when you get a lock with the strela you know its a 95% chance of a kill with the 2s6 unless the enemy is flying in a straight line the incredibly poor maneuverability of the missile makes dodging it easy
Sure, let me spend another couple hundred hours grinding out planes as well just so I can occasionally use them in GRB for a single lineup.
-Spawn in SPAA
-look to your right
-bomb with timer on it
-it blows up and you die immediately without even moving
CAS mains: “ah yes, very balanced gameplay!”
The only way you could consider this abuse is if :
- IR SPAAs could lock AGMs
- shooting down AGMs would give SP
- Maps would actually allow for SPAAs to move and be surprising.
- Easy refill of ammunition
I usually spawn my ITO as first vehicle, and sometimes i have to spend my 8 missile load shooting only AGMs down. When i have no missiles i J out, simple as, unless one point is cleared by allies of course.
If shooting down AGMs gave SP, then sure, i’d take the L, then spawn something with MICA, AMRAAM, R-77 or whatever, and make sure to return the favor to the AGM spammer.
maybe gajin needs to create a back area where only SPAA can spawn where they have LOS for anti air work and no other tank, firendly or enemy can get in. If you choose you can leave the area as SPAA or stay in. you got a resuply point and cover from being directly shoot from tanks from the main battelfield area. SPAA was not meant to fight head to head with main battle forces. They are after all a trailing unit.
I’ve agreed to this prior in other threads.
I’ve literally stated SPAA parity is absolutely necessary on this exact thread prior.
I’m not opposed to this idea.
Same page then!
Sounds almost as enjoyable as a black dot somewhere in the distance firing a guided anti tank missile at you, and your only hope is to maybe find cover nearby. Thats if you even know the guided weapon from multiple kilometers is on its way.
I wouldn’t call a SAM with mere 13km range missiles “capable” when we have 6 nations in the game that have 20km AGMs.
I’ll need to remember this for the next time I see a FAB5000 coming towards me from space.
Nope I respect it the more negatives to CAS the better. Until they add more spaa for more nations to deal with it you can suffer
Ive never in my whole war thunder career seen an AH mk1 go for helis as their top priority
They should uh… decrease the cost of AAMs across the board. infact they should cost nothing additional at all. and for some BRs and nations spawning a plane is often times your most effective or only solution for dealing with cas at all.
for that matter SP costs for CAS needs an overhaul as well and should be done on a scalable per amount basis.
Example: A plane with 2 walleyes or mavericks? should cost the normal 700-800ish SP cost they do now.
A fully air to ground loaded F-16C, A-6E, Su-25SM, Su-27SM? those should cost well over 1200SP or more.
Top tier SPAAs are at a disadvantage against CAS?
Are we even playing the same game?
Depends as start every thread and complain. every forum particpant shoud be forced to staate what game mode they play as in Arcade RB and Sim the situation is drasticly diffrent.
Arcade and RB are clusterfucks of pure chaos for one.
Sim is diffrent simply by the ammount of players you participation matters most. 80% of my games are 6 vs 6 games. Loosing one player is catsophic in RB and arcade you got full lobys 16 vs 16 all the time. some is flying something at anygiven time.
Having just two jets in sim and no SAM at all is lost game, as it is with helcopters sometimes an so forth. Its not just the system that is not there or to much of one, player skill and cheating have a extreme infulance of games. You feel it more in some game modes then others.
Good, because Starstreaks were literally first spawn ATGMs against any SPAA or IFV.