SPAA J'ing out before you can kill them

They to make each weapon cost sp rather than each type having it

well, we are in the Realistic battle sub section, and the OP mentioned AGM-65 Mavericks in his post which are 10.0+ weapons, so I was assuming he was talking about top tier or near top tier SPAA.

Imagine getting mad because you cant bomb spawn and get easy kills lol.

Maybe stay away from the enemy spawn if you don’t want to deal with spawn protection? Or is that too hard?


Maybe if the SPAAs ever moved out of their spawn planes wouldnt have to be aiming at it to counter them?

Ah yes if you dont get sapwn campt get shoot in middle of the map.

You cant do generalsations like that. what is a MAN Roland supposed to do other then shoot airplanes and helicopters? have you ever consierd the map sizes? The maps in genral? the tiny cramped spaces? Like lol get out of the spawn on davance to rhine it will be fine.


certain maps just don’t allow it to be fair.
One thing to keep in mind is that SPAAs (especially at top tier) have to hide from tanks, and it can take some attention away

Look at the kill feed before he fires the missiles there are older kills’.

of course, But its the same as the futile argument of the person I responded to as well. SPAAs are what counter aircraft, so of course they are priority targets for aircraft, so those aircraft have to look at the spawn first. So in that scenario its a bit dumb to complain about being killed by aircraft in the spawn as well.

Of course we are playing the same game.

When it gets to top tier, CAS can eaisly get rid of SPAA.


What do you actually mean by this? Anyone can leave the game by switching off but whats this about suddenly reappearing and killing you ? Don’t get what you mean.

So much of SPAA used is a result of low SP and a last ditch effort to stay in the game,hardly good for a quick return.


just like SPAA can easily get rid of CAS, even easier than CAS can.

SPAA is stronger than CAS at top tier.

There are other SPAAs than Russian one that can be targeted outside of their effective range


I second this. What is you’re true meaning. Why would spaa loose a backup to respawn/ Spawn an inferior spaa. Just to be petty? why would you be so close to spawn that spaa could kill you when they respawn?


Ok and? Doesnt change the fact SPAAs are stronger than CAS at top tier, not just the Pantsir

What is the range of the Adats missile ? 10 km effective range > 8 km
What is the range of the ITO missile ? 12 km effective range > 10 km
what is the range of the TOR missile ? 12 km effective range > 10 km (Don’t know but roughly in ball park)
What is the range of the Pantsnir ? 16 km effective range > 12 km

This analyzes is taken on a flat map with some but not a lot of cover on it. (think EL alamein, Fire arc, Arctic) With mavericks.

Its funny that aircraft out range the Adats 100 percent of the time.
ITO has to be hella quick on the draw or get sniped by aircraft.
TOR are in a better position then the ITO but by a low margine
Pantsnir can both shoot incoming missiles and return fire to some degree. (plus they can snipe helis with a lockless missile. But there is a missile warning.)

Conclusion: If you have Russia on your team you are guaranteed to control the sky (they force people to hit the deck but it is possible to dodge the 95Ya6 by maneuvering correctly)
So an airforce that stays outside ten kilometers (with Russia on the team) will be guaranteed safety and can simply bomb the spaa among other targets ending in a spawn camp.

And the pantsir isn’t magical it cant hit maunvering mach 1 targets outside 12 km. It might save itself from the first maveric but might come up short if there is a second one.

You have just agreed that SPAA can be destroyed outside of its effective range so You should be able to understand what doest that mean.


No they are not


You can meet Mavericks in 8.3 vehicle if you get full uptiered, as first Mavericks are at 9.3

It also happens because now you can reach top tier by grabbing a 70€ premium and just be useless there lol
(Cuz lets be honest they’re fodder because they’re also usually newer players, not to say I oppose it tho )))))))))

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