SPAA J'ing out before you can kill them

Do what you like so long as its legal ,sick of self appointed gate keepers.


It’s a strawman argument that. It’s pure whataboutism, and is different. It’s trash too, but it’s just a straight stupid move as they can easily do anything else rather than just this.

CAS gets denied a kill, so they don’t get SP and won’t respawn… doesn’t seem stupid to me.


I’ll just leave this here…

Take the death, and don’t advocate for the cheap denial.

Point me to where snail confirms this is not intended, to use a feature of the game in this way.


Is J-ing out a glitch? Is it not intended that if you J-out you self destruct? What advantage does it give me if I J-out before a bomb explodes beside me?


Seems CAS players just really feel entitled to every kill…
Someone J’s out in the air somewhere ‘‘I should get the kill’’ and now that’s a thing.
I did damage but someone else actually killed it ‘‘I should get the kill’’ and now that’s a thing.
Someone crashed when fighting me ‘I should get the kill’’ so we wait for that as well as tanks J’s out being granted as a kill.


If I have read this properly, then you have no complaint at all, and only complaining because someone ruined your fun.

If you are shooting at an SPAA, he J’s out, respwans, and then kills you… then you only have yourself to blame. The ONLY way someone can respawn and kill you straight away, with spawn invincibilty… is if you are in thier spawn point. So you are one of those Spawn Camper Killers. If you want to be one of those spawn killers, then you have no right to complain seeing you are obviously one of the players that are causing so many forum threads to be written about spawn killers like you.


Does the j-ing out in air, not give the award to the nearest player already?

So why should it not be the same in this case?

But not just the player, the nearest airborne if that is the case. If they’re the light tank you proclaim from earlier, then give it to whoever is closest…

If it were actually happening the other way around, you can be sure you’d definitely be more understanding in the first place.

To be real, there is a point where the maneuver kill is legit, and it’s been called for a while to be counted.

Does the j-ing out in air, not give the award to the nearest player already?

Yes, because of air player’s entitlement issues that feel like everything should be their kill because they looked in their general direction.

If it were actually happening the other way around, you can be sure you’d definitely be more understanding in the first place.

Oh yeah, I’d be so upset to miss out on SPAA rewards, the absolutely atrocious and waste of time rewards, that’s really why we play SPAA, because we get all these rewards and it’s so much fun!


The ‘’‘advantage’‘’ is that you didn’t ‘die’ to someone, and ‘gift them’ the ‘’‘points’‘’ (SP or scoreboard) that the people that do this, hold precious.

Either way, the denial, when you were dead to rights, is just spiteful play.

That’s not why that came to be though? It was because people were running obscenely wide and j-ing out to drag players well out of the battlefield.

What even is this nonsense?

Just gotta J-out of your tank before the enemy tanks shoot you. Maybe make it a shortcut on your keyboard.😎

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That’s not why that came to be though? It was because people were running obscenely wide and j-ing out to drag players well out of the battlefield.

Because people were trying to play bombers and they got nerfed into the ground to a point where their structure was equal to wet paper napkins covering a toothpick frame, and gunner that made stormtroopers look like Simo Häyhä in comparison, and then having some fighter chase you down to the end of the earth because it’s the only way they can get a kill on this pinate that supposed to be a bomber, and getting denied in the end.

What even is this nonsense?

I ask myself the same thing every time I see the SPAA rewards after the game.


is this real thats so lame

not even because they don’t want to be killed by cas its moreso that they don’t want to give the other player a kill seems really toxic to me

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CAS players don’t deserve any kills. J-ing out and making CAS player waste his bomb is the best thing lol.


Word salad doesn’t cover anything.

No seriously, what is this because you’re just making no sense.

I’m not the one to teach you better reading comprehension.


Denying kills out of spite is absurdly petty and absolutely needs to be dealt with. The “leave vehicle” menu option should be removed, and the J-out timer for non-aircraft should be increased to 10 seconds; its only legitimate use case is if you’re stuck upside down (etc) anyway.

What do you mean they dont deserve any kills?
They’ve out performed you and did things right enough to get their ordinance close to you.
In that case they definitely should get the kill

Playing CAS is more difficult than pressing Spacebar, especially at top tier. ( Except for the Su25SM3)

You have to fight SPAA, other Planes , Heli’s and sometimes terrain.
You also have to find the spaa to kill them.

As an spaa, you know where they come from, you can see their Airspawn, you have a radar , and you can move around the map to kill them. you can also hide (alot of spaa users dont know this)

It gets more difficult fighting FF ordinance if you dont see it launched at you. If you see it, just Smoke and move behind. It works.
Players usually spawn SPAA too late, after they’ve been killed, So they are swarmed with ordinance from the moment they spawn.