SPAA-Helicopter inbalance

Sorry. But rushing with Dumbfire Rockets is truly the worst tactic you can choose with a heli. At the beginning, this is the only tactic you can choose (if you don’t level up the helicopter through super-boring AI battles), and that’s why you see people choose this tactic every now and then. But this can only effectively speed up your respawn.

Another example of how we are discussing things here with people who simply don’t fly helicopters.

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Yes, I didn’t say it would be easy… You have to make assumptions or gather information on enemy location before flying out and hit an area where you have the highest probability in finding a target to strike while not being open to enemy fire.

Truly you are incapable of reading as the person rushing with rockets is the OP, and subsequently complaining about getting killed by an ozelot at 2.3km while rocket rushing.

Poor guy. Find friends and a life. And don’t take a game so seriously that you label other opinions as lies.

You’re just demonstrating the following: you’ve actually mastered the big learning curve of driving your AA under a tree or against a rock and then waiting until your target lock beeps because a helicopter is looking over a hill. You must be very proud of yourself. And calling other people liars even though you yourself have had literally zero experience on the other side of the topic is simply insulting. Nothing more, nothing less.

I will not comment further on your posts. You have nothing constructive to contribute.

In the first replay the ozelot locks you at around 2.3km which is incidentally the maximum range at which an ozelot is able to acquire a lock (because he was obviously trying to lock you and this is when it first was able to).

Aside from that you were also flying high and in a straight line to the point where it is a wonder that the gepard didn’t hit you even with the almighty lead indicator you were talking about.

As for your second replay you died to an M247, not a gepard at fairly close range (about 2km) and you can see in the radar view in the replay you were just about illuminated.

But again, you’re rocket rushing. What are you expecting here?

I didn’t say it was. The person I am replying to said they use dumb rockets instead of ATGMs. He said he was using dumb rockets at 3km, which is not an effective tactic and will get you shot down due to the exposure time needed to aim and fire the rockets, let alone the inaccuracy of those rockets.

I do rarely fly helicopters, but I DO play SPAA against them and know what tactics work and don’t work because I counter them. I also play fixed wing aircraft, and these tactics also apply to them in terms of avoiding radar/missiles. Knowledge isn’t limited to just experience in a single vehicle type. Knowing how to counter helicopters gives me the insights in how to use them more effectively.

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Your “opinion”, is a lie though. It will be called as such.

You need to get a life instead of feeling the need to lie about the capability of systems in a weak attempt to justify your skill issue.

Also if AA is so easy why do you perform so badly in it again? Ah right, it’s because you don’t know what you’re talking about and lying through your teeth.

You would know the effective range of an ozelot if you played it, or done your homework before playing your helicopters.

I prescribe you a daily dosage of git gud

Sorry, I was still upset by the casino guy and so a bit harsh.

I think we’re not far apart.

Packetloss actually seems to choose tactics with the helicopter that are rarely or never successful.
Even IFVs become extremely dangerous to him in this way. For a PUMA or 2S38 it’s such a hit.

I do rarely fly helicopters, but I DO play SPAA against them and know what tactics work and don’t work because I counter them.

No you see you clearly don’t know anything about the difference between good and bad helicopter players or the limitations of your weapon system versus them while played at various skill levels.

I had this exact same argument along this line of reasoning about the A-10A in another thread where I pointed out that an A-10A at standoff range can mop the floor with mavericks and be nigh untouchable from most SPAA.

I got the same asinine reasoning of “yeah well you only play a massive amount of SPAA and pretty well, so you obviously don’t know or have ever faced these planes played differently”.

So then I, and another who play a lot of SPAA both started playing the A-10A and posting evidence of mopping the floor with it playing it how we described.

I had never played it before, and I still knew how to play it better than the vast majority of A-10A players I’ve killed purely because I knew how the ones I couldn’t kill played.

Then you get these incompetents flying into range of SPAA systems in helicopters and crying about how overpowered the SPAA systems are instead of looking at themselves and noticing that they, and their playstyle, is the problem.

It’s the exact same situation.

No. It’s not even remotely the same situation. And with that you prove emphatically that you have no idea about it. You compare a helicopter and its gameplay to that of an airplane. After a thousand games with airplanes and a few hundred with jets, you obviously have an idea of ​​what a jet can and can’t do.

Amazing news for you: a helicopter flies differently than a jet. It doesn’t seem clear to you. But it’s also logical. You don’t fly helicopters.

Yea, you can plainly tell who knows how to operate their aircraft effectively and who doesn’t when playing SPAA. I’ve had a few conversations with people that say CAS is soooo strong and SPAA can’t be effective even though most pilots (fixed or rotary wing) fly in straight lines in open sky for most of their attack runs which makes them easy targets for any Radar Guided Gun SPAA. When I do play aircraft I hug the deck if I’m going in close or leverage guided weapons range if it’s available.

My time in the A10s has been launching Mavericks at 5+km while giving myself ample time to aquire the target and fire around that 5km mark while I use the periodic chaff/flares to cover my apporach from IR and radar SPAA. Works pretty well. One of my favorite planes to counter in my M247 is actually the Su-25(K) because they just dump flares all day but it means nothing to my guns. Same with most helicopters. The M247 w/ proxy can kill helis at 4km pretty well if they aren’t paying attention or aren’t aware of your presence. The lack of tracers also makes it a good stealthy SPAA.

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You visibly have problems with reading comprehension

when you lock onto an IRCM protected heli does it still give that visual indication of the lock circles jiggling around?

Helicopters fly differently than jets, but the tactics to avoid radar/IR detection are the same. Fast and low, top down (to avoid radar detection limits), or outranging with advanced weapons. It applies to both.

Please stop saying things like this:

It doesn’t have the effect you think it does, and just makes you seem narrow minded. Just because one doesn’t enjoy flying helicopters does not mean they don’t/can’t have knowledge in how to use them. Especially people who enjoy SPAA, which requires knowledge on how to counter effective aircraft tactics.

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Yes, and if you fire the missile will usually just veer off in a random direction if it is IR guided. SACLOS can still hit helis with IRCM.


while this is just one battle i still have to test it but I had a friendly German Mi-24P prem locked without any jiggling in the OZ.
Who knows he might have taken it off.

I can’t see the replays right now since I’m at work, but I’ll take a look later. If I remember correctly, IRCM systems can not work in every aspect. For example the Su-39 should be able to be locked with an all aspect IR missile from the front because of the IRCM system being mounted in the rear of the airframe.

I also don’t know how locking friendlies work with the IRCM systems either.

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No. It’s not even remotely the same situation.

It is and you’re coping. I am well aware of helicopter capabilities versus the SPAAs I play and the effective ranges and as I have stated multiple times I am well aware of what a capable helicopter pilot vs an incapable one is.

You are clearly incapable. I thank you for this. This game needs as many incapable helicopter/plane pilots as possible otherwise SPAA gameplay would be absolutely insufferable.

I thought you were complaining about the M247 killing you.

Also before I even check to see you in the ZSU, why would you ever use the ZSU radar. It is terrible and woefully inaccurate.

You are far better off aiming without usage of the radar on it if you are experienced.

Edit: I’ve checked the replay and the helicopter you are locking is both flying very high up and the tree density you are massively overexaggerating. There is maybe a tree or two in your way and you can even just see it visually without the radar.

Why would the radar not be able to see it here?

driving through a forest should impact the radar lock. despite it I had a stable, non flashing one. Ground clutter is only hard terrain in this game. Woods have no impact, even they should realistically