i see, thats unfortunate
HD images of yesterday’s final flight for the former Indonesian president after the new president’s inauguration (planes including T-50i, F-16 and a Su-30)
Twitter - “Indonesian Air Force Fighter Jets Escort the Return of the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia to Solo”
Twitter - Formation On Route
video version:
EDIT: photo of one of the security escort carrying two live AIM-9s, (presumably the AIM-9P5)
a bit like a modern type 94 appearance wise
FYI, there is some news for the possible Indonesian Su-35, the deal is not cancelled, its just frozen. The reason why is because of many factors, but as weve known before, the primary one is America blocking the sale.
read (CNN Indonesia, translated):
BUT, recently we have done deals with a UAE company called E-System Solutions (ESS) which has helped with maintenance, providing equipment, as well as brokering deals with other countries such as Belarus, so its very likely these news emerging of the possible sale again is because of them
notable ESS hardware for Indonesia:
- FPV drone detector and jammer
- DART multi-purpose Rockets
- Jammer pods for the Su-30MK2
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/habib-boukharouba-27901b47/recent-activity/all/
personally I think the chance of it happening in the near future is quite slim, but its possible once we obtained all of our ordered jets. I dont think we’re going to stray away from the recent orders since the new minister of defence wanted to continue with the purchases in a recent interview:
interview (yes the ministry of defence upload their videos at only 360p for some reason, no I dont know why they do this)
[Answering question about defence equipment] "My task is to continue and develop what has been conducted by the [previous defence minister]."
I dont think I’ve mentioned the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla), so lets highlight one of their ships
watch the video inside the Indonesian ship here: x.com
Fun fact, all of Bakamla’s ships is domestically made. The Tanjung Datu here is Indonesia’s one of, if not the largest, domestically made OPV (Offshore Patrol Vessel). Although its technically a “Patrol Boat”, in reality its size is comparable to a corvette or even a frigate
It is armed with the Turkish Aselsan SMASH RCWS turret fitted with the 30mm Bushmaster 2 mk44 cannon and the PINDAD sm5 machine gun as well as some water cannons. The ship also has a helipad for an NBell-412 helicopter

The ship is the primary deterrence for foreign ships in the Natuna Sea, its also quite successful in doing so as it managed to, in a single occasion, escort out approx. 31-64 fishing ships while they were accompanied by 3 CCG vessels, all of this is done before the Tanjung Datu received any actual weaponry.
read more here:
KN Tanjung Datu 1101: Frigate-like Dimensions, Coast Guard Patrol Vessel Status
Added three new Suggestions to the List;
- (ML) F/A-18D (25X)
- (ML) CA-27 Mk.32 Sabre
- (ML) PT-91M
- (PH) OV-10M
ASEAN (TH, ML, SG, IN, PH) Air Sub-TT project and Malaysian Ground Sub-TT suggestions are still WIP.
No. Dumbest thing you could do.
I mean, this is in response to an even dumber idea from Gaijin.
I also get where this is coming from. If Gaijin really sees such a need for a Chinese subtree, and somehow Pakistan, Bangladesh and (if they decide against a combined tree) North Korea aren’t good enough for them, and they can’t find any other nations outside of ASEAN, then they can still limit their ASEAN picks to countries that are actually reasonable for China rather than all of them. Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia seem to fit this bill pretty well, only Vietnam is a bit odd.
Sure, not a perfect solution, but considering the situation this this was thought up in it is decent.
North Korea shouldn’t ever be part of the Taiwanese/Chinese tree.
They are a much better fitting subtree than Singapore is for China, though arguably that is not a chanllenge at all.
I hope for a united Korean tree instead still though, which is why I listed them only after Paksitan and Bangladesh and added the disclaimer.
The whole point being that even outside ASEAN China has options in subtrees, so that they really shouldn’t get all of ASEAN and especially not the most trusted NATO ally in the region cleared for F-35s.
Once again, I do not want to see any of those nations under China for any reason. Just like a Unified Korea, putting any of those countries in China would be very controversial. Gaijin would be in a political dilemma. If they do add them to China->Controversy, if they don’t->No controversy. That anyone cares for. But parts of the community would claim “Copy pasta”
most of us dont want that either
the main point is this, if China really needs a sub-tree, then it first should be the south Asian countries, if it doesnt suffice, then as a last resort the ASEAN countries would be split, but nowhere should Singapore be in that list of possibility.
It’s just a matter of grouping the game, please don’t rise to politics
Pakistan is already a Chinese sub-tree, and this was stated by Mr. Vyacheslav Brannikov (for the convenience of using his network name Mr. bvvd here) [Mr. BVVD, please!] 请BVVD先生作出回答!_网络游戏热门视频 watch this video from 2:30
The specific discourse is:
Question: Is there a subtree added for China (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand)
BVVD: Yes, we have plans, not just plans, we already have plans to add two Pakistani vehicles to the Chinese in the Wyvern version, and we plan to add more, not just Pakistan
Yeah Nah, Thailand had comfirmed to Japan. So China subtree might only be Pakistan, Bangladesh and maybe North Korea and Myammar
You’re expecting players to care, if some players did they wouldn’t have leaked private or contractor viewing documentation.
NK isn’t going to China, been nodded at Korea’s gonna be separate from the Sub-Tree concept.
Do you know what happened to the anti-aircraft T34 on the Soviet line?
Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam, these are ASEAN countries, from this point of view, ASEAN should join the China line
According to your logic, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourgh are NATO members, so all NATO vehicles should go to France, see how stupid that argument is?
Yes, first it was implemented to the Soviet since it uses the t-34-85 hull, then it was re-implemented to the Chinese once they were added since it uses the chinese copy of the soviet 37mm, which then can be implemented again in the future for other nations, just like the Type 62, implemented to the soviet line first since the china weren’t implemented yet, then moved to the correct Chinese tree when they were introduced
further discussion is pointless since:
China has plenty of sub-trees options without ASEAN
Even without sub-trees china has a lot of domestic vehicles that havent been implemented (around 100+ if i recall)
see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1g54bm4/china_has_106_suggested_ground_vehiclesnot/
List of Previously Suggested Ideas - China Ground Forces
- Japan meanwhile is extremely lacking in everything modern
- Japan’s option for additional sub-trees is extremely limited
(Implementing only thailand is not going to solve the problems in the longterm, adding multiple nations would be more reasonable)