Southeast Asian (ASEAN) Machinery Of War Discussion Thread

It’s just a matter of grouping the game, please don’t rise to politics

Pakistan is already a Chinese sub-tree, and this was stated by Mr. Vyacheslav Brannikov (for the convenience of using his network name Mr. bvvd here) [Mr. BVVD, please!] 请BVVD先生作出回答!_网络游戏热门视频 watch this video from 2:30
The specific discourse is:
Question: Is there a subtree added for China (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand)
BVVD: Yes, we have plans, not just plans, we already have plans to add two Pakistani vehicles to the Chinese in the Wyvern version, and we plan to add more, not just Pakistan

Yeah Nah, Thailand had comfirmed to Japan. So China subtree might only be Pakistan, Bangladesh and maybe North Korea and Myammar


You’re expecting players to care, if some players did they wouldn’t have leaked private or contractor viewing documentation.

NK isn’t going to China, been nodded at Korea’s gonna be separate from the Sub-Tree concept.

Do you know what happened to the anti-aircraft T34 on the Soviet line?

Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam, these are ASEAN countries, from this point of view, ASEAN should join the China line

According to your logic, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourgh are NATO members, so all NATO vehicles should go to France, see how stupid that argument is?

Yes, first it was implemented to the Soviet since it uses the t-34-85 hull, then it was re-implemented to the Chinese once they were added since it uses the chinese copy of the soviet 37mm, which then can be implemented again in the future for other nations, just like the Type 62, implemented to the soviet line first since the china weren’t implemented yet, then moved to the correct Chinese tree when they were introduced

further discussion is pointless since:

  • China has plenty of sub-trees options without ASEAN

  • Even without sub-trees china has a lot of domestic vehicles that havent been implemented (around 100+ if i recall)

see here:
List of Previously Suggested Ideas - China Ground Forces

  • Japan meanwhile is extremely lacking in everything modern
  • Japan’s option for additional sub-trees is extremely limited
    (Implementing only thailand is not going to solve the problems in the longterm, adding multiple nations would be more reasonable)

Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia are ASEAN countries that could join the Chinese tree. But they should not receive all ASEAN countries, especially not such as Singapore or Indonesia.

China has a lot of options that Gaijin can add from both ROC and PRC, and many subtree options outside of ASEAN.
When there is already subtrees such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, maybe North Korea and Iran I’ve seen thrown aroun, then Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia are more than enough in terms of ASEAN countries for China.

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No politics.

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Guys, it’s really not that hard to think about this.

Southeast Asia has 11 nations with different equipment and military doctrines. You can split them into groups:

  1. Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia (mainly eastern equipment).
  2. Singapore, Thailand (mainly western equipment).
  3. Indonesia, Malaysia (a mix of both eastern and western equipment).

(Sorry, East Timor and Brunei, couldn’t think of anything specific for you.)

Given this mix, we have a few options:

  1. Make the whole Southeast Asian subtree go to Japan. Japan’s tech tree doesn’t have a subtree yet, and honestly, Japan feels neglected by Gaijin these days.
  2. Separate Southeast Asian subtree: some nations go to Japan, others to China (though this would definitely make some people unhappy).
  3. Create a standalone Southeast Asia tech tree. With such diverse equipment, it would make sense to have a dedicated Southeast Asia tech tree.

For anyone thinking the Southeast Asia subtree should go to China, that should not be possible. Most Southeast Asian nations don’t rely on China for military expansion, and China already has its own subtree (Taiwan) and could get more, like South Asia (India, Pakistan) in the future.

Also, the rumored Singaporean Leopard going to China is just a leak with no confirmation. If that’s true, I’m not sure what Gaijin is thinking.

Oh, and the Thai Harrier from the Devblog Datamine belongs to Japan. So, honestly, it makes more sense for the rest of Southeast Asia to be a subtree for Japan.


i think i remember Brunei expressed interest in the T-90MS and TOR systems, but that was in 2012 so not really a recent news, the other one is the Indonesian Harimau but again, the news is from 2018 and nothing of note recently

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ROC (before and after 1949) is never announced as a sub TT for China, it’s just China itself
and India is already confirmed as UK sub TT i remember

I think they didn’t necessarily mean it’s a subtree, but that it functions like one due to the separate PRC and ROC militaries.

While India isn’t exactly a good example, I still somewhat agree with the idea that China can very much get other subtrees outside of ASEAN, such as the often mentioned Pakistan, Bangladesh, North Korea, Iran, etc. That is why I think that at most China should receive Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia from ASEAN if needed, but not a full ASEAN subtree.


Nah, only singapore going to israel. Philippine to US and Vietnam to USSR. Or just cancel whole israel tree and merge it into US

just to hammer on this point, check out this comparison for the ground suggestions, left is Japan, Right is China

(the aircraft disparity is also present there but nowhere near as severe as the ground)


The worst thing is most of the domestic vehicles are inaccurate in their performance.

And due to the classified nature the job of having to prove to Gaijing of their capabilities all the more difficult.
Saw the ridiculously thick spall liners of PLZ05, hopefully one of many to come, hopefully.

problem is that its inherently a Gaijin issue, and can technically be solved, they just choose to introduce it as inaccurate as they were

but with Japan its more of a real life JSDF issue, and i dont think there’s many options left for modern-ish stuff, other than prototypes (I think)


Not my bug report, but there was a bug report made about the AV-8S’s RWR and I thought I’d post it here so it gains more traction so maybe it’ll be passed along soon.