Wow… just wow
theres an article about a squadron in New Mexico using them and when they were deactivated they were sold to the Luftwaffe, unless the article is wrong and they were actually F4E’s
They where likely turned into RF-4Es, the recon variant, which the Luftwaffe did operate
Much of today 's the Shooting Range, by Gaijin Entertainment episode featured things which will be appearing in the upcoming major:
To no-ones surprise, this likely indicates that the update is very close to release.
For the updates which will succeed this one there 's alot to discuss for upward expansion, and yet surprisingly little:
Helicopter development is almost completely done, once Spike-alike armaments start to appear there 's nowhere to go upwards in capability ( AGM-114L having been denied for future development due to balancing concerns ) against land targets. And those armaments will mainly be appearing on developments of current helis rather than new models, anyway.
All that 's left is to see how long it takes.
Ground vehicle development is already done, so all we’re waiting for on that front is for additions to be completed across all techtrees. Heavy tanks are long gone, light tanks ability to follow med 's in BR was almost wildly overestimated. There 's places for some nation 's mediums and SAM-SPAA to go higher, but not for all. The main course there might soon be how not-yet-ingame nations are divided amongst, or added alongside, the national TT 's we already have, rather than the actual vehicles henceforth.
All that 's left is to see how long it takes.
Aircraft development is abt to make another lightspeed jump in capabilities, but as it too enters the currently-in-service era this may prove to be one of it 's last. Armaments typical of today are coming very soon, as are aircraft whose replacements are still working up to service alongside them – both in their earlier forms ofcourse, obviously. What might follow them, though ?- the list of planes between the ( seemingly ) immediate next step and the " nothing exists past here " stage isn’t as long as it once was. As much development in representation of avionics nd systems might be seen as airframes themselves soon, maybe more.
All that 's left is to see how long it takes.
Naval development encompasses a huge range of vehicles, so it 's still in the most interesting position of having much more possible in advancement upwards. The main stream that it 's topside expansion has taken for the last while has been Battleships, and the very last very best examples of those are on the horizon now. We’re almost mindblowingly close to seeing the end of this chapter - and that which will follow isn’t even clearly visible yet, since there 's so many other avenues of vehicle development we’ve seen evidence to be taking alongside and after !
All that 's left is to see how long it takes.
I hate how the AGM-114L has been denied. We have systems like the PARS and Spike’s in-game but can’t get the LongBow. I know it has some solid capabilities but still it doesn’t seem like it would be game-breaking. Throw it on a devserver and see how things go.
Continuing on helicopters, hopefully we can get more variants and capabilities for top French and Italian helicopters.
AGM-114L can just ignore smoke, and u get 16 of them and they are proxy airburst. that’s just a few advantages that would make them very powerfull
They deny a hundred things a year and for better or for worse they all end up in game at some point.
It’s just a matter of time.
they didnt deny a hermes
That 's the thing, there 's hardly any variants or capabilities left for these, or anyone else. Italy is in an alright position, having both their domestic A129D and possibly the T129 Faz 2( the FnF UMTAS was added w/ the current one, which was stated during it 's devserver to not be under consideration to receive it and to represent the Faz 1 standard ). France is worse off, they won’t have a domestic product w/ this capability for abt half a decade yet, if things go to plan. Though there was the Spanish variant of their current top heli briefly in the files when they had it added, which could fill that capability gap for them.
I don’t doubt variants and increased capabilities are coming. There 's just not much left in that regard, so it 's less abt the possibility and more the timing w/ which they’ll appear that 's relevant now. And it 's looking like that time isn’t at all far away.
Very good analysis, I share your view.
I’ve been trying to imagine the future of the game for a while now. I think that as you say, we are reaching the top in each TT, so the game will probably begin to expand sideways soon. That is to say, we will start to see more nations soon, and that explains a bit of the extra bonus to research new technology trees faster.
More new nations would involve a lot more copy/paste and copy/modify/paste, as the case may be, with some unique things thrown in for good measure. Finland and Hungary already give us an example of what those TTs would be like (although they are still subsTTs, but both started with a large amount of c&p, not showing all their exclusive content at the start and having some vehicles already in the game).
I would say that there are practically not too many options left for nations with large amounts of original things and that can also maintain a balance with the current nations. I am convinced that Poland will be the next nation and will open the door to some Ukrainian and Eastern European things.
France can get the tiger HAC
They could. Is it an improvement over the level of capability already present in helicopters, as I’m discussing here ?
Personally I’d doubt it, since it 's a pre-production Tigre UHT.
so you means China is able to get Mirage 2000,F14 , Mig23 even the Tronado right?
The F-4F was made specifically for Germany, so no, American did not use them.
no man, you are looking for a flea and are forgetting the elephant in the room, not fair from your point of view.
the engine does not make it accelerate, but in subsonic speed* wing spreeaded+combat flap+airbrake+knowledge+ability= you can win a mig-29
The radar after this patch will be the best in range and number of detecting and tracking targets, can detect 24 fighters, and can guide on 6 at once. once more every pd radar is notchable
phoenix is bad if you dont fire at a nice range and give proper feedback for the missile until get 16 KM the missile will miss, 24km is the best energy range of the missile, and every plane if points the noose to the missile, will be hard to evade, most of time is a direct hit because of it speed
a mysterious FACT: missiles can miss, no matter what is the best, does not exist Wunderwaffe.
every missile can be noctable
see this video
“you fire 2 missiles on one target”.
in real life they did it and do it today if will, and most of the time 1 is enough
the issue is some planes dont have a proper weapon in-game that in real life did it
but I have to admit, rwr on this plane will suck, nothing that paying attention solve it, and you can see the missile on TWS
disgusting video who uses blue or Violet hud on a plane
problem is those long range kills don’t work if the enemy knows what he is doing not to mention staying at high altitude will just get worse when new planes and missiles get added
is about to ask what I missed
Back to sleep we go then