nut worse mobility, wich is the point actually about
You guess gajin might consider another infrared homing Air-to-Air Missile with IRCCM & no IRCCM 30G-50G from Israel (IAF), JASDF, PLAAF, RAF and Luftwaffe Q4 this year ?
Definition of trolling
“post provocative, offensive or inappropriate messages in order to boycott something or someone, or hinder conversation.”Right now, friend, you are boycotting and hindering a claim that many of us consider valid. We are here, because it is in this patch that:
We are receiving a 2A5 with less mobility, after 4 years and at the end of the research line.
We don’t receive a Lnyx with idiotic arguments, but the UK can receive a T-90.
We didn’t receive a spike, but Italy receives its second spike.
PUMA just went up to 10.0.Why are we here? Because we already went through the proper channels and did not get satisfactory answers. We are here because we are fed up with the treatment that Germany receives. Much of this game was developed and grown thanks to the massive community of German players. Playing German vehicles from WWII was the driving force (along with the Soviets) of this game. The feeling now is that others receive the German stuff and Germany can’t even receive its new MBT or a damn spike for a PUMA that, UNFORTUNATELY, is in BR 10.0.
I just know that currently germany, Israel, china, Sweden, Japan and great britain lack IFV with long-range fire & forget ATGM
But gajin might consider Q4 this year ?
You’ll note I never claimed the top speed was the only aspect of mobility.
Mobility is a whole host of characteristics as I implied earlier.
Mobility is a whole host of characteristics as I implied earlier.
you dont fucking say and pso has IN FACT worse mobility then 2a5
jesus man
razer’s not wrong with this statement, well up until recently it got both the same forward and reverse speeds but besides the point
I think you misunderstood, follow the thread.
Plus you misquoted me. I never said that.
and lets not mention the big mobility difference between 2a5 and 2a6 even tho they are just 400kg apart from each other
the forum’s quoting system is BS, i was trying to quote from razer but wtv lol
and yes someone else alrd explained it, calm ur tits down
Never said otherwise, cause I didn’t comment on mobility comparison to begin with.
I haven’t ran tests, waiting for live when things are finalized.
The only thing I commented on is transmission gearing, and that’s subject to change.
In other news, shameless plug and go vote this suggestion or something idk
poll Leopard 2 SG [1703914_-_main.thumb.jpg.6dfdba55e2d9565] Leopard 2 SG with upgraded COAPS Commander Thermal Camera [2aae8af49a3f00a4075b8bbf049032ae.thumb.j] Leopard 2 SG with PERI R-17 Commander Night Vision Optics [1200px-Leopard_2A4_Singapore.thumb.jpg.0] Leopard 2A4 (SG) with the only difference being a different coaxial About this vehicle During the early 2000s, the Singapore Armed Forces were looking into replacing Singapore’s AMX-13 named “SM-1” tanks, which were in service sinc…
have another Leo 2 SG pic :)
You’ll note I never claimed the top speed was the only aspect of mobility.
You will notice that I was talking about mobility and your response was pure trolling. Thanks for confirming it.
Sir, sincere civil conversations with others isn’t provocative.
No one is trying to provoke others.
Never said otherwise, cause I didn’t comment on mobility comparison to begin with.
idk mate
he said pso has worse mobility then 2a5
And you responded with “it has same F/R topspeed”
wich clearly implies that you think mobility is F/R topspeed
and newsflash, its not
I’m calm buddy lol
I just didn’t say that.
No one is trying to provoke others.
Yes, ok.
They’re both great. Reduced the aggression, good job. By the way, is the wishlisting over now?
To be fair, we’re a bit excited to talk about rumors for the major update after this one.
dont get my wrong you did a good job. I think all have calm down. thats good
btw i would like to see Fulda gap as a winter map, at least for all my wintercamosfor the lepards
uh the US used F4F’s they were the last of the phantoms to be replaced.
Wrong country bud