Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Sadly, we would have quite a few more vehicles!

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So clear thanks, We don’t worry this

I wonder gajin will consider F-16C Block 50 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) later this month ?

Umm you don’t worry, I guess in the future gaijin might consider Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) and could add another AGM-65 newer & better AGM-65D

We use the t-72 currus, which is an improved t-72

plastered with era

Other nations when the designer/producer wants the variant as well…

There is no issue with the USA getting the AV-8B+, it wont change the meta, and it wont be OP, US mains have every right to hope their TT gets the vehicles it designed and operated.




might have to do with labor day

kontakt 1 or domestic era?

no idea

god it’s ugly

love em painted Bricks

well certainly requires special taste, just saying there is better option they their pure copy paste additions.
if they handled the entire tree better, they wouldnt have needed to put all attention on the KF41. It would have made Hungary overall more intresting. Right now it is only low tier and top tier that are intresting so to say. The mid tier is jsut boring copy paste

Just report all the posts about it. Its the perfect way to get a mod in here to get an official statement for them.

And maybe a few mutes.

What all 2,000 of them no thank you I got better things to do hehe

eh besides that, the number of daily flags is quite limited, you only get like 10

Yea so no point in reporting anything

so i can keep jabbing about it ? perfect!

Please vote in poll if interested.

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Another question Smin since the Commonwealth is now part of the British tree will the likes of the Vikers Mk.7 be corrected to represent Kenya ?

So i was going to show the KF-41 to a friend and this happend


No fix the damage model of tanks shells = Another shity update.