Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I see VIDAR recieved the french shell OE 155 F3 who can be used on the AUF1 but it’s not added to the last, can we expect the addition to the AUF1 now ? @Smin1080p

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let’s go the R-60/R-60M becomes even worse than it already is

Why would the vickers mk7 represent Kenya? The mk7 never saw service anywhere

When you build a Stug after 70isch years again


“Kenya - 76 MBT Mk 3 and 7 ARV delivered in 1979–1982”

Something like that

It is the sgr m/60 but it got renamed

Should be like this


Mk3 yeah sure but you mentioned the mk7 the 7 you have stated above is an ARV ( armoured recovery vehicle )

Yeah but sgr m/60 is just the name of the french OE 155 F3 so AUF1 need to recieved it too

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Ah nvm then lol

The vickers mk7 literally didn’t see any service with any nations what so ever there was 2 prototypes built a mk7 and mk7/2

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I’ve updated it now

I am not going to open that can of worms

eh yeah, think i will avoid air top tier with my german mig 29

Unless Gaijin will be so mercifull to also give the 9-12A its R-73s (who am I kidding, this wont happen anytime soon)

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its the K-4 ynx

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thanks gaijin finaly =Q____

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US has been lacking a tech tree attacker aircraft with competitive capability against the modern threat of the Pantsir, as the A-10A Late, which is STILL missing a LITENING pod by the way, does not have the capability of engaging targets at long range due to very poor thermal quality. Same goes for the A-7E, though that is arguably worse since you are stuck with only Walleyes. I have been waiting for an AV-8B since last September after the Harrier GR.7 was added, and then this update gets my hope up with the Italian one being in the files, only to be spit in the face because the country that made it doesn’t receive it.


you forgot it was a joint operation for the harrier 2 its not only USa muuuh duuh