Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)


The usual updates are:

  • around March
  • before summer holidays
  • early September
  • around halloween
  • before winter holidays

You can get a good trend looking on Google for Gszabi ‘s warthunder spreadsheet. It’s a google form sheet. He was our former dataminer and his work is still a great information source.


Well said! Absolutely no reason for new players to chose these trees when they can pick the main 2

And no reason for existing players to research a new tree when they can have a better time elsewhere

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We have never said these gaps do not exist and its well within our plans to rectify them just as we did with the German CAS gap that was corrected. The two things are not mutually exclusive and have no connection to each other, so taking my post and cutting out the context of what was actually said (“in that area”) and applying it somewhere else entirely is again not a logical connection to be made.


You mentioned specifically the Swiss F.58 and who operated it. Hence the answer.

As previously mentioned, other Hunter variants have not been ruled out for the UK in the future.


How long have you got to leave it though?? I genuinely cannot convince my friends to play Britain because one of the Devs said they’d bring balance in the ‘future’ when they have extremely competitive planes in US/USSR Tech trees NOW and consistently receive more

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New vehicle models and types take considerable amounts of time, research, development and planning. Naturally we are always working on new content for all nations in game and addressing many of the gaps or shortfalls of their lineups whenever its possible to do so.

Again, there are still more Major updates to come this year with many surprises for everyone.


For me how happy will I be on a scale of 1- 10 ? : D

Btw what is you’re fav pizza ?

So the imbalance is a result of ‘Considerable amounts of planning’

Unfortunately not every nation has a direct 1:1 equal to every vehicle another nation may have. Some nations will have gaps for periods where technology moves for others. Where its possible to do so, we always aim to find methods to resolve these gaps (Such as the F-16AJ for Japan).


still find it sad, we could have just as well done without any air top tier additons for once until aircraft for sweden , britain are ready, i mean ground doesnt get new top tier additions either every time

The two things are not mutually exclusive and have no connection to each other

That may be true but these nations and nations I mean just Sweden and Britain have been suffering in Aviation for God knows how long. I’m not putting you up for blame but I’d at least expect something for both Britain and Sweden this update (this update was a MAJOR let-down for thousands of people) to solve this issue.

Next major update HAS to include something legendary for both Sweden and Britain and specifically the Sea Harrier FA.2 and Gripen or trust would probably collapse. We as a community have been listening to the “future” lies over and over again and when will this finally be addressed and resolved?

New vehicle models and types take considerable amounts of time, research, development and planning

So you plan to continue this copy and paste scheme? We’ve got 2 more F-16s which we never needed and the MiG-29SMT would take a baby 2 seconds to model. At this point it feels more of a “lazy” thing but I still have hope for Gaijin and the developers.

so taking my post and cutting out the context of what was actually said (“in that area”) and applying it somewhere else entirely is again not a logical connection to be made.

I apologise if I came across like that and I can guarantee you that it wasn’t done by purpose. I’m just frustrated as a British main since we’ve been a struggling nation for YEARS.

My experience with the Soviet top tiers and British top tiers is shocking, when I play the T-72B3 and T-90A it’s a literal walk in the park and compared to the Challenger 2s it’s literal hell.

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I think we need to give Smin a rest now he is a human


Smin, you are saying that any development branch will get any vehicle in due time, including its problems, which it can close later. But, I would like to ask, if one development tree gets the best version of the technique, and another branch (Right holder) gets the worst, then where is the independent justice?

For example, for 3 years now, players who play in Germany receive serial versions of the main tank or other equipment, without any additions (Armor, weapons, and so on), and the same, Sweden, receives an improved version of the German tank with the add-on


Do you think we don’t want to rest as well? We are using our time on behalf of other players to complain about the current state of the game. If nobody does who will?

the funny thing as well, most german leopard additions wouldnt need any type of new model at all, everything for those are already in game and could have been added earlier then the PSO, which did need a new model all around

besides that it is rare to have Smin so responsive interactive, that is a rarity


Smin you need to set up a Chat GPT mod in here lmao

But yea you’ve done great tonight m8

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Exact reason why I’m using this time to resolve an issue (which realistically will never be resolved).

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Obviously, otherwise how would the get people to GE certain vehicles

Singapore, a member of the commonwealth operates the F16, is that not both a 1:1 of other F16’s and fits the criteria of using the commonwealth to fill gaps where they exist?