Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Smin thank you for puting up with this community lol


This major update is purely Ground and Helicopters. We don’t rule out the possibility of some Hungarian aviation (there already is some in game), but we don’t have any plans to speak of currently.


One even low tier prop plane from WWII per patch wouldn’t hurt I guess…

Especially that so many are missing still…

Rip as those would of helped Italy a lot in top tier

Sounds like Gaijin has a sweet hole-in-one lined up for themselves if they seize the opportunity with perhaps the next Update.

Admittedly, they do have a pretty good feel for the game. No one seriously asked for or expected an Mi-8 any time soon, and now USSR/Germany/Hungary will all have a good 8.7-9.0 helicopter that is easily an instant upgrade over the Mi-4AV.

They didn’t have plans for supersonic jets, and we’re already well into the beginning of 4th gen jets. Disappointing it may not be here for a while, but it’s not a solid NO either.

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Wanna know something awesome? You still need to research the Mi-8, or you could get the Mi-24 which is superior in almost ALL ways.

Still a cool addition I can’t argue against since it’s optional to grind it

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Is there any chance that the japanese AAM-3 being added now that we are getting 9M and R-73?

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Britain did not operate the Swiss Hunter F.58, Switzerland did.

As we have previously explained, the Swiss Hunter F.58 was introduced as an attack aircraft for the German tree which at the time had a shortage of attack aircraft at the popular BR of 9.3/9.7 especially in combined battles. This was an ideal candidate for a Squadron vehicle.

Britain itself has no shortage of CAS in the area that Germany did and has several Hunters already. As we also explained in the above post, the future prospect of other Hunters similar to the F.58 have not been ruled out for the British tree either.

Many people requested a tree variant of the iconic Sea Harrier FRS.1 and the “early” version was a good opportunity to do so. Providing a lower BR option for both Aviation and Combine battles, along with both variants also receiving their bespoke cockpit model this update too.

As a Squadron vehicle for the US tree, the AIM was an ideal candidate for the time and placement in the tree. Again, it does not mean the US cannot receive other squadron vehicles in the future, nore does the T-90 mean the British tree also cannot in the future as well as other tree, premium and event vehicles.


Oh boy

Runaway : D


My USSR ground lineup is vaguely in the 8.7-10.3 range, depending on how I assemble it, and nothing is more frustrating that getting into my Mi-24P, where I’m too chunky to dodge much, only to get into my Mi-24A in a different match and be forced to eat a stinger, only to then get into my Mi-4AV and struggle to lift-off for 10 seconds and then take FOREVER to climb and cover some distance.

Yes a 24V would be better, but for the little niche of a BR it occupies, it’s a welcome addition.

Now if only Gaijin would add a 9.3 RB CAS that isn’t a clunky subsonic, with a few flares and/or some missile on the pylons to complement a few S-24’s or FAB-250/500’s.

I highly doubt it based on information gathered from this thread and the AAM thread it would be FAR stronger then the R73 and 9M

Britain did not operate the T90S


Youre right India did.


Yea the Forums is going to explode now

bye all


It’s my fault. I just wanted Gaijin to confess it’s logic, or lack thereof for the T-90S, and someone had the bright idea to bring that thing up. RIP

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So does this mean we can have the RAM II now ?

Pretty please with a cherry on top :P



Wait, 2 more updates this year?? D:

October and December usually a focus for a new nation.

But now with Hungary Idk

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Typically there are 5 major content updates per year: Category:Updates - War Thunder Wiki

This year we have had:

  • Sky Guardians
  • La Royale

And coming soon™

  • Sons of Attila