Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

IF it comes in the NMU and they don’t add the ARH missiles, then it won’t get it, but we know they’re planning on adding those sometime in the (hopefully near) future. So it makes sense to add aircraft that use those missiles.

J10A pls))) same loadouts as the J8F but with PL11 Capability and not a gen 3 airframe


Germany is dead to me


to me too

and I’ve been flying them since they were still a major nation im top tier Air

but my Alternative top tier tree Sweden isn’t looking promising right now either

im fully expecting them to just release usable Fox 3s with the F-15 and leave sweden hanging by giving the JA37D AMRAAMs

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what did he point out? whats getting added

i know all the drama loving people are here with the popcorn ready, people are salty about britain and bickering on smin if someone is intrested

They said that the theoretical addition of the MiG-29SMT iz. 9.19 “screams R-77 coming soon”, which is true because if they plan to add the ARH missiles, they have to first add the aircraft that uses them.

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I mean they don’t have to but it’s better that way

and they did it that way with Fox 1s too

Can the Israeli F-16 hold ARH missiles? Cuz that would mean we have thr F-16ADF, F-16 Netz, MiG-29SMT, Mirage 2000-5F, J-8F, Tornado ADV, Tornado F.3, and JA37D. Which would leave Germany and Japan without ARH missiles unless Japan gets F-2 or F-15J and Germany gets F-4F ICE or Typhoon

Israeli F-16 can’t even do SARH, it’s a block 10


Not sure about the ADF’s but i do know the MLU can and does use amraam as well as 9 mikes

Ah never mind then we will probably see ARH with the introduction of the F-15C then.

But saying that they may decide to add the F-16C with SARH and A2G weapons which could go to Israel, similar to the MiG-29SMT

not like theyll stay on the mig29 long enough because nato mains exist

Would the Yak141 get adders?

with Sweden and Germany you could classify me as a “NATO Main” and I won’t be seeing those F-15s or modern F-16s anytime soon

that name is just wrong

I mean it has paper armarment so it could get whatever gaijin imagines it to get


then what do i call the collective brain cell every nato player has

Well, the other Soviet (then Russian) aircraft that uses the R-77 is the Su-27SM.

Edit: the are other Sukhois that use that missile, but I don’t think we’ll see those soon.
Edit 2: there’s also the MiG-29S, I forgot about that one

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F/A-18 and Gripen though, not quite at the same level though is it? :/