Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

probably with R-27ER and R-73 just to make it more interesting for the 9.13 Pilots

would be the same thing they did with F-14, just this time SSSR will be the definetly Dominating nation again

this is a detail more important than one may think

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You mean all the other times they just added aircraft without true counterparts causing them to stomp. T-2? MiG-21MF/SMT? F-4E/EJ? MiG-21Bis? MiG-23MLD? F-14A?

And that is only air. The list for ground is likely just as long if not longer.

or it gets 9.13 air to air ordinance and just gets air to ground weapons

i already sent a forum post about all mig 29 history etc here

why would a leaklist have 23 vehicles and 1 random date? think…

Hahahahahaha such a neckbeard but yeah this is off topic and doesn’t belong here. So what are we expecting for tomorrow? Probably another tank devblog or a naval devblog. Teaser on Thursday and dev stream on friday or next week?

it is a mig as everyone knows that mig 29 always have (9.12/13/19 etc etc etc numbers in their names)

yes but

that post lists MiG-29SMT as 9.18 and I’ve not found a 9.19 designstion for a MiG-29 anywhere elsw yet

It would fit in multiple aspects but it is important to always doubt, especially when a list seems as true as this one

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im Hoping for a plane devblog but honestly expecting one of the ships from the list, maybe the Deutschland or the Forrest Sherman tomorrow

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This website is in Czech, so I recommend using your browser’s translate feature.)))

they wont show any plane worthwhile before the teaser

You say it as though it’s obvious but there are a lot of reasons to doubt, for one our source is a random leak list which while right so far isn’t necessarily a fully trust worthy source, second as @someweirdname said, the 9.19 number is pretty hard to pin to a specific aircraft, third even if we assume SMT like we are that is a pretty big leap in tech, the 9.13M would make more sense for a CAS upgrade as that is a regular MiG-29A with guided A2G munitions, the SMT is a 9.13 airframe upgraded to MiG-29M specs which could easily be seen as overkill for a new aircraft even at 12.3 if you want to believe those rumours, overall there is a lot being assumed about the numbers 9.19 on that list and it’s best to temper those expectations with at least a little doubt

Not really. It’s just the main production MiG-29SMT with the N010M Zhuk radar.

Zhuk-m is pesa right?

No the first Zhuk radar to be a PESA radar was the Zhuk-F

You say just but that screams “R-77 coming soon” to me, why else add such a modern MiG-29 now?

Same reason they added the F-14B to have a multirole jet fighter

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Yeah but the 9.19 is such an odd version to add…

9.13M would do that just fine, without being R-77 compatible

It’s the one the Russian Air Force uses, and the aircraft itself uses the R-77, so as @BearHasLanded pointed out, they’re adding something that carries that missile.