F-16C Block 50: The More The Merrier!

I wonder gajin might consider change Block number from F-16C Block 50 to F-16CG Block 40 ? 🤔

What’s the difference?

Oh no … just give the Block 50 and spare us another C variant to grind ;b


Of what has been shown, and the ordnance that it is likely to implemented; is a worse TGP (LANTIRN vs LITENING / SNIPER).

The other things would be advanced standoff ordnance like the AGM-154 JSOW , AGM-158 JASSM , CBU-105 etc. in that way a Block 40 is much more reasonable while leaving room for ordnance growth at a higher BR.

Zero evidence but ok.

There’s a leak list that’s correctly predicted 5 of the devblogs so far and I predicted the F-16C yesterday using it because it has the 9.19 on it, it isn’t proof of anything but it’s decent enough case taking into account the F-16C that a MiG-29SMT is coming

Edit: here’s my evidence

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Never trust leak lists, just because a vehicle is predicted on it doesn’t mean the leak list itself is legit.

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I’m not an idiot, but it has got like 6/8 so far and I literally used it to predict the F-16C was coming this patch, I’d bet you money the MiG-29SMT (9.19) is coming this patch


Well we’ll have to wait and see.

Mig-23 isn’t getting R-73s.
Mig-29 will get R-73s when 12.3 comes.
Su-27 is 12.3 or 12.7.

MLD had them, and should have them.

Why give the MiG-23MLD a already solid vehicle R-73s and increase its Battle Rating? It’s already fine alone and should be left at its current BR.

MLD is going back to rank 7 & it being 11.3 matters more than it having R-73s & going to 11.7 or 12.0.

I think it’s competitive at 11.7 if it gets R-73’s and R-24’s. Loved playing it, have a good record too. But I can appreciate it being 11.3, still would love to see it though.

With future Battle Rating decompression this could easily go to 12.0 and end up fighting 13.0 vehicles like the Sea Harrier FA.2 or F-4F Ice (in the future of course, just an estimation) and that wouldn’t make for a enjoyable experience.

For who? ICE with AMRAAM’s would be a problem, but the Harrier?

Also, MiG-23MLD Obr. 1998 would have R77 capability, and a new radar with a few other changes, which would be as realistic in the game as the Yak-141.

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Lets go back on topic or end the conversation here. I understand where you’re coming from but this isn’t the place for it.

K9 VIDAR today

i wonder if the block 50 has ADF variant who knows

the ADF was the only ADF, future F16s just had the capability for sparrows or amraam stock

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