Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Can we expect any new mechanic in the upcoming update?

The September ones are usually small so properly not.

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Gaming peripherals company

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@Smin1080p the new Dupleix need to see her br down at 5.3, it’s a Colbert like who are bullied by Moffett and 4.7 destroyer, why 5.7 when you see Prinz Eugen at this br, and you don’t have any line up at 5.7, it’s quite urgent because it’s currently unplayable in 5.7

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I just find it funny how one C&P Russian tank in a other nation they scream like a banshee.

But at the same time forgetting this line up is a thing.


I don’t have any new leaks, but here 's the original of Oliviia 's recent leaklist from the old forum - I’ve noticed that the versions currently being shared are lacking some of the vehicles which appeared on it.


































Many of these have since been implemented, but some still haven’t. Thanks again to @Deathmisser for archiving the list !


Np m8.

Happier times back then. Still kinda bored being ban from the TEChub.

3 of those 6 are guaranteed not copy paste.

I mean, your looking at a bunch of low tier planes and tanks that are directly copy and paste from the other nation, so there’s nothing of unique value being lost, and at the same time all these vehicles are easy to justify in the Soviet tree as they were all historical given or captured and used by the USSR. The T-90S on the other hand, while very similar too the T-90A, is still a unique variant of a Russian tank, that was bought and used by India, and now somehow is a squadron vehicle in the UK tech tree. In the same way the the Swiss Hunter shouldn’t be German, the Indian T-90 shouldn’t be in the UK tree.


The Matilda is actually a unique modification done by the Soviets, so that one isn’t copy and paste.

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Not bought, PRODUCED BY India.
All India did was give the company some money to produce in India.
Swiss Hunter should be in the German tech tree.
Skink should be in Britain even tho USA is closer.
And wherever India falls, it’ll either be Britain or India themselves.
In a similar light, Su-30MKI is Indian, a domestic Indian aircraft produced by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, under license from Sukhoi to use their patents.


Sure, but point still stands that it’s a uniquely Soviet vehicle, and deserves to be in the Soviet tech tree

There is no justification for the T-90S going too the UK other than colonialism which is a stupid justification when you consider how the T-90S is a licensed built tank that uses a lot of Russian Tech and only exists because of the co-operation between India and the Russian Federation, and the Past relationship India had with the Soviet Union. Notice how the UK isn’t once involved in the development and production of said vehicle?

Also please explain to me why the Swiss Hunter belongs to Germany? And please don’t tell me it’s because they both happen to speak German

It’s funny too because you admit the Skink belongs in the UK tree and this logic makes sense. It was built on a grizzly chassis which while based on the Sherman, was built by the Canadians, and the Weapon system and overall design was a co-op project by bothe the Canadian and UK government, and both saw to use it in their army’s. At no point did the Americans ever have any involvement in the development of the Skink, so therefore not an American vehicle, but somehow you suddenly throw this logic out the window when justifying why the T-90S should go too the UK.

If your only justification for the T-90S going too the UK is colonialism you need to change the way you think about the world

Please understand, I make this argument not because I enjoy denying a Vehicle too the UK, but because I want this game to have consistent rules with how vehicles are given when they don’t directly belong too one of the playable factions in game.


Good thing it wouldn’t be British, it’d be Indian just in the British tech tree.
Where a vehicle is placed in WT does not dictate its nation.
BTW, British companies have sold license protection to India & have active agreements with India, which disproves one of your justifications.

You claim to have consistent rules yet have two separate rules for India & Canada.
Soviets already have a T-90A, and they’ll be getting T-90M soon anyway.


You said that it’s a direct copy and paste. I was correcting you.

Well, a better justification would be that South Africa, Canada, and India are members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Here’s a list of current members.

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Discord screenshot otherwise it doesn’t feel real.

Dosnt override the fact that India is a independent nation, and it’s production and development of the T-90S has nothing to do with the UK but rather because of it’s close co-operation and ties with the Russian Federation, therefore making the vehicle a by product of India-Russian ties and therefore belonging in the USSR tree.

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Your arguments don’t matter for one simple reason.
“We will put sub trees where we please.” - Gaijin.


I appreciate that, but I was just trying to make the point that most of them still are direct copy and paste, and the few that arnt are still vehicles that were used directly by the Soviet Union, so not comparable too the T-90S which has no connection too the UK as a vehicle