Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Don’t be scared too admit you don’t have an argument in the first place. Gajjin has offered reasonings before as to why certain vehicles go where, but the problem with your claim is that India isn’t yet a confirmed subtree. All Indian vehicles in game (the one single Vickers tank) are in the UK tree because it’s simply and Indian Version of a UK tank we already have in game, and just serves as a duplicate premium. Obviously it would go into the UK tech tree because the vehicle is of UK origins. The opposite can be said of the T-90S as it is of Russian origins.

Russian mains getting scared at the idea of having to fight their own broken damage models lmao

Personally, I think the T-90S is one of those “I wouldn’t say no, but it’s a bit weird” ones. I’d rather Gaijin instead brought in more unique designs and stuck with what the British tree has already. South Africa, UK and Jordinian.
Why not give the Chieftain Falcon instead? Or if you’re really looking for a good squadron vehicle, why not the Tracer SIKA, A warrior variant, or some other light tank/IFV?
Personally, I play the UK because I firmly think out of every nation, the UK designs have the best aesthetic.
I wouldn’t say no to boosting my winrate with a broken DM, but at the same time, playing a soviet MBT isn’t why I chose to play the british tech tree.
There’s a billion different options to add that’re either South African, Jordinian, or British. Canadian if you’re REALLY struggling for ideas, but otherwise? Just add something british for the british tree. Not Soviet crap.

It’s not like I don’t want a combat capable tank for the UK (god knows Britian needs one for top tier) but its that it would feel cheap if I used someone elses shit like the T-90. It’s like “wow you’re quite good with the UK!” “Thanks, I used exclusively tanks that arent from the UK”

It feels cheap and artificial already, and I think playing it would only cement that feeling of it being undeserved or bittersweet.


Wow and don’t for get Smin saying we are gonna get more commonwealth vehicles too.


Btw isn’t the Indian T-90 a home build version of it Russian one?

So actually it’s not even Russian

Well while I liked most of what you said about how this game is more enjoyable when factions each bring there own unique set of vehicles too the game, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t straw man my argument by just saying I’m afraid of fighting other Russian tanks. I play a variety of nations and while I do prefer USSR, I’m currently grinding Sweden and China and get a fair share of matches against the USSR and honestly if playing the USSR has taught me anything, it’s that you really shouldn’t be intimidated by the T-90, it’s just a super up T-72 and even then the T-72B3 does it better.

Honestly, it’d be great to see the UK tree get more fleshed out with domestic vehicles first.

More warrior IFVs with faster guns, higher calibres, bigger ATGM pen

Fox and Ferret variants to give the UK its scout car capability it leans on heavily in its tactics. Swingfire scout cars and stuff!

Land rovers! A huge part of british cold war and even modern war anti-fortification and anti-armor vehicles are landrovers outfitted with MILAN and WOMBAT recoiless rifles.

More CVR(T) variants. Spartan MCT, Stormer 30, Stormer AD, Stormer 90, Stormer AT, etc

More nimble and fast “shoot and scoot” vehicles that make up 90% of the british army irl

There’s a lot of options, and I think choosing T-90S just sucks. Like “Thanks for choosing to play the british tree, your reward is…a soviet tank” :/ worse yet is it would be the best tank in britian owing to its broken DM and relikt. It would be the cheapest, most dishonest feeling win you could give to Britian

It was a joke, don’t worry. I’m not here for debate club or anything haha
I just think T-90S should probably go somewhere else or wait for the indian tech tree.

We were talking about that, but even then, it still wouldn’t exist without assistance from the Russian Federation, and it’s still using USSR tech on a lot of the tank, and ofc the obvious part, has no connection too the UK, so why then give it too the UK?

That’s my opinion too, and I just find is strange that Gajjin will add literally anything too the UK tree except unique indigenous designs. The lack of British light tanks being the biggest gripe, and one of the reasons I don’t touch the UK that much. Atleast it’s not as bad as Israel I guess…

That’s how we felt when the Swiss Hunter was added in.
So I do not mind if we get some kind of pay back.

Plus who to say Russia might not get a Iranian F-14 or the F-5 soon

It goes against a lot of Gaijins reasoning already.
The tank is manufactured in India under license by Russia.
Russia designed everything on the tank, from ERA, to tracks to gun.
The UK didn’t touch it in any shape or form. The only reason it would come to Britain would be because it’s a commonwealth nation which…feels lame given the amount of choice they could’ve picked from.

Even with the Swiss hunter, you can see what they were trying to reason, even if the reasoning was bad. With the T90S it just…kind of sucks.

I mean, I don’t wanna go down the path of “two wrongs make a right”

Also if you wanted revenge wouldn’t it make more sense to be stealing a vehicle from the German mains anyways? Not like that’s how any of this actually works it’s all gajjins strange decisions we have to live with but obviously for the same reason I was against the Swiss Hunter going to Germany I’m against the T-90S going too the UK and I want this too stop before it becomes common place. The Iranian Tomcat is a lil interesting because most of its service life is spent in a regime hostile the US and even potentially got some Russian missles but give that the core vehicle is still American I’d still say it belongs in the US tree. Plus American tomcats Fighting Soviet tomcats sounds like cancer tbh

Yee that’s basically what I’ve been saying, did you mean too reply too deathmeiser?

While i’m all fine for filling gaps with non-indiginous designs - The British tree is far from broke on options. An entire light tank/IFV line could be built. Scout cars. WOMBAT vehicles. Swingfire. Tank destroyers. ATGM launchers. Etc etc
Failing that - south african tanks and light tanks! Rooikat IFVs etc
If you’re really struggling (I think it should be a TT vehicle but still) - the Jordinian Falcon turret on Challenger 1 hull as the squad vehicle. There’s SO many to choose from - why go through such lengths to add yet another T72 chassis tank to the game? T90S is indian in name alone. To the outside viewer, it’ll just be a russian tank which…it is! Imo? Give UK a Jordinian, South African or…wild concept - give the UK a UK tank for its UK squad vehicle…

T-90S would certainly make British tankers more powerful but for all the wrong reasons.

Going to throw my own suggestion in - Chieftain SID.
Stealth modifications on the Chieftain tank, essentially. Quieter, not very visible on thermals, doesnt kick up dust etc.

new update causes the game to crash on start up :fire: :fire: :fire:

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I always thought the Falcon Challanger would be a really good addition too the UK, as it would give y’all a first, an unmanned turret tank for the tech tree, and technically the first MBT in the game with an unmanned turret, although I don’t think that situation will last for long since rank 8 ground is coming.

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Big agree.
I think it would fit really well. Its the Challenger 1 hull, so the UK already has a stake in it. It’s Jordinian - Which the UK tree shares vehicles with already like the Khalid, and it would provide a balanced but really interesting tank for the UK.

Far, far better than the T90S proposal.
The Cheiftain SID would be cool as well as it’s 100% british, but either works.

What’s this nerf in the form of a rude joke to the French Navy, stupid brs, and ships that catch fire 24/7, it’s the only nation with ships that catch fire all the time, yet another proof of the french bashing from gaijin

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