i do remember old normandy, i havent actually seen the new one as far as im aware, and if i have its been very fleeting.
DW bout it man its what happens with messages cant get the tone across, and yeah I reckon I dont wanna see this new normandy then tbh xD
In all honesty for me i tend to stay vetween 6.7 and 9.3, only going into 10.7 and top tier when im feeling up for it.
While it is actually playable the pace is a lot faster as well as less forgiving (unless youre in a Leo2a7 or STRV122+).
But yeah as much as I enjoy it, 12 v 12 teams would be better IMO.
Youd probably be surprised, a lot of folks who dislike modern gear say that high BR and top tier is unskilled or less skilled, its absolutely not, it can be just as difficult if not more.
It comes down more to positioning, flanking and response.
If you dont pay attention to a flank (like prem tards dont) then you get absolutely sweeped up and quickly. in the lower BRs while it happens, and can be somewhat swift its no where near as quick as in top tier.
yeah im skirting what i say incase i get a forum muting again but agreed.
You notice it a lot :(
Btw I do have some whack camos which i thought wouldnt work but they do ! like using the snowy woodland camo on the xm1 in a forrest works xD
Theres a line of disliking it and learning it , to just bailing at the first sight of it.
While i get the urge i never do it xD
Cant say that i can fly in real life, maybe if i just high enough xD but nah man on ARB for mouse control its just daft, i try use the keyboard controls but that too is brutal need 3 hands for it xD
The good thing is they did decompress that area now so 6.7 isnt getting sharted on by 7.7 MBTs (lets not tlak about how 6.3 could see the leopard 1 for years xD )
The issue is how much makes it up the way i suppose.