Solution to One-Death-Leavers / One-Death-Quitters Problem

i do remember old normandy, i havent actually seen the new one as far as im aware, and if i have its been very fleeting.

DW bout it man its what happens with messages cant get the tone across, and yeah I reckon I dont wanna see this new normandy then tbh xD

In all honesty for me i tend to stay vetween 6.7 and 9.3, only going into 10.7 and top tier when im feeling up for it.
While it is actually playable the pace is a lot faster as well as less forgiving (unless youre in a Leo2a7 or STRV122+).
But yeah as much as I enjoy it, 12 v 12 teams would be better IMO.

Youd probably be surprised, a lot of folks who dislike modern gear say that high BR and top tier is unskilled or less skilled, its absolutely not, it can be just as difficult if not more.
It comes down more to positioning, flanking and response.

If you dont pay attention to a flank (like prem tards dont) then you get absolutely sweeped up and quickly. in the lower BRs while it happens, and can be somewhat swift its no where near as quick as in top tier.

yeah im skirting what i say incase i get a forum muting again but agreed.

You notice it a lot :(

Btw I do have some whack camos which i thought wouldnt work but they do ! like using the snowy woodland camo on the xm1 in a forrest works xD

Theres a line of disliking it and learning it , to just bailing at the first sight of it.
While i get the urge i never do it xD

Cant say that i can fly in real life, maybe if i just high enough xD but nah man on ARB for mouse control its just daft, i try use the keyboard controls but that too is brutal need 3 hands for it xD

The good thing is they did decompress that area now so 6.7 isnt getting sharted on by 7.7 MBTs (lets not tlak about how 6.3 could see the leopard 1 for years xD )

The issue is how much makes it up the way i suppose.

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Exactly, I just think this post sucks.

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I will admit to having a freedom of choice bee in my bonnet as far as this game is concerned. I also know how disadvantaged I am on console and have developed a few ways to survive many of which have be hoovered up by Gaijin over the years.Its one size fits all now.

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By the way a genuinely sound suggestion for on console , fire in a mouse and keyboard, and see how it works.

I know controller is a headache.
Tbh it astounds me that they dont focus on updating controls and mechanics, over just spamming out vehicles

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How about no CAS for the first 10 minutes of what is supposed to be a ground forces centric mode? Not saying eliminate cas entirely but would be nice to have a few minutes with getting bombed or strafed in the first 3 minutes of a battle. Also remove the cheap Kamikaze play from GFAB. If they kill themselves by slamming a plane into a ground vehicle then it should count as a death to them as well as the player on the ground.

Yeah yeah I know it’s a combined arms battle mode but then why label it as GFAB or GFRB?

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I don’t enjoy leaving after one death but the game pushes players to that. I have several “one tank maps” and have just added North Holland to the list. It’s among the most boring maps we have with a single mind numbing corridor of attack in a city. Come to think of it, I might start not spawning on that map at all.

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No it does not. I like North Holland map, and other players will like it. I don’t like Vietnam, but i play it anyway…i putted it on my dislike list so i rarely get it…

Game pushes players to different game maps and modes and balances…and it is IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy. Regardless of anything else many players will only be happy with 5+ kills or more…and someone has to die for those kills…so someone will ALWAYS blame something not “between chair and keyboard” for their deaths…it is human nature.

Think of any face-to-face team sport…there will always be someone annoyed at the game, venue, opponent, own team…particularly at the referee!!! Social pressure and sanctions prevents ODL in face-to-face sports…and the absence of this pressure is what makes players ODL in internet games…and they will always find a “reason”.

Game can only mitigate it…can be better or worse…but most players in these topics will NEVER be happy…

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well said, those reasons tend to be pretty poor as well. Even maps I do terrible on, and dispise the map (even if I think its really badly designed) i dont ODL or leave flat out.

They genuinely need to do something about it at this stage though, high tier, not even just top tier now, is decided most the time by what team has the most people ODLing. The game is based around lineups, always has been since i started about 5 / 6 years ago, never have I seen gaijin actively encourage people to ODL, If anything the oppoisite, (crew lock was a punishment for actively leaving a game early). However now, people seem to believe that its more efficient to grind, and theres no such thing as team.
Genuinely a system like was in older online shooters would function well to mitigate the ODLers.

This is what happens when you create MM based game badly. Having too much variety where players cannot reduce said variety to more comfortable zone will always lead into unsatisfaction. And then you combine it with almost no restrictions and you successfully created recipe for disaster.

Then put in place a ban system for repeated offenders, start making people accept that actions have consequences.

We need decompression and map fixes as well, but people try put the blame solely on gaijin which is just untrue, and unfair for the company.

Screenshot 2025-02-06 135353

Screenshot 2025-02-06 133533

This is a match im right now!! our team is losing purely because we had so many people just leave early OR not even spawn AT ALL
Screenshot 2025-02-06 135358

EDIT : little update.
we may win as a few of us are refusing to leave

Screenshot 2025-02-06 135411

‘No it does not. I like North Holland map, and other players will like it. I don’t like Vietnam, but i play it anyway…i putted it on my dislike list so i rarely get it…’

That is an intresting statement… One of the Root cause of zero or one death leaver is the broken map rotator…

Good for you when the dislike filter is working on your settings …

When i put dislike to North holland , Middle east and Jungle to not play 8/10 time on that maps and thanks to map rotator play 9/10 on that maps in row…
happend when i disliked the north holland to able to get a different map and 5-6 time in row i got North holland map… after i decided to take a short break in Warthunder.

So please help me which kind of setting needed to ‘dislike’ function work and rarely get marked maps?

In other hand if a new map introductioned the map rotator always drop that map (7-8/10 time). which make it BORING … and also able to cause one death leavers…

Thats a pathetic excuse tbh. I have maps banned, or disliked, and when I get them, I still play the damn map regardless of my feelings of how balanced it is.

Never has that happened to me, not in such a manner, you also need to take into account that more people dislike other maps and that also comes into the equation.

Its a poor excuse to ODL man, theres not really any excuse for it, Like the game ive just shared, Me and 2 other guys literally won the game, if we had just left with 2 deaths, hell if even one of us had bailed with just 2 deaths we would of 100 percent lost that match.

If people realised that working as a team even in a scaffolded way works better than playing only for themselves then the game would be in a far better position.
I get gaijin have issues, some maps suck, compression etc, but the players are also to blame xD this is the same playerbase that literally chased Gaijin off of reddit for being so insidiously toxic and just terrible. So the players are also to blame, hell it was the players that started the idea that ODLing was more beneficial to the grind, and to your SL as back a few years ago it was literally tens of thousands to repair some vehicles, unlike now.
Now adays people just ODL cause they dont wanna play that specific match, maybe its a map they dont like, or an uptier. and boom gone.

its pathetic

exhibit A : there is absolutely no excuse for leaving a game before it even starts
Screenshot 2025-02-06 135442

just to clarify all the edits were to change the screenshots to remove player names forgot thats a forum rule

You cannot put ban on offenders until there are restrictions on lineups you can enter battle. If player with one tank can enter battle and he dies, you cannot put ban on him because he technically cannot continue battle because he used all of his vehicles, which is basically example of players with premium vehicles. They would have to change premium vehicles completely by either selling them only as lineup or not allowing you to buy them until you are in range. Second option would be like shooting yourself in foot from business perspective. First option would depend on price of said pack but selling single premium for 80 euro is more lucrative for them then selling multiple for same price(I highly doubt that pack with 3 vehicles sold for 200 euro would sell anything). And if they do not solve premium players then punishing other for leaving after one death would only change behavior of those players to switch to single tank lineup so they would not get punished like others so they would just increase pool of single tank lineup players. And putting ban on player that enters with one vehicle is ridiculous as it is. Why would you even allow him to enter if you know that it is not allowed.

And just enforcing to have more vehicles also is not solution as I can simply take one tank and other slots fill with planes meaning I can get rid of SP fast or I would not be able to use it at all. Then they would have to implement some complex system and now we are certainly in places where Gaijin will never go as this does not benefit them.

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You can, there already is a rammification for leaving battles banning you from using that nation.
While I whole heartedly agree orn the restrictions to lineups btw, and as was discussed there do need to be some changes in place to make the game more enjoyable, (none of them justify ODLing).

Lineup restrictions would prevent this, and in all honesty probably should it would mean more people would learn the tanks and actively enjoy them more once buying htem rather swathes of idiots buying tanks they cant use correctly then hating them and artificially moving their BRs and such.

Does not need to cost 200 bloody euros at all, gaijin sets the price, I got the XM1 and Petan back years ago in a pack, for 45 quid roughly, with the GE and such.
there was no need for it to costs 90 or 100 euros etc.

You punish all accordingly thats how a reprimand works, not one rule for one players and different for another.

“some complex system”? The damn game is based around using lineups in ground its why they exist in the first place, even arcade has a spawning system to actively encourage more than one death.

The players started this massive plague of ODLing and gaijin now played on it with the top tier prems, before they were introduced you only had things like the turms causing issues, which werent even that bad back then as folks wouldnt really buy it without a lineup (bar absolutely dedicated folks who ODL constantly no matter the tanks).

there is absolutely a need to have a restriction of some kind to limit this nonsense.
If you are consistently leaving games contributing absolutely zero, theres literally no point playing the game anyway! xD
by that I mean the image linked above with 2 people leaving before they even spawn

You know we are talking about Gaijin here, right? They are greedy and they definitely would put lineup behind ridiculous price.

It is complex system to implement because if Gaijin wanted to eliminate ODL they had to implement all things at once to be effective. If they just added condition that you have to have at least two vehicles it would not solve anything as player could simply take just one tank and one play and in battle they do not want to participate they would just yolo rush and die and could leave without punishment because they do not have SP to spawn something else(if you punish players for not being able to spawn then it is badly designed system). They would also needed to change how some conditions are processed right know as there are way you can leave early without crew lock on specific slots(reserves do not get crew lock at all, if enemy is in your spawn zone you can leave without crew lock, you can use plane or heli to get rid of SP, etc.). Putting some restriction when there are workaround would solve nothing so you either make sure you implement it fully or do not bother at all. Also in current system you can technically be forced to leave after 2 deaths if you have really bad battle, which is basically very possible for bad players, as 2 spawn can get rid of all your spawnpoints, so there still would be way to not participate in battle if some players does not like a map. Just yolo rush twice and do nothing.

They used to do bundle deals cheap.
So not a definite

To the second part im not currently able to respond as im busy but later ill read over it and say my psrt

From what they did in past years I highly doubt that there is even slight chance of doing something that would benefit player over them. They introduced rank VIII for tanks where they mostly moved rank VII tanks up devaluing rank VI premiums while also adding new VII premiums for higher price and this not benefit anyone but Gaijin. They added auction house where they can extract more money for less items. Battle pass is less and less interesting yet it cost still same.

So no, I do not thing they would go this way. They would never give more for less, but they will always want to give less for more.

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They do, then dont, then do.

Don’t count them down and out, HOWEVER yeah with current thing susch as the auction and the packs costing near 100 bangers it is ridiculous.

Realistically we need a full overhaul of GRB, especially for post 10.3 gameplay as the maps just do not mix well now adays.

Especialyl with the cas.

(IMHO while it can be frustrating none of this is a reason for ODLing)

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I dont get this. The dislike function works for me…in the sense that i get the map a lot less…but it is not perfect as i still get the map.
HOWEVER…i dislike Vietnam and i like Maginot…which is in line with many opinions in forum…so i am guessing it is easier for the MM to make it good for me.
If you (or anyone) dislike some map that a lot of people like then you will have more chances of getting it…

THAT SAID…only NEW maps have a very high rate that i believe it is impossible to avoid…as long as the map is new you will get it a lot for a while…marketing i guess. I like it as i dont play so much, so i can play the map 5 or 6 times to check it. I guess that if you play a lot, 50 or 60 times is a bit too much…

Any 3 “not new” maps should not appear 8/10 of the time…even if you don’t dislike them…either i didn’t understand this, you are exaggerating (a lot) or you have some “bug”.
I checked your last 40 replays or so and found ZERO Middle East or Jungle…TBH i found THREE North Holland …two of them in a row. A bit far from 8/10, even if you got annoyed by those three games…

Looked a bit more into your replays and you did get 4 or 5 middle east in a 20 matches replay page…so i admit it is a bit over what i would expect. (still roughly 25%)
There was a discussion in the past where some players reported that on occasion the MM increases some map odds…but it is usually just for some time.
I sensed something like this in the past…not sure if deliberate, bug or just a lot of fans of the same map online at same time…

Some issues exist…but exaggerating them does NOT help identifying the issue and/or solving it…just makes devs dismiss it as “exaggeration”, i guess…