One of the beautiful things of life is that you get to have your opinion and I get to have mine. In addition, I’m willing to respect yours an not think less of you for having it. The game has many flaws much greater than this issue which have gone unaddressed for years. My choices are motivated by a desire for an enjoyable gaming experience in the short amount of time I have to play. That I spawn on a poor map at all is my compromise with the game and one/two/three death leaving is a compromise the game has made with players. Cheers!
Tbh, reason really does not matter in the end. If something is not forbidden, people will abuse it until it is.
why should i waste my SL’s if my team members won’t cover my bomber at all or attack a fighter on my tail? Players are selfish, so why should i play a suicide mission if its obvious that’s what it is? If i fly up to altitude at the initial spawn and not one of my teammates does, why should i even try to face the 5 ot 6 enemy planes that are already up there? Why should i waste my sl’s and time? Every mission there is 9/10 of the fighters strafing ground targets bc it’s an easier way to get points than to fight an enemy plane. Why? Why should i suffer because they are so selfish?
Hi, sry for the late answere.
‘I dont get this. The dislike function works for me…in the sense that i get the map a lot less…but it is not perfect as i still get the map.
HOWEVER…i dislike Vietnam and i like Maginot…which is in line with many opinions in forum…so i am guessing it is easier for the MM to make it good for me.
If you (or anyone) dislike some map that a lot of people like then you will have more chances of getting it…’
…but it not work when marked a new added maps (when Flanders added i tested it , marked with a dislike and in most case dropped me that map so not worked). That a facts. The basic problem is to exist lot of maps but over and over a just some repeat itself this maps, which repeat itself over and over again make them: not again pls, ‘i’m quit…etc’… not matter it fit for me or not. Same 1-3 map which u played on over and over again become boring … That is the reason why i mention as a root cause on zero or one death leavers
In ground battle it matter a lot while in Air battle not really…
Some note if you not mind:
‘I checked your last 40 replays or so and found ZERO Middle East or Jungle…TBH i found THREE North Holland …two of them in a row. A bit far from 8/10, even if you got annoyed by those three games…’
That not punctual because right now i started to play with planes… maybe that is the reason why it not show any from the mentioned map. but if you really checked my latest ground battles replay you will also not find the pattern because i played different BR. In each BR have different maps which repeats… somethimes it able to drop as every 2nd or 3rd but in autumn i faced a same map over and over again in 3-4 a row.
Based on years last year experience
6.0-7.7 the Middle east, 2nd battle of el alemain,or one of the Ardenes map variant is the main map which always dropped the map rotator …not a Polar Base or Artic map… ): (Middle east is really common when play with Tiger II or M48 patton series tanks)
7.0-8.0 Sand of Sinai the main map
5.3-5.6.7 The Hürtgen Forest the main map
1.0-5.7 before Attica the Seversk-13/winter is the main map.
Suddenly when Attica introdused i not really got a Flanders or Noth Holland in low BR map… Strange…
But change my mind i will right now marked with dislike the following maps:
North Holland
Iberian Castle
marked with like:
Cargo port
Abandoned factory
Easter Europe
Seversk 13
I play with BR 3.0 tanks 10 round and check the map rotator result
Attica(disliked) BR 3.3-2.3
Attica(disliked) BR 3.3-2.3
Japan(not marked) BR 3.0-4.0
Japan(not marked)BR 3.0-4.0
Frozen pass(not marked) BR 2.7-3.7
Eastern Europe(Liked) BR 3.0-4.0
Kuban(not marked) BR 3.0-4.0
Japan(not marked) BR 3.0-4.0
Japan(not marked) BR 2.7-3.7
Tunis(not marked) BR 2.7-3.7
Bonus Rounds:
Kuban(not marked) 3.0-4.0
Kuban(not marked) 2.3-3.3
Golden Quarry(not marked) 2.7-3.7
Result 2 disliked(2 Attica), 1 liked(1 Eastern Europe) and 7 not marked (4 Japan,1 Frozen pass,1 Kuban, 1 Tunisia)
Maybe the different map filter will break this sequence if they change his settings:
In some maps case the BR limiter setted as wrong:
- American desert now it have 3.7+ but his better is BR 1.0-9.7 because small map and the recommended BR better use his benefits
- Finland now it have 3.7+ but his better is BR 1.0-9.7 because small map and the recommended BR better use his benefits
-Tunisia now it have 2.3+ but his better is BR 1.0-9.7 because small map and the recommended BR better use his benefits
-Stalingrad 3.7-7.7 but his better is BR 1.0-9.7 because small map and the recommended BR better use his benefits
-Bresleau 6.7 but his better is BR 5.0+
-Test-site 2271 2.3+ but his better is BR 1.0-9.7 because small map copy cat of Seversk 13 and the recommended BR better use his benefits
-Sweden 3.7+ but his better is BR 2.3+
-Advanced to Rhine(potato BR map) now on BR 3.7+ but his better BR is 1.0-7.0…
Lot of map missing: where is the Port Novorosiysk Other variants which existed old time?
Some issues exist…but exaggerating them does NOT help identifying the issue and/or solving it…just makes devs dismiss it as “exaggeration”, i guess…’
I guess i try to help if spot something deviance and create an issue ticket… ,I try to help solve this kind of behavior related problem and collect as many evidance as possible but i have a bad feeling to get ignored it with not an issue without any or just a short explanation which not contain any useful feedback…
That’s my experiences.
Looked a bit more into your replays and you did get 4 or 5 middle east in a 20 matches replay page…so i admit it is a bit over what i would expect. (still roughly 25%)
There was a discussion in the past where some players reported that on occasion the MM increases some map odds…but it is usually just for some time.
I sensed something like this in the past…not sure if deliberate, bug or just a lot of fans of the same map online at same time…’
One note:
The Middle east got when i player with Magach 1 or Tiger II H (105mm)
Ah, yes. Let’s Thanos snap over half the game’s player population overnight just because you and others enjoy spawncamping to fluff up a KDR that isn’t worth much in the first place. Let’s also Thanos snap their revenue while we’re at it, as well as what little remaining positive reputation they may have.
Bad enough the maps are garbage. Bad enough their coding is garbage. Bad enough we have serious BR compression issues. Bad enough the modes are old and stale. Now you want Gaijin to start banning people that don’t entertain much of Gaijin’s BS game state anymore? You’re clinically insane because you don’t understand not only how braindead your logic and arguments are in all of this but also how damning the ramifications would be that would occur if Gaijin did such a thing. Luckily for the playerbase they wouldn’t do something so clinically braindead because it’d be the same as pulling the plug on War Thunder itself. No players, no game. Too little players, still no game. It’s that simple.
What are you on about? one death leaving isnt an issue for ARB xD its an issue for ground RB, you cannot literally spawn more than once in ARB.
Also bombers have been widely regarded as ruined for quite a few years now (as sad as it is)
They used to be nearly impossible to get near and could end a match by just demolishing an air field, after time the DM got nerfed for all bombers horrifically bad.
Why should people in fighters cover you specifically? maybe theres a higher priority target around for them.
“why should I suffer because they arent doing what I want”? Well for a start, they suffer too when you choose a bomber, they also suffer IF you contribute nothing to the match.
There isnt just Me in the game.
(I do try cover bombers BTW)
Took that one a bit personally there lad, considering I don’t spawn camp to fluff KD, If i was chasing KD after 3000 hours youd think it would be about 3.0 xDDD
so no, its not about fluffing KD, if you bothered to actually read what ive said Then by the time the enemy has rolled into your spawn you are either past the first spawn, or its completely over anyways.
as per the screenshots above, we had “lost” yet 3 of us respawning won us the game rather than just leaving
If its really that bad then why are you still actively playing?
- Game state isnt that bad, not compared to a few years ago.
- We have more decompression in ground now than ever before.
- maps whule having some areas removed and some arent that good, are absolutely not bad enough to justify leaving.
- Game modes needing an overhaul is a fair point, for being upset at gaijin, not ODLing.
So the ramifications of them doing that would be thusly.
- lose revenue due to the “loss” of so many premium players. (they are not definitely going to leave the game either you just assume so)
-Make the players who dont consistently ODL happier and more likely to spend money.
- Make lobbies more enjoyable and longer due to not having ODLers ruin entire matches by leaving.
You’ve no idea what it means to say that, rather than insult me in a fit like a toddler read what ive said properly.
No they just upset an even larger set of the playerbase by
- creating an auction.
-copy pasting more vehicles.
-ignoring mountains of bug reports-
-Ignoring weapon systems being proven incorrect.
hardly would it be pulling the plug on WT the game was fine before the absolute swathes of ODLers appeared and would be fine After it. its got literally hundreds of thousands of people online at any given time on multiple servers
So yeah, take a step back lad and actively read, ive already had a full conversation with @EddieVanHalo , where in I agreed with him that there are a multitude of issues within the game, not many of which actively are good reasons for ODLing.
OR you can just sit and try insult me lad. your choice.
yeah agreed man, I dont think its as simple as just implement a ban system for it as the game, now especially isnt constructed around it. (could try a multination crew lock?)
It isnt something I believe could be fixed overnight with one restriction or what not.
However there is more than enough insentive to actively participate in a game now, maybe seeing as they calculate actively, they could use a system based around active participation in the match to calculate rewards?
@An_Pigeon Since the quote attempt failed I’ll just tag you.
No, I didn’t take it personally. I’m speaking generalistically due to observations of behavioral and gaming patterns from people that always moan like lasses about ODL. Also, if you didn’t actually care about your own KDR you wouldn’t be moaning about ODL players, so by default you defeat your own stance.
I don’t play anywhere near as much as I used to, and the day a competitor comes out with another game like WT but is better in every single way I will be on my way for the final time, any sunk cost fallacies be damned. As for your bullet points - Small positive changes are good like decompression and the economy - However we still have massive BR compression issues. Additionally, making the maps smaller and more WoT style is always a terrible design choice, which is something Gaijin continues to do in a lazy, quarter-assed attempt to combat spawn-sniping.
You genuinely lack understanding. A nuking of over half the playerbase in such a short time is downright catastrophic. Those players? They will not come back. They will not make new accounts. They will proceed to use the very internet we play these games on to lambast Gaijin before the worldwide web. In other places where applicable, lawsuits will follow - They may not succeed but they will still occur. The revenue loss from such an event will not be recovered. The players that remain, even if they spend more, will not make up for the catastrophic financial loss, and the worldwide web will see what Gaijin has done and very few people if any at all will play War Thunder. They will not recover players or money, and War Thunder will spiral hard and be shutdown in 6 months, tops.
Which is precisely why Gaijin will never do such a clinically braindead thing. It’s the same thing as slitting their own throats just to see if their blood is red. Gaijin is damn foolish about a lot of things, but they’re not so foolish as to do something on THAT level just to please a small percentage of clueless dolts like yourself. And I say clueless dolt with as much respect as I can muster for you, which ain’t much.
Oh, I know exactly what it means to say that. You’re clinically insane to even suggest such a thing for Gaijin to do. It goes to show you’ve given no thought at all to what it entails and what would be the ramifications for such a thing. I could also say you’re clinically retarded in equal measure because you’ve given it no thought at all - Your argument is strictly emotionally-driven, after all. You have the gall to call me a child yet I’m not the one throwing half a tantrum because I kill people in the game and they decide to leave after their first death. If they do, they do. If they don’t, they don’t. I personally don’t care either way.
We’re not talking about the Auction, or bug reports, or inaccurate weapon systems here though. Yeah, those are also ongoing issues that need to be addressed but this thread isn’t to discuss those things in-depth. We’re talking in-depth about ODL here, so try to stay focused.
Yes, it quite literally would be pulling the plug on WT and I’ve already explained why. If you need to, reread response point #3 as many times as you need to so you can understand properly. As for me insulting you? Hardly, but if the shoe fits feel free to lace it up and take a walk. Between the old forum and the new forum I’ve dealt with your type more times than I can count, especially in regards to this topic.
Used to be like you and your crowd of people, too. " How dare they ODL this is a competitive game! I want my kills! The cowards! " That logic train isn’t logical and it’s a complete waste of time and energy. ODL people aren’t ruining the game no matter how you slice it. Respectfully, get your head out of your ass.
Cute flag, little yapper.
Whered you get this statistic from¿
The total overhaul of the economy was not a small change, it went from being incredibly difficult to find value in spawning more than twice in any given match.
No where near as bad as it was at all, in ARB after 11.0 definitely.
And GRB after about 10.3 definitely but no where near as bad as 6.3s seeing leopard 1!! (thats just an example).
What players, you think I mean ban the account straight away? cause i infact do not mean just flat out ban the person.
Extremely unlikely, IF they change the rules to suit what they are doing as was mentioned above reworking things. Then they very much can ban people for that.
Again got any actual statistics to back that up or you just firing that out there with only your word to back it up ?
That has literally nothing to do with why im annoyed at ODLing at all.
and having such a single minded, decided view on it shows more about your character than mine lad.
I want games to last longer for both parties involved my team and the enemies as its a slower more methodical match, more relaxing if you will
Oppose to earlier on As per said screenshots where we had to sweat our absolute trims out to get the win.
Behavioural patterns and gaming patters, well to measure them you have to compile an analysis of result over a lengthy period of time, to make a conclusive statement such as yours.
So maybe youd like to share those statistic with us? or are you done just stating facts that are no where near facts.
well, the maps with spawn sniping that got it removed are actually funner maps to get into better long range positions, not some cheap ass instant spawn camping spot that only a select few vehicle types could even get to ,never mind retaliate to.
the cut maps, as stated above I have been vocal in disagreeing with them, again if youd actually bothered to read before coming down here and insulting me and telling me I just wanna farm KD then youd actually have a far better stand point.
So why on christs earth are you here arguing with me?
Also the sudden defense of ODLing made me take a gander at your stats, gonna assume you ODL as well?
Due to saying htis on its own im not gonna bother with you. you’re nothing shy of a buffoon xD goodbye.
@Forum Moderators
Can you take a look at this since im apparently clinically retarded.
Not here to be insulted by someone who refuses to read further up the topic.
It’s called simple math. You never look at the total active players when you log into WT? You never looked at the total concurrent playercounts on Steam? Guess not.
It was many small changes before a big change, which was supremely positive. However, the game is still far from where it should be.
We still have aircraft with SARH getting smacked by Fox-3s, for one immediate example.
Then you need to specify between banning and suspending - Though it will ultimately have the same result either way. People will not play a game that dictates how they must spend their time or be punished.
Not when it comes into conflict with any state/countries established laws. See the whole issue regarding lootboxes.
Again, it’s simple math.
I’m being generalistic on it because it’s not necessary to nail down to brass tacks your ridiculous arguments. I don’t need to TryHard this because it’s not necessary. Your people are all cut from the same cloth, after all.
I have more matches and time in the game than you. Same goes for the forums. In total, I have more cumulative experience than you in playing the game, observing the game, observing and partaking in the old and new forums. Therefore I’ve had more time to observe the behavioral and gaming patterns than you, if you’ve even tried to pay any attention at all. It’s basic psychology when boiled down to brass tacks. It’s not even about statistics, per se.
Actually not really, because all of those maps got harder cut into 3 lane fights just like in WoT. It’s only further exasperated the issue.
Because I can because your argument is poor, from what I have cared to read since you’re not paying me to read every single response you vomit out. As for whether I ODL or not - Yes I do, when I feel like it’s worth my time more to move on and not spawn again.
Ah, yes. Running away because you know your arguments are pathetic and lacking all merit. Exactly as I expected.
No I just dont need to be insulted by someone with less brains than toes.
now bolt, Not wasting more time here with you.
Just to specify, you insult me, yet have not read a sinlge thing from further up the thread, where in I specified all of the issues you are insulting me over.
So again no.
Funny coming from the temperamental toddler who can’t form a cohesive, logical argument.
I don’t need to bolt anywhere. If my existence offends your tiny heart so much you can block me. Only hurts you, after all. I’ve won this fight for the hill.
Your cohesive , and logical arguments have been nothing but one, heresay, and two insults.
“Temperamental toddler” says the dude throwing insults out for absolutely no reason as someone has said something he isnt inclined to agree with.
You’re the one making a circus outhimself here.
You dont offend me, that would imply you actively annoy me. However you insulting other forum members with a vile insult, is not just, nor fair, as I cannot respond in kind without being muted.
So as per the rules of the forum, the next solution is to report you.
I wont block you to ignore you, im not a 14 year old teenager.
If you knew what bolt meant youd understand what im saying.
No, my arguments have been grounded and based on observations of behavior and patterns from years of playing the game whilst yours is purely emotional-driven and focused on only you and what you want. You’re a selfish little man and your posts in here have shown it. You’d demand Gaijin to spite over half the playerbase just to please you and your few fellows and never gave even a quarter thought to the ramifications that such actions from Gaijin would bring.
It goes to show you are petty, very small-minded and infinitely clueless. Exactly like the standard 3 year old toddler that throws some kind of tantrum over everything that doesn’t go their way. The only circus here is you and your ilk that demand Gaijin make genuinely insane changes.
Bolt as in what, run away because of the mods? I don’t fear them nor do I need to. Maybe you should, though.
If you don’t want to get called out for making braindead arguments then don’t make braindead arguments in the first place.
Whos throwing a tantrum? by all contextual uses of the word you are the one throwing one.
Not insane if implemented correctly.
No. that is not what the word means used in the context; You say im incoherant but all you have done is spout heresay with no actual factual basis to it.
And insults.
So again, whos throwing tha tnatrum.
Not a braindead argument at all, if you’d bothered to read the above discussion
me and @EddieVanHalo actually had a very thurough discussion, if you had an attention span long enough to use the slider and scroll up and read it.
EDIT: With that, I shant reply more, as one: its off topic and two: you are not worth the effort, id call you sir but that would imply theres a commodity of respect there. For you, I will say, goodbye.
You are. Your poor arguments show it.
There is no implementing correctly. If you expect Gaijin to turn War Thunder into League of Legends it lends all the more credence to clinical insanity.
You are incoherent, and now it’s becoming apparent that you can’t even use words in proper technical context, either. What, you can’t just speak plainly? It’s not hard.
I don’t care about your discussion with Eddie. It has no relevance to me and it doesn’t boil down to brass tacks, which is why I skipped it in the first place.
Yes, that’s right. Keep running.
Theres your true colours again, so you’re too niave to read up a short part to see how the discussion, points and arguments changed and evolved, would rather just insult someone.
“which is why I skipped it in the first place.” cant get over this, and you wonder why it makes no sense to you. f*** off xDD
Tell me , what words have been used in the incorrect context?
Sorry am I using words you don’t understand? xD
This is the same as going, “NUH UH YOU ARE WRONG” with absolutely no foundation.
I stopped putting across arguements when you decided to use a disgusting insult over nothing xD.
Mans hard over a forum, shut up and sit down you absolute roaster xD no ones running from you, just no one can be arsed with you, massive distinction yah pellet. If youd like to go back and fourth with insults like children, I suggest you message me.
If not I suggest you shut it xD
You talk about true colors yet I’ve not even begun to actually insult you in earnest for being the absolute drongo that you are. I’ve actually kept the kiddie gloves on for the sake of brevity, but they can come off at any time if you want to be treated like a big boy instead of a little one.
I also gave you plenty of chance to argue back yet you just decided to hyper-focus on me calling you out for your takes being clinically insane and retarded, because they are, because you put zero thought into what the ramifications for Gaijin would be if they implemented what you want. I’ve very easily laid down the foundation for why your argument sucks and in regular fashion you and your ilk find something irrelevant to hyper-focus on and waste time instead of formulating an actual response.
I could’ve left out the clinical business entirely and you’d still be here, dancing, wasting time. Your ilk are all the same, after all. You also keep saying you’re done engaging with me yet you come back again and again to try and have the last word, as if that scores some mark against me.
It doesn’t, though. I still own the hill while you’re running away with your tail between your legs.
This solution would also result in harsher punishment for players that are not so good in game like newbies or players that do not have mental capacity to fully understand what they should to do to outplay others resulting in driving those players away. Those players are present in every game and you have to take them into account because in most games those players are majority of playerbase. So we come back that simple solution is simply not possible to implement without unforeseen consequences. This solution would be against Gaijin’s greed and would deter players from buying premiums and those interested in modern stuff would probably not bother with even longer grind(as they would have to grind lineup first than grind modules on this lineup to be competitive). You can also see from past action from Gaijin that they want casual players in game because without them, game would die much faster. This is why Air RB is 16v16 so anyone has chance to get kills in high tier because it is such chaos.
It is also important to remember fact, that players not interested in map would not care about rewards being cut. As we can see in your screenshot, some player consider 9 minutes crew lock better option than trying to play map they hate. I personally do same on maps like Red Desert where gameplay is so boring that 9 minutes crew lock while watching YT videos is simply better option.