Solution to One-Death-Leavers / One-Death-Quitters Problem

Well, but that’s indifferent. If it’s an error and it’s solved, it’s still a solved error even if there are people who don’t like it, but that’s the problem of the person who took advantage of the error. It would be like a player finding a stone through which you can see and shoot without being seen, then they correct that hitbox error on the map and it no longer works, you can complain that before you could kill easily and now you can’t, but it is what it is, the solution of a error. It cannot be that realistic damage and penetrations are not put in because there are people who are going to complain.
Afterwards, if certain tanks must be rebalanced, then do it and that’s it, but everything from realism.

Look at time played at top left

You can’t punish the ODL players as the Game promotes this, through the purchase of Premium and GE Vehicles, what i would recommend is that people who purchase a GE or Premium vehicle get to have 3 spawns per match in the vehicles they have spent RL money on.

That way it wouldn’t have the need for ODL and at least they will respawn after the 1st death giving them 3 opportunities to make a difference.

For me its more of an old habit, as SL economy used to be an issue, that’s no longer is relevant anymore, but people are stuck in there old ways.

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If that happened, I fear that one premium vehicle players would go from being disliked and despised to be actively harassed in game.

That would be nice but it wouldn’t fix anything. Most people playing the game these day operate under the philosophy, that the most efficient way to grind is to play as many matches in day they can.

eople who purchase a GE or Premium vehicle get to have 3 spawns per match

Why is this a premium feature? Why can’t every vehicle gets more spawns?

One reason was not mentioned yet…

For Years when i saw that our team had no chance in winning, I just got a sniper vehicle, got myself a nice place in the woods and shot everything quite nicely that tried to make easy points and storm the spawn point. If there was no chance in direct attack, the sniper way some times did it. That still got me enough points and gave a chance to others to maybe turn around the game.

Since the Maps are fucked up with no go areas, the trees are spastic, sniping got impossible and everything is done to make it even easier for the stronger team to keep their advantage and attack everybody that just materialised at the spawn point, i first resented to one-spawns when i saw we were losing, not feeding the Enemy.

And then i stopped playing altogether. Just returning to the forum then and when to see if some changes were made that revert this, but no.
And as long as this is, you will have a problem with one-spawns.


Its a premium feature because GE Vehicles and Premium Vehicles are generally purchased with RL money, hence the additional 3 spawns, that would go for all GE and premium vehicles purchased, so you incentivize the purchase and reward the player as part of the package price

it would cater to all GE Vehicles and Premium purchase with RL money, id rather fight somebody who can spawn in 3 times then have to fight 1 Death leavers, regardless of which side there on

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It would just turn the entire game into a premium spam, which I’m sure snail would love and support as they don’t actually care for the gameplay, but you might as well give everything 2 spawns to promote respawning and double lineup options, people who like to spend money can buy backups.

It already is a premium spam to be honest, I’m focusing purely on the 1 death leaving mechanic and nothing else.

Punish people instead of reform current game system?
Bad Idea.

We’d better add more primium vehicles for back-ups.

And people never want to suffer-Humans basically remember the pain more than happiness.

If you force people not doing ODL, People will enjoy the moment when they overwhelm enemy team-but they will only remember the moments when they are overwhelmed by enemy team, So people will quit this game forever.

If people don’t have perfect deck for fight against enemy team, Then people can’t enjoy the battle with their deck.

Imagine enemy team spawned powerful aircraft for CAS but you can’t spawn any SPAA or fighter aircraft against enemy although you have enough spawn points(over than 900SP) because you didn’t researched or purchased them.

And Let’s suppose you have SPAA and aircraft, But It doesn’t mean that you can always resist equal or effective against enemy team because all nations don’t have F-16C, Pantsir at the same time(Some nations have worst SPAA or aircraft).

Well extending it to cover everything seems like a no-brainer, people are also wanting to play their favorite vehicle or spade a TT vehicle.

I would’ve supported this a year or two back but with the amount of low quality teammates (aka low lvl top tier players), it’s pointless trying to stay in the fight. At this point top tier us is just filled with clickbaiters where there are only two players that have an actual lineup.

Best solution is to separate low level premium players and high level players. Wouldn’t solve everything but would entice experienced players in staying in the game longer.