Solution to One-Death-Leavers / One-Death-Quitters Problem

interesting topic.

I don’t know if anyone has touched on this or not because I haven’t read everything, but

Maybe you can make a list of the reasons why people tend to quit, and then maybe try to fix it (you won’t fix it).

I think the main reason for leaving a match after 1 death is that it is easier to find a new game than to get back into position in the current match.

Especially since the maps often suck.

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I always play with lineups but ODL frequently because I can tell when the team I’m on is cooked and there’s no saving them.

I’ll have like 4 kills and get bombed, then look at my team and I’ve got 6-8 players who have already died 1-3 times with no kills or captures who have already left the match because they either fed their SP to the enemy or only have 1 premium and bailed.

So my choices are:
1: Spawn a plane and be miserably outnumbered and probably get shot down and lose a ton of SP while the rest of the team loses all the cap points and forces me to J out back to ground even if I win.
2: Spawn another ground vehicle and try to push through it only to be outnumbered and still getting bombed by the planes no one is addressing.
3: Leave and hope for a team that plays better than a dozen laptops running warthunder falling down an escalator.

Premiums create a lot of one-tank lineups, yeah, but the big problem is it puts people who have no idea what they’re doing in places they don’t belong. Yeah the standard stock grind is slow, but I’ve seen people who have put a full-time career’s worth of hours into this game and they still can’t use the map. You want to complain about teammates that won’t be on your team? Give me a break, there never was one.


if no one wants to play as a team then f them! And i FART in your general direction!


Don’t see a problem here

As long as tanks i face are 40 years more advanced than mine …buh bye

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Yes, and you can only dislike 4 maps (if I remember correctly) and you still get those maps even on dislike so…

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The fix for ODL is certainly not crew lock.Spending a fortune on advertising a game to get people to play it then physically preventing them from playing seems stupid beyond belief. The amount of times I have turned War Thunder off due to crew lock when I was actually enjoying the game overall.

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I think one of the reasons why we have seen an increase in ODL is Gaijins current map design ideas.

Smaller maps with semi exposed spawns means there is a fairly good chance for getting spawn camped a few minutes after the game have started, hell, i see more and more people who are actively ignoring objectives and are driving straight to enemy spawn.

there is no point spawning back in when the enemy all ready has the spawn surrounded.


The spawns points are an afterthought in this game,There really is no effort gone into spawn points in this game at all not even after 13 years.Just shows how much effort goes into squeezing cash from the game outside the game and how much interest Gaijin have in the actual game itself.

Spawn points need cover ,that is for sure.The need multiple exit points, maybe they could introduce an area at the spawn point where your tank crew become protected SPAA for a while or something ,so you can at least move off spawn without being obliterated from the air.

I find the forests on the Normandy map on one side of the map give far better protection than spawning on the other side for example.

we really need spawn to be a map width even if its to avoid traffic jams
I can tolerate being spawn camped so long as I can fairly fight my way off the spawn point and challenge the campers.If I could do that then I would complain less about both camping and ODL.

Time to make the spawn point a feature in the game rather than the afterthought. Maybe if Gaijin had of spent their time on this issue rather than the Auction they might be better thought of as a company.


Every map should have a minimum of 2 spawn locations.


Bro being worse than:
htler map


I can accept that the game and game play may change according to how many Caps we have and that gives us all variation ,which is nice or should be.It’s just the lazy way Gaijin go about it
As Creastroy says. Just slapped it any where with most of the map in outer space.Lame ,lazy and just screams “I spent all my development budget on the auction”

The main problem with ODL is that there are a lot of factors that make players do it. Maps that you don’t like, being killed unfairly because of the game, being killed by a plane, when you get killed there are only two teammates left on your team, because there is no teamplay, because you want good stats and you only use one tank, because you are angry at dying even if it is your own fault, because you are only interested in one tank and nothing else.
There are so many options that it really is a problem that has a difficult solution. The easiest is to punish those who do it, but here we come to a problem, ODL is done by more and more people and punishing it can lead to players leaving the game, and that is something that gajin is going to avoid no matter what, since it is clear that to keep people gaijin is capable of destroying his own game, hence the damage models are garbage and the maps are small, that is what most players want.
I already posted this a while ago, being a gaijin, what I would do would be to address the main causes that generate the ODL and that have some justification, such as small maps, the absurd damage model and update the penetration calculator to make it more realistic, also adjusting the bullets and volumetric armor, to avoid as much as possible the ricochets and damage that do not make sense. Once these causes are eliminated, I would focus on encouraging the use of more than one tank per game. With larger maps, I would make it so that either an entire margin of the map is a respawn, or in any case, make around five or six respawn points with some separation between them. Then I would make it so that when you take out a second tank you get 5% more credits and xp, adding 10% more when you take out a third vehicle. It would also be interesting if the SPAA earned a lot more credits and xp when used to shoot down planes, which sometimes give you a pittance. I’m sure that all this still wouldn’t solve the problem of ODL, since in many cases it is generated by the rage of dying soon, and that is something that can’t be avoided, and only the player himself must realize the mistake he made, how to try to avoid it, and above all get used to dying and that if in the game it goes badly, in the next one it might turn out better.


There are is seems some very quick fixes for ODL relating to Premiums.
The M51 as we know started Israel in the game and the player only had one tank at 6BR so to counter this Gaijin made the tank with 3 lives assuming you had the SP to respawn.
I personally loved this ,Great Idea. Got me up to speed on the vehicle and at the time new life at a higher BR.
Why could this not be standard on top tier packs? OK so Gaijin still make money and the ODL issue goes overnight.It maybe that they already have done this.Can anybody confirm if it is true?
There will always be reasons why some ODL, I do myself occasionally.We need to separate occasional ODL from game breaking ODL.
Game breaking ODL only seems to be a high/top tier issue

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If they introduced something like that I think people would just quit the game. Especially when you get crew locked after the server exits you from a match.


Maybe giving three respons to premium tanks would help lower the ODL even a little, mainly for people who want points and xp quickly, and it no longer makes sense to continue playing after losing the premium.

I do it mainly when I get bounces or absurd damage that causes me to die, that’s what I can’t stand the most about this game, even so in those cases what I do is stop playing for several hours.
What has made me do ODL sometimes is for the new tanks. When for example in some tech tree I finish with all the tanks from for example Br7.0 to 8.0, and at the same time they add a Br 7.0 or so, so many times I only use that vehicle and the SPAA.

I really don’t understand why they do so much ODL in the top tiers, since the ODL should be stable at least in almost all tiers, the only thing I can think of is because of the helicopters and especially the planes with bombs and guided missiles. Apart from the fact that the top tiers in the current gaijin maps must be something to assimilate, since tanks designed to fight from afar are constantly shooting at each other at 400 meters is a bit ridiculous. I haven’t played with practically all the tall tanks yet, but a friend of mine who has all the tanks in the game and we more or less have similar opinions about the game already tells me that it’s a waste.

I can only read the forum and see what claims are made about top tier as I rarely get to play it that much. People are saying ODL is about low tier players or brand new players buying a pack vehicle to go straight into Top tier and die once and forced to leave as they only have that one vehcile combines with little skill or crew skill. Like ARB which is only one life.

Give them 3 lives and they will stay on longer.

I don’t see ODL as an issue personally as I play below 7 mostly but then I am not seeing half the team gone after two minutes.
I have also won and enjoyed some every uneven games where we are outnumbered.

I think players are on the right track when they say much of it is about Gaijin making cash and not wanting to intervene and I say that with respect to Gaijin trying to run a F2P game. Gaijin should just interact more on here ,acknowledge a potential issue raised by the community and address the point ,even if they will not chage anything,even if they do not see it as an issue or even if they openly say the need to raise money. At least we would know.

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I personally think that it is a problem, not an extremely big one like the game bugs but something that would eventually be good to fix, since it is somewhat annoying to be resisting somewhere on the map and suddenly die because the enemy has surpassed you on the sides, and it is because in two minutes you are missing 60% of the team.

It’s funny, I’ve been playing tanks since they started, and only in the last few years have I noticed two things. One would be the ODL, which was uncommon seven or eight years ago. And the other is the changes in combat, for example your team gets crushed and suddenly you end up winning or the other way around, something I didn’t see before. Before it was simply a clear win or lose, or what was cooler, close matches in which you didn’t know who would win until the end, in which whether you won or lost you left satisfied.

That’s what I hate most about gaijin. I think it’s great that they want to make money, since they are a company and they have to live, but instead of making money by doing things right, they have decided to make money by using the desperation and indignation of the players, and the only thing that has made me feel guilty for only spending €5 on the game, and thinking that they don’t even deserve that.

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This is the big thing here.I have been to casinos,played Blackjack or Poker or the dog track, or horse racing.Won a bit , lost a bit or generally broke even but so long as I had a good time I didn’t care and that is what matters most.That is why I was happy with the Premium time and purchases but that did all change and quickly.

Are the public having a good time,that is the question because if they are not then the spending stops and that will ultimately effect Gaiin no matter how big they or the player base think they are.

Even the mightiest Empires can collapse very quickly.

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You shouldn’t be able to join a battle unless you have a minimum of 3 vehicles within a 3 tier range.

Disappointing to see people join a battle with 1 vehicle or a premium vehicle with reserve vehicles.

In either of those scenarios I know I’m on a losing team.

the major imbalance of anti aircraft means also have a huge impact on ODL.

when you end up in a team with no or crap AA capability and you see the aircrafts comes rolling in, you might as well just leave and save your sanity.

Gaijins inability or lack of will to balance something as important as this is staggering.

I know they say they are aware, but that doesn’t help the nations who have been bombed for many years and will continue to get bombed until Gaijins stop sitting on their hands.

And for those who say “just spawn in a plane”

A plane is ATLEAST 3 times the SP of an AA, and when you are on a team with limited AA, it normally means all the fun stuff is on the opposite team, so it’s a double whammy of neglect from Gaijins side.